Bud Very well said.
JoinedPosts by leftbelow
Why we must obey the F&DS - according to this "brother"
by bud2114 insome may have seen this tid-bit being passed around in certain jw email circles.
a "deeply concerned" jw relative (who knows i have soured on the whole jw thing) emailed this to me in hopes that it would improve my attitude.
at first i was just going to thank them for their concern and for the "encourgaging" email, but then i decided i must respond to this.
What did you think in -95?
by Samuel Thorsen inwhen i first read about wts having "new ligth" on the 1914-generation issue in the newspaper i was shocked.
(some evil apostates had been helpful and informed the paper weeks before i got my november issues of the wt.).
my thoughts was.
I just figured I was to stupid to understand it and in time someone smarter then me would help me to understand. Looking back I never really did understand what they were trying to say and then again maybe they didn't understand what they were trying to say either.
Do you think the guys in the Governing Body belive in the Governing Body?
by Samuel Thorsen ini presume they do.
they are probably so intoxicated by their own power that they belive in the never ending rubbish.. or am i wrong?
is there other reasons to stay on the top of the hill?.
Years ago I believe the GB thought they were Gods tool for acomplishing his purpose on earth. You had Knor the great organizer and Franz the theologian. But in truth today all they are is a more powerful Body of Elders. They have elders meetings nothing more nothing less.
Cross is a pagan symbol, watchtower is a pagan symbol too
by Noelle inyou all jehovah witnesses that said jesus didn't die on a cross but on a stake your wrong because the romans were pagans and what better way to crucify someone than on a pagan symbol.
i have a fact that you need to listen to as well, the watchtower which you symbolize is a pagan symbol as well.
oh no how can that be you ask, well let me tell you.. in ceremonial magic and some traditions of wicca and neopaganism, the four cardinal points are believed to have spiritual guardians called watchtowers.
Noelle: Great thought about the Watchtower being a pagan symbol I have thought about doing the research but never took the time.
dito Sirona
"Guided by God's Spirit" - What should be on the program?
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay, so the surprise has been spoiled about what's on the program and the releases.
i was just thinking what should have been on the program, but got .
maybe a little too obvious would be the public talk title:.
"Guided by God's Spirit"- "Meeting the Challenge of Poor Comunication with God" or "What to do when you Misunderstand what Jehovah Means"
You leave the Borg., your spouse stays in. Does marriage become hell?
by Hiddenwindow infor those of you with such experience, how difficult was your marital life after you left the wt?
There have been good and bad days. She has come to the realization I will not be returning. She goes but more for social reasons then anything else. But each situation is diferent. To tell the truth I think it forced us to talk more then we did before.
July 15, 2008 Watchtower study edition PDF
by song19 in.
Thanks song19
Are You a Closet Apostate Weenie?
by Farkel inyou count 10 hours per month but havn't even mentioned your beliefs to a non-dub in years.. you underline your study articles at random and write fake notes in the margins.. you smoke joints to get through meetings, field service and assemblies.. you're secretly banging an elder's wife.. you stuff monopoly money in the contribution box.. you keep your eyes open during prayer and giggle.. when everyone else says "amen" at the end of a prayer, you whisper "what bullshit.".
you have a copy of crisis of conscience in a box buried in your back yard.. you play with an ouija board and watch smurf cartoons when no one is around.. you think "thriller" was the great music video ever made.. you read comic books in the kingdom hall bathroom during meetings.
when questioned about your long time spent in the bathroom, you whisper "i'm constipated.
Thanks I needed that Very funny
Anyone else having this problem with Witness Friends and Relatives
by Evidently inthey are all over me with all of these "end of this system of things" signs......earthquakes, cyclones, pestilences, cost of food to lead to food shortages, blah, blah, blah....did they make an announcement at the kh that "this is it!!
" they say that we've never had all of these things happening all at once like we've had the past few weeks...... .
Yeah I am getting this same thing coming from all directions. I just stoped answering the phone and in some cases the door at my house as well.