Pretty nice problem to have though. Lets hope they spend it all quickly then find the cotributions are drying up.
Posts by alanv
Where Is All The Money Going from Sales of WTB&TS `s Real Estate Properties.
by smiddy inwhat governmental requirements are their for full disclosure of the proceeds from sales of property made by a not for profit organization such as the wtb&ts.. how does the wtb&ts explain their charitable status when they do not provide any charitable benefits to anyone , when all their members , jehovahs witnesses are not employed by them , they are just volunteers.. does american law allow religous institutions to hide monetary transactions or is their full transparency regarding their use of their money.. how can a multi million $ publishing company , engaged in a multi million $ real estate organisation be considered as a not for profit organisation .. is their anything like an auditor general in the usa that needs to investigate these things ?.
just asking.. smiddy.
District Assemblies, Were they a Financial Burden to you? They Cost $1200 to $2000 in some lands!
by RottenRiley inwhy does the watchtower place a harsh burden on it's low-paid and low-skilled army of witnesses?
the district conventions don't really add much value, you have witnesses making minimum wage with both husband and wife working while the elite witnesses can afford to burn a ton of cash making the poor witnesses feel worse about themselves.
i remember, some of the really poor witnesses would bring their own "cooker" to the motel to make "top ramen" and mac&cheese" while the company men had the elites take them out for "surf and turf" and other great feasts, the poor witnesses get the shaft was they are told how lucky they are to financially struggle to afford to pay for their hotels.. .
I was a single brother and only had to travel 20 miles by coach. I had to take 2 days holiday from work to get there. But it was no hardship at all. And I never put anything in the contribution boxes, although paid for any new releases.
March 1st 2014 Days Text
by Conchappie inbecome imitators of god.?eph.
5:1.. one way to imitate jehovah is to adopt his viewpoint regarding matters.
jehovah hates sin, and so should we.
I love the way they say dont try and refute the arguements of apostates. For the very simple reason they will never win an arguement because they cannot defend what the organnisation has done and is doing now.
£517.00 per room for 3 nights.
by quellycatface inthe premier inn where my mum is staying for the twickenham assembly is the above price.this obviously doesn't include transport or food.she will be sharing with another sister, so the cost is half, but still, that's a lot of money.. poor sods..
quelly, surely your mum new that was a rip off price, so why did she agree to go there?
£517.00 per room for 3 nights.
by quellycatface inthe premier inn where my mum is staying for the twickenham assembly is the above price.this obviously doesn't include transport or food.she will be sharing with another sister, so the cost is half, but still, that's a lot of money.. poor sods..
World population vs Number of JW's where's the growth going?
by ed60 inthe rate of growth of publishers has dropped from an average 5.64% per annum over the 15 years prior to 1995, to 2.55% in the 15 years after 1995. had growth remained above 5%, the 4,950,344 witnesses in 1995 would have exceeded 11 million in 2010. instead, there were only 7 million in 2010 - a difference of 4 million people.
factors on conversion and retention, such as internet education, resulted in growth of 2 million instead of 6 million, just one third of that expected in 1995..
i read this and it got me thinking about how much the global population is rising by annually.
Thanks Ed60.
So 2013 service reported 2.1% increase in average publishers. I should have thought 1% of those were young ones who started in the door to door work that year. That is only 75000 worldwide. So which ever way it is looked at, the increase is totally pathetic considering the 18 billion hours they spend trying to recruit new publishers.
District Assembly arrangements 2014.
by quellycatface inmy jw mother drives me nuts.
she lives in quite a cut-off part of the uk and this year, is expected to travel to hq (rugbyfans), aka twickenham.
she's great to make the trip, it's like a spiritual holiday for her.. i said i thought it ridiculous and unreasonable for the gb to expect people to travel that far and pay for accommodation near london.
You should be thankful they are not seven day assemblies like they were years ago. Even in the 1990s they were four days, now I believe they are three.
And the circuit assemblies are now down to one day. What with the weekly meetings being cut as well, witnesses should have more time available to them now. They even do less hours in the preaching work than say 20 years ago.
World population vs Number of JW's where's the growth going?
by ed60 inthe rate of growth of publishers has dropped from an average 5.64% per annum over the 15 years prior to 1995, to 2.55% in the 15 years after 1995. had growth remained above 5%, the 4,950,344 witnesses in 1995 would have exceeded 11 million in 2010. instead, there were only 7 million in 2010 - a difference of 4 million people.
factors on conversion and retention, such as internet education, resulted in growth of 2 million instead of 6 million, just one third of that expected in 1995..
i read this and it got me thinking about how much the global population is rising by annually.
For many on this site the above analysis is nothing new. Paul at jwfacts has shown these figures for many years now and they get updated each year. It is very evident that JW recruitment is in big, big trouble. The real time increase of 1.35% includes of course their own kids, many you would presume would follow in their parents footsteps. So that figure is totally pathetic, and as has been said already the time spent in going from door to door is just to keep witnesses busy.
Sodomite resurrection flip-flops -- recent WT confession?
by FatFreek 2005 inwithin the last few years i understand watchtower has issued a concession (no apology) of minor proportion.
they don't admit to the avalanche of some 8 sequential positions (yes, no, yes, no, ...) of, "will the sodomites receive a resurrection?".
i think they admit to about three of them.
They say all sorts of stupid things Len, so matters not what they say it is just words to try to make themselves look less stupid than they are
Now predicting increase of anointed?
by jgnat ini came across this nugget in the may 2014 issue:.
"are you moving ahead with jehovah's organization". one time, the anointed remnant were like the little one, but their number grew as other spiritual israelites were brought into gods organization.
Totally agree with bobcat on this. It is nothing new at all. All they are saying is that earlier in the 20th century the annointed were growing and now it is the great crowd that is growing. Period