You're giving Bible too much credit to start with. Just think of the Flood myth, and how ridiculous it is and what does it tell us about Bible's credibility. It's nothing more than a really big thick propaganda mind-raping 'leaflet' whose message to its adherents is "beleive what's written here and you'll be part of the superior bunch because we're all good and they're all bad."
Read this to do away with Bible crap and it's fake 'authority':
Missquoting Jesus
Next, deprogram yourself of all the lies about science and evolution and ditch religion altogether:
The Blind Watchmaker
The Selfish Gene
Bottom line, read a lot, forget about so-called 'worldly views' and Watchtower lies.
Good luck and have fun learning..
JoinedPosts by FSMonster
Mankind's search for god / What is true from the bible?
by GBSJG inthe previous months i have done a lot of research about the wts and came to the conclusion that it is not the truth.
this however makes me think about what i still believe in.
is there a god?
Another 'Missing Link' Found
by FSMonster inthe fish that crawled out of the water
a crucial fossil that shows how animals crawled out from the water, evolving from fish into land-loving animals, has been found in canada.
read the full article here
That's correct, it's not a direct link to humans I am not sure where did you get that in the article? It's an intermediate form between acquatics and land dwellers. For example, Archeopteryx is an intermediate form between dinosaurs and birds. Scientists are extremely lucky to find any fossils but fortunately there's plenty to go around.
Another 'Missing Link' Found
by FSMonster inthe fish that crawled out of the water
a crucial fossil that shows how animals crawled out from the water, evolving from fish into land-loving animals, has been found in canada.
read the full article here
One or two incidents makes you dismiss over 100 years of fruitful work which time and again adds to this vast field of science. I wonder who will you expect to come up with cure to the H5N1 virus once it mutates? Oops, did I say 'mutate'? That's kinda bad, because the virus is actually evolving right before your eyes it's kind of hard to ignore unlike a transitional fossil. This 'fishapod' or another recent find, a snakepod (snake with legs), won't bite your ass but a rapidly evolving virus just might. Maybe you have a better explanation for the origin of life? Like, it all began some 6000 years ago... "LOL"
Another 'Missing Link' Found
by FSMonster inthe fish that crawled out of the water
a crucial fossil that shows how animals crawled out from the water, evolving from fish into land-loving animals, has been found in canada.
read the full article here
Unclebruce, No problems. I hope that the quotes should help onlookers realize that "missing link" in itself is a bad term to use. Even 'transitional forms' is not quite useful as we're all at present are 'transitional forms' to something else far far in the future. I hope. :-) But if some are insisting on finding the 'missing link' and archeopteryx isn't enough they should confront their cluelessness with this newest discovery.
Another 'Missing Link' Found
by FSMonster inthe fish that crawled out of the water
a crucial fossil that shows how animals crawled out from the water, evolving from fish into land-loving animals, has been found in canada.
read the full article here
The fish that crawled out of the water
A crucial fossil that shows how animals crawled out from the water, evolving from fish into land-loving animals, has been found in Canada.
by Terry infool me once; shame on you.... fool me twice; shame on me.. we've all heard that one before.
it implies that being fooled is everybody's susceptibility until more facts are presented which enable more critical thinking.. critical thinking is something you aren't born with.
it takes lots of practice.. and anything humans want to learn requires many tries.
I WANT to believe. That's the answer, in short. We're still smart animals and our lives are steered by hidden instincts burried deep in our psyche.
"We have TMS/KM tomorrow night. I have the talk on "Profanity" , anyone want to help me write it?"
Holy Crap! Feels kinda weird to meet someone who's still doing the talks and shit. Here's your opening statement:"What the [beep] am I still doing here?" Have the sound brother do the beep at the right moment, and then you built on that. -
I have a Question?
by Third Eye Open inhi everyone, i am supposed to meet with an elder tonight.
i met several times with him before going over questions (my mother thinks he will restore my evil thinking).
anyway we have already gone over all of the basics (1874,1914,607 no answer for this one, the un and everything else).
I really loved your opinion on Bible in general, it really IS a load of crap (no offense to nobody intended).
But even if it ain't crap, Watchtower literally butchered the Bible with its own 'translation', if we can even call it that. You should've asked the elder why is the name 'Jehovah' inserted in the New Testament (WT New World Translation) where it doesn't even exist. Even the big green book the elder recommended to you confirms it! The explanation is something about error in the originals, bullshit.
As for trinity, I don't like the idea but you know, from the Bible, you can argue either side easily. I'm not a believer but this website has a pretty good article that would, if I were a believer, easily convince me into accepting trinity:
These arguments are just as good if not better than WT. Btw, you don't have to really forsake spirituality, but don't let any religion imprison your mind.
Good Luck. -
Myths of the 'scientific method' exposed
by Shining One in .
an excerpt from the article: .
"science employs the scientific method.
Shining One:
You are forgetting one important detail: this is a website for and by ex-jw's. Having been one myself (spent several years as a drone) I have the advantage over you of having bought all the usual arguments for creation that Watchtower so eagerly borrowed from the ID movement. They even quote Micheal Behe in their 'Creator' book ("Is There A Creator Who Cares About You" - by WTBTS). I have been firmly where you are right now. If fact, I used to argue some of stuff you mention almost word-for-word because I got it from similar sources. I was a good parrot...
So one of the fundamental, gross missunderstanding that I was so privy to was that 'science is just another religion' and its findings are based on faith. And you actually have the nerve to bring in the 'bias'? I see bias as a defining word of a religious mind. It's a must!
You see, I like the word 'doubt' myself. Doubt is the basis of all scientific progress and it's a prerequisite. Peer review and meticulous scrutiny, not dogmatism.
I must admit though, this is not something you could 'read up' on in a week. Believe what you wish, it's your business but if you're desperate to reconcile your faith with contradicting stream of ever-increasing scientific data favorable to evolution, then perhaps you need to re-examine your spirituality. -
i am new
by lunarlara ini have been studying with the jw for just over 3 years.i have always believed in god and the bible.
the path my life took ended up with me being a single parent of 4 children.. the jws led me down the path of the "truth".
my grandmother disowned me and i just couldnt understand why.i was told that satan was lurking round every corner trying to get me away from god.
Good for you Lunar you are so lucky to have heard 'rumors' first. This is what I'm curious about: how did you hear and what was it, before using internet for researching all the dirt on jw's?
Good Luck.