Posts by alanv
DF'ed arrival/departure times at meetings
by dubstepped ini didn't want to derail another thread, but something said made me wonder.
i know that i noticed df'ed people come in right when the meeting started and leave right when it left most of the time.
is that some sort of actual rule?
2016-1-12-BOE--Mentioning Donation Arrangement to Householder!
by Atlantis in2016-1-12-boe.
"apply yourself to the field ministry," the "initial call" assignmentdirects the student to mention the donation arrangement..!
Donation reminders in the magazine
by wisdomfrombelow ini just noticed that in recent study editons of the watchtower they mention on the inside cover that the magazines are free of charge but if you want to make a donation you can at their website.
i noticed it from the march 2016 edition.
i wonder if will be in the clam meeting workbooks as well...
Exactly where is the expansion?
by NeverKnew inthere is a thread that i'm really enjoying discussing the consolidation of congregations into existing kingdom halls.
i'm realizing that the only threads that have spoken of building were related to branch offices.
we know the wts's consolidations and reopening a are a shell game of sorts but i'm wondering... is anyone seeing an increase in kingdom halls in their part of the world?
Good news to report: Congregations merged because lack of attendance, publishers & field service
by Khaleesi inso it's official, i am happy to report that we merged with another congregation having the same problem.
why is it good news???
because people are either waking up, fading or just not buying into this organization any longer or walking away.... i think many young ones are just not buying into it as much, i see many in the congregation i go to very depressed and some i know personally going thru major depression especially the young "sisters" in their early 20s.... .
Had the C.O visit this week...went out on service and Wow
by MrsR-Awaken inthis is my first post here (not being comments) but i still have to tell my story but for that i need to get my mind together in other to give as much detail as possible to be able to share it.
will do in a future post.. anyway i had to share this.. so i went out on service this morning (i never do i always end up excusing myself because i hate field service) reason i did was to see what the new c.o had to say and he sure did say something.
he was saying what we had to present and he went over the watchtower magazine.
Yearbook 2016: Annual Report (15177 Partakers)
by Designer Stubble inthe 2016 yearbook is up on jw.orgbranches of jehovahs witnesses: 89 (was 90)number of lands reporting: 240 (was 239)total congregations: 118016 (was 115416)worldwide memorial attendance: 19,862,763 (was 19,950,019) decreasememorial partakers worldwide: 15,177 (was 14,121 in 2013:13,204) large increasepeak of publishers in kingdom service: 8,220,105 (was 8,201,205) minor increaseaverage publishers preaching each month: 7,987,279 (was 7,867,958)percentage of increase over 2014: 1.5 (was 2.2)total number baptized: 260,273 (was 275,581)average auxiliary pioneer publishers each month: 443,504 (was 635,298) huge decreaseaverage pioneer publishers each month: 1,135,210 (was 1,089,446)total hours spent in field: 1,933,473,727 (was 1,945,487,604) decreaseaverage home bible studies each month: 9,708,968 (was 9,499,933)
2015 Worldwide Memorial Attendance: Another Sign of Decline
by steve2 injw memorial attendance last year - 2014 - was about 50,000 shy of 20 million.
some posters on this forum had confidently predicted before the 2014 memorial that attendance would hit more than 20 milion.
they were wrong.. now, in 2015, and the memorial falling on a weekend night (where attendance is historically much higher), attendance has not only failed to top 20 milion but has declined by more than 87,000 in attendance over 2014:.
Is it true? Heard a rumor WT postphones Disfellowshipping until further notice!!??
by Olivia Wilde ini am not sure if it's true but i heard from a good source that wt has given instructions to elders to postponed disfellowshipping members from wrong doing/gross sin until further instructions given by headquarters.
i heard some jws were just reproved either privately or publically.
has anyone else heard anything like this recently?
The org is getting more and more mainstream every day. They realize they have to do this to survive. So it would make sense to relax the rules towards disfellowshipping in some cases. They certainly must know that if someone disassociates themselves by letter, that is not the same thing at all to someone who is committing some gross sin regularly as a congregation member. -
I think Christmas is totally.....
by The Rebel infor the kids:-.
so yesterday in accordance with my boys wish, we put the christmas tree and decorations up.
ridiculously early i know, but it made him happy, and even i found decorating the tree fun.. the rebel..
I know I am in the minority but I just cant get excited about xmas. I feel it was the one thing JWs got right So many people say I better buy a present or send a card to so and so as they will probably be sending one to me. And I certainly dont wait till xmas to invite friends and family round like some do. I understand that it is mainly for kids, but once they have flown the next I see no reason to continue some totally commercial celebration.
Just saying