Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
That's how it goes,
Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
Ev'ryone knows.
They all suppose what they want to suppose
When they hear...oom-pah-pah!!
Posts by Clam
What's your favourite line out of a song?
by lfcviking inhere's a couple of mine;.
"eleanor rigby, waits at the window wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" eleanor rigby - thebeatles.. "there's a hole in my soul, you can see it im my face it's a real big place" feel - robbie williams.
Are You Watching Football Today?
by snowbird inif you are, which game?
i'm watching dallas/st louis.. sylvia.
Queens Park Rangers v West Bromwich Albion.
cutting off
by John Doe inwhen someone cuts you off in traffic, what is the best option?.
california howdyimaginative cursingunimaginative cursingwaving fistchasing vehicle into ditch and then setting on firechasing vehicle into ditch mooning while passingflick a booger on windshieldsay "oh dideley okey thing, fick a fuddelly foo!
praise jesus!
I'd opt for 10 - laugh maniacally. I'd leave it at that because I'm currently halfway through a series of ritualistic murders where I'm incorporating the theme of the seven deadly sins. I couldn't really afford to let a trivial road rage incident draw attention to myself.
Jehovah's witnesses
by tonerlungs inhi everyone.. i am here to look for others who are disgusted by the watchtower pushers like i used to be.
this cult makes me sick.
my whole family is in this cult and it is ruining my life..
Beegee welcome to you too! Great to have you here and of course you're correct.
Deaconbluez by the way is being ironic. It's common here to quote the rubbish from the Watchtower as a way of turning their own words on themselves. They dig their own grave so to speak.
Jehovah's witnesses
by tonerlungs inhi everyone.. i am here to look for others who are disgusted by the watchtower pushers like i used to be.
this cult makes me sick.
my whole family is in this cult and it is ruining my life..
Welcome Toner Lungs
I am here to look for others who are disgusted by the watchtower pushers like i used to be.
That's easy, there's thousands of us.
I was late to the joke thread yesterday...
by RisingEagle intyrone started an outstanding thread yesterday, but i was late (again).
here are some submissions for 1/2 credit.
two blondes living in oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking, and one blonde says to the other, 'which do you think is farther away ... florida or the moon?
Eating Out and Spiritual Food Poisoning
by Clam inspiritual food is available through a variety of outlets.
i once visited a restaurant called the organisation.
it had been recommended to me by a family member.
Thank you for your replies folks, and staying in the theme of the thread so to speak.
CoCo yes lovely new kitchen now. I'm just off to visit it for tea and cake. Then I'll be back to eat of the board of knowledge. For truly since I hath done this, mine eyes are opened and I truly now know both good and evil.
Eating Out and Spiritual Food Poisoning
by Clam inspiritual food is available through a variety of outlets.
i once visited a restaurant called the organisation.
it had been recommended to me by a family member.
No Avengers, all I can remember is that it was nutty.
Eating Out and Spiritual Food Poisoning
by Clam inspiritual food is available through a variety of outlets.
i once visited a restaurant called the organisation.
it had been recommended to me by a family member.
Spiritual food is available through a variety of outlets. I once visited a restaurant called The Organisation. It had been recommended to me by a family member. The Organisation operates a carvery system where one can basically eat as much as one likes for a set price. The price usually isn't disclosed until way into the meal. Although the portions were generous, huge in fact, the combinations didn't really work. Some things simply conflicted with others. I complained.
What happened? The Maitre d' asked me to leave. "Leave?" I exclaimed. "Yes, we know there's nothing wrong with your food. In fact it's prepared by chefs who are truly inspired. The problem is with you."
So I was ignominiously ejected. Did I go somewhere else? No I didn't. I found it a lot less trouble to prepare my own food. Then I noticed that it's possible to go without if you prefer. The spirit doesn't seem to require food, especially when it's had a bad experience of poisoning.
I want to live ...
by compound complex init's not so much that i wanted to die; i simply did not want to live.
the hope of living forever - while an impetus to my strained level of endurance of trials in "the present system of things" - frequently seemed insufficient to bolster my flagging spirit.
yet wasn't my own loving and generous earthly father, who never failed me in any respect, an example of what jehovah himself would do for me - even if i must wait a bit longer?.
CoCo I'm very much enjoying your thoughts, thank you.
Your style of expression is exquisite, Cowardesque I might say. Do you prepare drafts seated at a bureau, resplendent in smoking jacket and with a gin and tonic nearby?
Bless you