It really does bring the point home though not bitter. If anyone had any doubt about the way Watchtower deals with things, your scenario made it totally obvious what they often do is terrible.
Posts by alanv
Especially for Cedars - My Cunning Plan. Or maybe not
by not bitter inuntil the conti case came to light, i was not aware of the extent of child abuse going on in the org.
and i was completely unaware of the jw policies on these matters.
i read their offical policy on child abuse on and was gob smacked to say the least.
Could the angel be Jesus @ new watchtower Earthly organizational sheet
by Gorbatchov inquestions raised in some topics about the absence of jesus in the new watchtower / gods "earthly" organizational sheet.. the illustration shows an angel, who could be jesus.
in a watchtower article from 2010 i found a jesus who looks.
similar to the angel in the organizational sheet.
wasblind said Who wanna bet the WTS is usin' this site to get ideas Haha that is so true. You can just hear them saying 'yeh lets try that, this time'
Could the angel be Jesus @ new watchtower Earthly organizational sheet
by Gorbatchov inquestions raised in some topics about the absence of jesus in the new watchtower / gods "earthly" organizational sheet.. the illustration shows an angel, who could be jesus.
in a watchtower article from 2010 i found a jesus who looks.
similar to the angel in the organizational sheet.
Hey cantleave, dont think you would be smiling much if your dad had just told you to kill 7 billion people lol
Need Help With Questions From JW Discussion Group
by theopug inhey there all,.
i was da from a cong in northern new england back in the early 1990s for voting.
i did not write the letter, the elders did it for me.
I just love this site. Someone asks a queation and immediately thEy are helped with the right answers. There is so much knowledge and expierence here, mainly because many are ex witnesses and others are in the process of fading, but still know exactly what goes on in the org.
Could the angel be Jesus @ new watchtower Earthly organizational sheet
by Gorbatchov inquestions raised in some topics about the absence of jesus in the new watchtower / gods "earthly" organizational sheet.. the illustration shows an angel, who could be jesus.
in a watchtower article from 2010 i found a jesus who looks.
similar to the angel in the organizational sheet.
Hi Gorby, good find. We will just have to wait and see rather than lots of speculating. It would certainly be interesting if that first angel turns out to be Jesus. I agree with you though,apart from that point, the picture tells us nothing we didn't already know.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
JW gonebad said
Post 1113 of 1114
Since 10/23/2010Not sure if anyone else picked-up on this:The only ones depicted out in the ministry doing the work are the rank and file publishers .
The congregation elders are all sitting around a table (in a judicial capacity) deciding someone else’s fate instead of taking the lead in field service… and that’s the reality!
Guys we have got to stop nit picking. Anyone who knows the way the org works knows that you cannot stay an elder or mini servant if you don't put in a good number of hours per month. It was explained to me when I started fading that a servant needs to set the lead in the ministry. So just because the pic does not show an elder out on the doors does not mean he does not go. Let's keep to the really important and known facts when we critisize the society. Yes they do sit around a table deciding someone's fate, but that is in addition to knocking on doors.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Hey Alan,
Is there a meeting in Feb? They have just had one over Christmas? Is this another one or just different dates?
Hi konceptual99 This is what I remember reading. No idea if it is still on or even already happened.
Post 388 of 393
Since 3/18/2002Translated from Google (
Re: Zonal Superintendent will visit Brazil in January 2012
by Roncalli Spinoza on 31 Jul 2012 21:05
Hello everybody.
Apparently it has come a doubt about the character of the School of Kingdom Ministry in February 2013. Some trivia about it help us to discern the importance that the Governing Body is offering this arrangement. Look:
(1) Only elders will participate.
(2) All the elders of all the congregations of the world will be invited.
(3) The school will be held in all countries almost simultaneously, between 16 and 24 February 2013.
(4) Superintendents Circuit and District as well as some selected elders who minister the course, will only receive the materials in full consideration for two days before the date on which the course will be held.
(5) The sketches are in manuscript form, and no one is allowed to contain anything different. (I have not seen the sketches, but this detail was passed on to me by a source that I consider capable of owning and reliable)
(6) The Branch Committee were assigned to organize the school, but received no further information than it is to 'which dictates'.
(7) Elders appointed, but still pending, ie, not yet officially announced in the congregation are expected to attend mandatory. No elder, absolutely none, should be out of it, except in medical emergency. This is the approach adopted.
Regarding the content, although no one yet knows at Bethel what it is, it is expected that such a doctrinal shift. Example: It was requested that the branch committee appoint elders who could only "give the right direction to a depth biblical teaching and to be good readers and experienced '.
Regards to all.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
The more I look at this pic, the more I do wander what has happened to Jesus. As I said before the other things mentioned are fairly minor points, but yes why no Jesus? I guess it could be why the elders are attending classes in Feb. Something big happening to 1914 and/or Jesus position as king maybe still to be in the future. This will be interesting to see how this pans out.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Well one good thing has come from this thread and that is it got everyone talking.
I would say Cedars I do apologise to you for calling you paranoid. That was uncalled for and I didn't think it through. I have tremendous respect for anyone that can write clearly and concisely and your blogs do that.
As for the fact there is no Jesus here, some have given reasons why he may not be, but it is strange I admit.
Everything else though is nothing new. The dubs already know that if you speak against the gov body you are in fact speaking against Christ. That is what they have been told. They already know how important the gov body are in the org. They think that is where their spirtitual food comes from after all.
So certainly to the average dub as some have said on here this will change nothing. All it does is reinforce what they already have been told and believe. But as we all know the society like to go over the same point again, and again, and again. That is mind control.
I dont think the average lurker on this site would be at all surprised by the picture. They already know that the Watchtower society provides all the literature, and to them the gov body is the society. I dont think they will get too upset by the chairs either, or the position on the globe.
So interesting picture, but as I and others have said lets move on to something new that is happening in the organisation. There are much more important things to discuss than a picture showing the dubs what they already know (apart from the absence of Jesus)
Sex abuse scandles, the worldwide report, the big changes in the the way the society are using the internet, the new comic characters for the children which again is mind control. These are the things we should focus on and expose.
A picture depicting the way the organisation has worked for the last 30 years is certainly not going to have any impact on most JWs or any lurkers.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Maybe someone should just write in to the Society and ask about the picture, see what they say. That would squash all this debate, ha ha, riiight...
I really wish someone would do that sd-7. It would be interesting to hear their reply.
I totally agree with what you are saying. The average dub wont give this a second thought. It is purely there to amuse apostates apparantly.
It serves a purpose. It simply shows the pecking order in the org, and as I said earlier the dubs already know it, so just a reminder to them, like all the other reminders they get.
Now lets move on to something sensible that really does show how evil and corrupt the organisation and its governing body are.