And I've always thought that the English had such great senses of humour! I didn't expect - THE SPANISH INQUISITION!
JoinedPosts by cheezy
never seen so much hatred
by PMJ ini think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing god.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
never seen so much hatred
by PMJ ini think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing god.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
If I were a JW and I had doubts (can you imagine?!), I'd go ask the elders for guidance. When that brain-trust gave me the old double-shuffle, end-run, circular-reasoning run-around, why............ I'd............ uh.............. go.......uh.......... someplace like..... uh...... Jehovahs-Witness Discussion Forum...............
never seen so much hatred
by PMJ ini think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing god.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
OK, boys and girls, no name-calling or there will be a time out! Fluff whores indeed!
never seen so much hatred
by PMJ ini think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing god.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
i think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing God.i mean is this your purpose in life.
PMJ: This is not necessarily the place to praise God - it is a discussion forum about Jehovah's Witness policies, news and experiences. If you are looking for a place to praise God, there are a lot of those websites, I'm sure. You're like someone going into a Chinese restaurant and getting upset because they can't order lasagna.
If you are a sincere and devout JW then I can understand why some of the remarks on this forum upset you. But it also makes me curious as to why you are here.......? In my experience as a JW for 20+ years, the WTS would discourage strongly, if not disfellowship a baptized brother or sister for such an investigation of the Watchtower Society.
Your pal,
Cheezy -
Ever found yourself grown up?
by Sparkplug inmy mom is getting older, and we had a real thin ice relationship all of my life.
she is older now, and i have been stressing because she needs care, maybe committed.
her jw life left no room for planning for old age.
Hey Snoozy - is it correct that you are only 63? Whoa, girl, you gotta a lotta years ahead of you - and you're too young to be dependent on anyone. Cripes, I hope I don't even have to THINK about living with my kids - well, ever. You're only 6 years older than me. Step up!
Kingdom Halls . . . what to do when you leave . . . this is from KM
by garybuss in.
our kingdom ministry june, 2004 p. 3 announcements .
"in order to ensure the security of the kingdom hall, the last person to leave the building should lock the door.
"In order to ensure the security of the Kingdom Hall, the last person to leave the building should lock the door. . . " LOL.........I thought at first that this was an elegy for the entire bOrg……. "The last person to leave the Watchtower Society, please turn out the lights……” Ah, well……maybe in my lifetime………
Finally I'm In!!
by lookingfortruth2 ini have been trying to become a member of this site for weeks!
i started "lurking" soon after andersoninfo's big news.
i couldn't believe my timing!
Welcome, Looking. Just remember, you can't make a omelet without breaking a few eggs. And it will all turn out for the best - the truth really will set you FREEEEEEEEE!
College deletions?
by Collegegurl inaccording to our new co, elders nor their children are allowed to go to college.
my dad is being deleted.
evidently new material was presented at the elder school.
or you have here individuals that are exceeding their authority on their own initiative.
Sweet Jesus! Don'tcha know it happens all the time in officious, policing-type organizations - SS, military (Abu Ghraib)? And don't think the upper echelon doesn't know about it and tacitly condone it by a slap on the wrist or looking the other way.
These guys in the local congs are not Supreme Court justices - but they are given the rule books and sent out there to police the ignorant R&F - sometimes they have to shoot from the hip. At some point they have to interpret the "laws" to fit a specific situation. Is it any wonder they dork up the whole thing on a regular basis?
College deletions?
by Collegegurl inaccording to our new co, elders nor their children are allowed to go to college.
my dad is being deleted.
evidently new material was presented at the elder school.
But for some of the staunch Guardians among us a little overstatement--when done out of loyalty to the organization--is the right thing to do.
And they can always hide behind "imperfect men" if they get caught. However, if they are "caught" by the WTS, it will be wink wink nudge nudge - don'tcha know? -
The Lion and the Cricket
by Oroborus21 inthe lion and the cricket.
there is a story that goes something like this.
one day a powerful lion was walking upon the savannah and surveying his entire domain.
Which do you choose?