I supose it is possable someone said that at one assembly, but I dn't believe that it would be anything from the gov body. To them, baptism is the one thing they want all JWs to engage in, so they become truly a part of the org. If they just let people walk around, sort of take it or leave it, there would soon be a lot less baptisms, and a lot smaller organisation.
Posts by alanv
Teaching committee
by IMHO ina friend told me something recently that i thought was a bit strange.. aprrarently at a recent circuit assembly it was sai:.
"we have an announcement from the 'teaching commitee'; you don't have to stay in your seats during the baptism".
two strange points actually the reference to the "teaching commitee" and the change of "policy" in not having to sit and watch the baptisms.. any thoughts?.
Just Sharing: I Visited Chuck Taze Russells Gravesite
by daringhart13 injust nothing more than a 'share'..... i was in pittsburgh on business and took a day off and paid a visit to russells grave.. i haven't stopped laughing since.
i'm worried i'm going to break ribs.. had i seen this as a young kid/adult.....i surely would have thought "wtf???".
folks...if you ever needed confirmation this whole thing is a laughable cult......make your way to pittsburgh and see chuck's resting spot.......its worth it just get pictures with his pyramid.. lol.
This is one of the reasons that the society have distanced themselves from Charles Russell. They now say that the gov body was only around from 1919 onwards, so anyone who said anything earlier than that was not representing God and did not have his spirit backing them.
So I think now that any of us who expose Russell's words and deeds, will not get anywhere with a JW, as he is now not thought of now as anyone special. Just one of many who had certain ideas about the bible. Some things he said were true and other things were complete rubbish.
Jehovah's Witnesses dismayed by new magazine format from Watchtower Society.
by Balaamsass inwow.
i was surprised this week by calls from active jws complaining about the new magazine format, and more begging for money from the platform.. frankly i was surprized by this reaction since this is old news to jwn members.
i guess actually shuffling to the bookroom and grabbing the new "awake tracts" minus the inside cover forward ...awakened many sleepy, catatonic, bored jws who never read the things or go on the internet anyway.. any feedback from other areas?.
All I know is that it is so much easier being a JW these days than 30 years ago.
Less time spent at the meetings, less time spent as a pioneer, half size magazines (so much less to read,) No Friday night at the circuit assembly, 3 days at the district assembly instead of four. Hey maybe I shouild rejoin. Only joking lol
I was wondering why there were no comments on the 'friends' section for you. It's because you have all the welcome messages on this topic instead. So welcome from another fellow brit. The more that leave the org, the easier it becomes to help those still stuck in it. Let's hope your family see the light and come round to speaking to you again.
All the best.
WT QUOTE: The Authoritarian Governing Body
by Darth Rutherford inhere is another priceless quote from the watchtower:.
review some of the ways paul appealed to the consciences of those he served.
he sought neither prominence, praise nor power over them.
You're correct. That is exactly what the governing body say. They expect blind obediance from the sheep. Even if a witness disagrees with something that is said or written, they still have to obey.They certainly do not care what others think of them because they feel they have been appointed by God.
Video of the Annual Meeting / new FDS understanding on JW.org
by cedars ini apologize if this is old news or has already been discussed, but i notice the society has posted a video commenting on the annual meeting and the adjusted understanding of matthew 24:45 on jw.org.. here is the link.... http://www.jw.org/en/news/events-activities/video-clip-2012-annual-meeting-program/.
Thanks Cedars, the thing that really annoys me when you hear about a 'new truth' is that they never admit they got it wrong before, and now they have this new view on the FADS. Every time they change something, they speak as if is the totally new true meaning. Then some years later they change it again, and still say this is the true meaning of this.
All they ever do is guess and hope it turns out ok for them.
They came knocking
by goddidit injust had a couple of jdubs at the door.
woman in 60's and guy looking mid-30s.. chatted for awhile but didn't let it get too deep cos i know it's pointless.
got the usual, expected, uneducated comments.. i made my sceptical, scientific views clear.. exchange email addresses with the woman (guy didn't have one) and emailed her an invitation to continue the discussion by email.. what do you think my chances of a reply are?.
Well bare in mind she can count her time while writing emails, which is probably why she agreed to it. It should be quite fun for you, providing you can use the societies own quotes that show how they are a false religion. Maybe ask her comments about this statement they have made or that statement. Probably need to keep their statements fairly recent, otherwise she will just call it old light. If you just say to her that it is just what you think, she will pay no attention to it whatsoever. Have fun and let us know how you get on.
2013 January Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in.
2013 january our kingdom ministry.click the link in the blue box by the blue arrow..http://www.sendspace.com/file/oo2c6k..click the link below and when the next page appears click slow download..http://www.fileswap.com/dl/vkqa8zbgwd/...click the link below and when the next page appears look to your left and click the link thats says (2013 january okm pdf.http://www.fileflyer.com/view/7pzmmbg...atlantis
Really interesting that there are no highlights in this issue. For several months the highlights section has been an absolute joke. Check back and see yourselves if you want a good laugh. It maybe they have realized that it is doing more harm than good to show there were 5 extra people out in some small island in the middle of the pacific. lol.
I shall be watching future moths with interest.
by raymond frantz ini just came back from the meeting .although the local announcements have been abolished recently as an item for the second part , an elder came on the platform to announce that the society needs more money and there is a letter on the noticeboard for all the congragation to read to this effect.
although the announcement was read half heartedly (this elder's daughter is an apostate ,it looks like he knows what's going on) the implictions are dramatic .
the society in brief,requests any brother or sister with funds sitting on personal accounts to loan them to the society ,he didn't go into any specifics but i will take a picture of the letter next time and make it available here .. i'm not amazed that they're asking for money ,i thought it will happen sooner or later .what i'm amazed is that 99% of the congragation are oblivious to the financial crisis that the society finds itself these days and the reasons why .i can see the future now .the watchtower will be the fist part of the babylon the great to go down in a blaze of scandals and financial troubles !.
awatcher I do respect your view, but what is it you feel makes them special. They have 100% failure rate when speaking about the future. Their child abuse policy is woefully inadequate. They chose to suck up to the UN while in their literature they call it a wild beast and Christians should keep well clear of it. They have been saying we are in the last days for 130 years, and yet the world is in a much better situation than it was 130 years ago. The good news they spread is that soon God will destroy 7,000,000,000 people on the earth but that is ok because they deserve it.
More and more they are asking for money from their members with special litersture available to show how you can leave anything to the Watchtower when you die, rather than your loved ones.
Not exactly enticing is it to join these clowns.
by raymond frantz ini just came back from the meeting .although the local announcements have been abolished recently as an item for the second part , an elder came on the platform to announce that the society needs more money and there is a letter on the noticeboard for all the congragation to read to this effect.
although the announcement was read half heartedly (this elder's daughter is an apostate ,it looks like he knows what's going on) the implictions are dramatic .
the society in brief,requests any brother or sister with funds sitting on personal accounts to loan them to the society ,he didn't go into any specifics but i will take a picture of the letter next time and make it available here .. i'm not amazed that they're asking for money ,i thought it will happen sooner or later .what i'm amazed is that 99% of the congragation are oblivious to the financial crisis that the society finds itself these days and the reasons why .i can see the future now .the watchtower will be the fist part of the babylon the great to go down in a blaze of scandals and financial troubles !.
a watcher, I know you mean well, but firstly those clowns do not represent Jehovah, and secondly Christians are not under the laws to Israel any more. By giving them money all you are doing is help postpone the day when they can no longer operate.