Interestingly the 2016 service report shows Taiwan had a 4% increase last year at 9582 regular publishers.
Posts by alanv
Knock knock."Who's there? Two elders!!
by Darkknight757 inso today was a cold and snowy day in my neck of the woods and the wife and i were just chilling around the house waiting to go to the church tonight for a candle lighting service when lo and behold we get a knock on the door.
yup, 2 elders from my old hall.
i figured they were fishing for some time so i invited them in and gave them some coffee and we talked about everything that happened and why we walk away from the jw's.
JWs target Syrian refugees. 40 already converted.
by usualusername1 in
i could not post video.
this was the best i could do.. paul.
The uptake...
by Thisismein1972 inwith recent events pointing at watchtower growth, i felt compelled to say a few words.. if the figures turn out to be true, then we should not be discouraged.
after 9/11 there was a surge in, not only the watchtower, but other demonisation of organised religion.
whenever there is a a paradigm shifting event that puts fear into others, this tends to have a life changing affect on an individual.. now let us zoom to the present.
Child abuse case news
by SkyGreen in
I guess the latest WT killed any hope of US jws growing beards.
by Crazyguy inin my area i'd guess 30% of the men maybe more have some kind of beard.
this craps gotta wake up somebody still in!.
Organizational Accomplishments—Haiti After the Earthquake
by wifibandit inorganizational accomplishments—haiti after the earthquake video will be considered the week of december 26, 2016. youtube.
OMG! The JWs have hijacked the internet!
by Wild_Thing infound this awesome website where you can type two things in and compare anything in a nice neat little chart.
so, just for kicks, i typed in jehovah's witnesses vs. mormonism ... and look!
who the hell gave them the information for jws???
Major Doctrinal Changes Must Be On The Way
by notsurewheretogo inthe statement in the article "who is leading gods people today?
" in the feb 17th study edition of the wt is very interesting.. it states: ""the g.b.
is neither inspired nor infallible" ..we can err .in doctrinal matters....".
It is not the first time this has been said. They regularly tell the sheep that the governing body are God's reps and should be obeyed. But to cover themselves, every now and and again they say that they are not inspired or infallible.
So just same old, same old as far as I am concerned.
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Some recent baptism figures in the UK - is there a "bounce back"?
by freddo inwell, round my way (south of the uk) all the way up to and including the regional conventions this summer, baptism numbers have been extremely low.
but i have just received news of three recent circuit assembly days where the figures seem to be higher.
(all have been across the last three weekends at a uk assembly hall in october).