Wifey and I have not Da'd yet - but know that may happen someday, only because I refuse to let them Df me without a word. So far I am playing a game of cat and mouse with the elders. Looks like about every three or four months they make a stab at trying to get me corraled for a 'little conversation'. I have just avoided them to date.
Jeff, I don't want to let them DF me, but since we are in another state, they can't really try to contact me either, can they? Would they announce that we are no longer JW's without even talking to us first? Would they do that just based on rumors? I would love to have a JC just to get some of this crap out in the open, but I don't get that confrontation with them because of my distance. I hate that they can talk about us and we don't get a voice. I guess I shouldn't let their games get to me though, huh?
I also like the idea of writing to the local paper, but I doubt it would be published. Maybe it's worth a try, thanks for that link. I would hate to write letters to individuals because I don't want to prove them right that I am an evil apostate out to damage their precious organization. I need a more subtle way to get the word out.
I guess my biggest problem is just that I can't stand the idea of being associated in any way with the Watchtower Society. At all. I just wonder if disassociating myself is worth the trouble. Thanks for all your replies.