Topics Started by Clam
Just visited ex-Mormon site
by Phizzy infor some reason i thought i'd have a look see at an ex-mormon site.
very similar experiences, difficulties, pain etc for them , as us.. one girl made a statement that really stood out, she said that for a born-in , especially one whose family had been in for years , it was like " losing citizenship in a country that contained all of your history, all of your culture, and all of your heritage.".
i think that is so true, we leave and are immigrants in a strange land and culture that we know nothing about, no wonder it takes us a while to adjust..
Long time Lurker, ready to join in...
by Blackbird Singing inhi all, i'm a long time lurker, ready to join in and add my two cents worth now and then!
i was in the religion for 25 years, out now for 8, along with my husband, daughter, and son!
i would have to say pretty much the whole time i was in i didnt want to be, pretty much "dreaded" all aspects of it, meetings, service, assemblies, and talks, i hated talks, man o man would i be grouchy the whole week i had a scheduled talk.. we didnt have much family in, but lots of friends and many jw employees, pretty much lost all that, down to just one jw employee left(thats a good thing).
Jesus' parousia started in 1975, Governing Body selected as Faithful and Discreet Slave and Evil Slave dealt with by 1980, and Armageddon arrives in 2015?
by JWB injesus' parousia started in 1975, governing body selected as faithful and discreet slave and evil slave dealt with by 1980, armageddon arrives in 2015?.
it seems to me that some new light needs to be generated if the governing body (gb) of jws is to be considered as the faithful and discreet slave (fds).. .
(a) gb needs to be around as an entity when selected by jesus during his parousia.
My first own thread on here. Woken up and still in :(
by Gefangene ini have been around in this forum a lot but haven't written much yet.. also i had a more or less rude awakening when i realized that the religion i grew up with, the religion i sacrificed a lot for and considered to be the 'truth' is nothing but mere bs.
it's quite a brick to digest.. my parents both are jws, elder and pioneer.
very good people but also very brainwashed.
Why I appreciate this place
by mythreesons insomeone asked in another topic essentially what is your purpose in being here?
what do you plan to accomplish?
i thought i would start this topic as a result of that one.. i personally don't think i can 'change' anybody by being here...but the way i see it, this forum gives me a place to vent.
Telling family about "new light"
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay, now it's my turn to start a thread about the gb/fds "new light" now that it's been well covered by many threads.
i've noticed that a few have brought this subject up with dub family who accepted wt "new light" without objection, saying that it "made sense" for the fds to only be the gb.
so i have an idea of how to bring this up with my family in such a way that will highlight that this doesn't make sense... at all.. and the timing of this whole thing is incredibly convenient for me since it wasn't that long ago that this came up with my parents and i said that the wt interpretation of the fds in matthew was out-of-context and flawed.
The "Domestics" now include the Great Crowd
by RubaDub injust got off the phone with an old friend who attends the annual meeting every year.. in addition to the fds changes, the domestics now include both the remnant and the great crowd.. seems like an easy way of minimizing the importance of those who partake of the emblems today.. rub a dub.
Are Bane, Alice and Mad
by thenoblelodge inare bane, alice and mad in competition with each other to see who can get the longest thread going.. i think mad is in the lead.
Great News: Beavis & Butthead Are Coming Back!
by minimus inmtv announced that mike judge is making some new beavis & butthead videos that will pretty much be similar in style to the original series except that some content will be updated like the boys' viewing lady gaga videos on mtv and making all sorts of snide remarks.. were you into beavis & butthead??
i was!!