Thanks for comments guys. I just thought it was interesting that they still think humans have been around for 6000 years. Add the 1000 year reign to that and that makes it 7000 years. So are they still saying a creative day is 7000 years long? I thought they scrapped that idea when recently the magazines have called it aeons of time, rather than a specific period of time.
Posts by alanv
January 2013 Watchtower. Interesting comment re 6000 years
by alanv injust had a quick read through the new 16 page edition of the watchtower, and noticed an article about able who was adam's son.
the article said in part.
abel speaks to you today.
PBS America - Jehovahs Witnesses. Did anyone see it last night?
by not bitter inthere was a show on about jw's 11.30 last night (uk time).
i recored it, only watched 20 mins of it so far and its seems very pro jw.
did anyone else watch?.
Yes I saw it in the UK. Unfortunately it only tells the positive side of being a witness. Nothing about the harm, the deaths, the broken families etc. There was a programme about the Mormans on befor it, and what I saw of it, showed both sides, the good and the bad.
January 2013 Watchtower. Interesting comment re 6000 years
by alanv injust had a quick read through the new 16 page edition of the watchtower, and noticed an article about able who was adam's son.
the article said in part.
abel speaks to you today.
Just had a quick read through the new 16 page edition of the Watchtower, and noticed an article about Able who was Adam's son. The article said in part. Abel speaks to you today. Can you hear him? You might say that such a thing is impossible. After all, this second son of Adam died a long time ago. His remains are long lost, mingled with the dust of nearly 60 centuries. So the society still think we have not got to 6000 years. Many of us were around in the 1970s when 6000 years was apparently just a few years away. Now 40 years later, they say we still have not got there. It would be intersting to see a current chart from the society and compare it with what was published in the 'Life Everlasting' book in the late 60s. Where was the mistake made in that old book, if we still have not got to 6000 years now in 2012?
Lots of Good News everybody!
by OneDayillBeFree inyou know one of the reasons why some witnesses decide to stay inside is to help others wake up and leave as well, and although this hasnt been exactly a goal of mine, it was something i'd ponder every now and again.
and we all know that it is not easy to get to jw's when they are fully mind controlled.
but i'd like to tell you guys what's been happening with brothers and sisters without the help of others who know ttatt.... so last night i got a phone call from a brother who's a good friend of mine whom i've talked about in the past here.
Thanks for that oneday. Yer you are right, it does give us hope. Those of us who have family in have to tread so carefully so as we do not allienate then completely. There is so much going wrong with the org at the moment, I'm sure most of us cannot understand why witnesses stay in. Let's hope many more walk away and start a new life of freedom as we have done.
The Very Latest Candace Conti vs. The Watchtower News
by God_Delusion inwe all saw this coming -
As i commented directly on Ceders article, the society have no trouble not telling the truth about their finances. They use theocratic war strategy. If they think someone does not deserve the truth, then they will withold it and say something different. They view it as a war against Jehovah, and they must win it what ever it takes.
Latest magazines
by snare&racket ini read the latest magazines, paticularly the awake on higher education.
it has been some years since i read the magazines and i was gob smacked.
there is clearly a new approach in writing.
Well at least from Jan 1st the public magazines will be reduced to 16 pages each
Can the Borg close down a Kingdom Hall because of low attendance?
by Heartofaboy inthe land for our hall was given to the congregation by a local brother.. the contribution box was overflowing with gifts of money from the brothers & sisters in the congregation when they knew we were going to have our 'own' hall at last.. we built it ourselves with help from brothers & sisters that donated their time & skills.
we had a small loan from the borg to help us finish the project & this was paid off very quickly.. that must be 25 years ago now.. we were told by circuit overseers we would be blessed if we had our own hall & that the fine witness would bring many people in to the 'truth'.. it didn't.. we were never a big congregation, however when attendance went down to below 30 a couple of years ago, the circuit overseers wanted to close the hall down.. the elders protested & the hall is still being used.. can the borg close down a kingdom hall they haven't built & keep the proceeds?.
why doesn't it belong to the people that paid for it?.
Thanks for that Quendi. Very interesting. So presumably if a congregation is geting good attendance, the hall is safe from the societies hands.
Are you saying any time the local cong wants to borrow any money from the society, maybe to build a bigger hall, they can as long as the societies name goes on the deeds.
Do you know approx what percent of kingdom halls would have the societies name on the deeds?
UK Hospital Drama Features Blood Issue This Evening
by cofty inholby city this evening, starts in 20 minutes.. .
"mo and jac are divided over a medical dilemma involving a jehovah's witness who insists on having a bloodless operation - but it soon becomes clear that is not the only problem ...".
For those in UK that have not seen it, you can catch up with it on the I player until Monday night
Babylon the Great book - This really is the truth! No one could make this up.
by VM44 inan experience told at the october 2, 2010 annual meeting.. sarah: she was raised in the truth by her mom in california, but a turning point was when she was 11. she had planned on just swimming and taking it easy that summer, but her mother suggested that she should read one of the older publications, and she chose babylon the great has fallen.
after working through some heavy-duty prophecies, she recalled thinking, this really is the truth!
no one could make this up.
It's funny, that was probably what made me realize how wrong the religion was. The society decided that certain bible time lengths applied to various assembies somewhere, and also the 7 plagues on mankind where they have a go at everybody apart from JWs.
Is any one paid in the organization?
by ecuador inhi, i am learning about jws, and would like to know if any of their leaders, circuit overseers, district overseers, etc.
are paid.
also, who owns the kingdom hall buildings and furnishings in them?
The Watchtower leaders although only having a small money allowance, get everything paid for them. They get free accommadaion, free utility bills, free health insurance, free car and free worldwide holidays. Plus they are given 'green handshakes' fairly regularly.
Certainly not living in any poverty.