The org are desperate to hang onto people who are baptised and generally ok with the governing body. The org are trying all sorts of ways to keep these in. Main thing is telling them not get into debates with anyone. Once they perceive that somebody is asking too many questions, the jdubs are told to walk away. We are seeing this on the doors, with the carts and also with people who phone kingdom halls with questions.
Posts by alanv
New Study Bible Photos!
by Atlantis innew study bible photos from reddit if you want them.
these are a bit larger photos.
see first page for info.. .
“You know how I know that they're finished out there? The carts.”
by Athanasius inthe watchtower's many legal problems and the jws' use of carts in their preaching work, reminded me of a scene and dialog from the film patton.. in a scene where patton is viewing a battle site the morning after, he says to an aide about the nazis: “you know how i know that they're finished out there?
in my dreams i saw the carts.
they kept buzzing around in my head and i couldn't figure out why.
The large increase before 1975 had nothing to do with more JW children, it was because of people converting from other faiths. However now Im sure that any small increase mainly comes from JW kids getting dipped.
New Kingdom Hall at Flowery Branch, Georgia USA
by darkspilver inexternal photos have previously been posted here.
4442 j m turk road, flowery branch ga 30542. from the gainesville times:.
jehovah's witnesses open new kingdom hall in flowery branch.
They design kingdom halls now so it is easier to sell them off after a few years use.
Secondary fulfilment to prophecy?
by Doug Mason inin its use of the prophecy contained in nebuchadnezzar's dream (daniel 4), the wts applies a "greater fulfilment" beyond its initial application.. while they complain about the wts's action, at the same time these people make their own secondary applications to prophecies, such as with micah 5:2. these people also find "greater" meaning to historical statements, such as at isaiah 9:6 and at isaiah 53.. such passages had their local meaning yet people are prepared to find their "greater application" which suits their ends, just as the wts does.
it is not an excuse to say that the nt writers indulged themselves in the practice.. i am not saying that i agree with the practice; i am simply seeking consistency and integrity.. doug.
There are many groups that have tried to make prophesy fit their own agenda, and Watchtower are one of them. It took them 130 years to decide that they would stop having types and anti types that are not spoke of in the bible. When one of Watchtower's interpretation of scripture fails, they just change the meaning to something else. JWs are so indoctrinated they just except the new interpretation without question. Very sad.
WT Teaching That You Can't Leave Behind
by jhine inafter posting on another thread it became apparent to me that it can be difficult for some ex jws to totally shake off all wt teaching , even after leaving the org.
do you still feel guilty going into a church for a wedding or a funeral .
can you bring yourself to celebrate birthdays or christmas .
Even now after being out for 25 years, I find some things i was taught when i was in have an affect on me. I actually hate xmas and my own birthday. To me xmas is just an excuse to to over eat, over drink and send that once a year xmas card to someone you think you should. And i hate being reminded that im now another year older each birthday. So although i agree with Watchtower about those celebrations, they are for my own reasons, and nothing to do with their religious doctrines.
Publisher numbers versus baptised witnesses.
by amandm ini grew up as a witness, and left about 10 years ago, i'm currently researching witness numbers for a project i'm working on, and i can't seem to get an accurate number of baptised witnesses - hardly a surprise!
from their website it looks like they list the number of publishers instead of the number of baptised witnesses, so it totally works to obscure how many actual witnesses there are, apart from the fact it's morally dubious to class a publisher as a minister of god as they refer to publishers on their uk section of the site.
i also am trying to work out how many leave every year, even approximate figures would be great, from their own website it just looks like they try to massage figures to make them look as favourable as possible.
Thanks Black Sheep, I had no idea there was so much info about the JWs and all the other religions in the pew report. Very interesting stats. I wish we could see some of these stats from other countries. Far as I know USA is the only country that goes into this much detail.
14 kids from the same old congregation
by StephaneLaliberte inthis week, while talking with some old friends, i realized that there were at least 14 kids from a congregation in which i grew up that all left the jws.
that is, 30 to 35 years ago, there were at least 14 kids going to the hall that were of the same “generation” (5 to 13 years old).
in the last 30 years, they have all left “the truth”.
I think once we all start thinking about the kids we knew when we were in, we will soon realize that as the pew report shows 66% of them have left the org during their adulthood. It is one of the most mobile religions on the planet. I must make that point to the jdubs next time they call.
Interested in a refresher about the anointed
by frozen2018 ini've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's.
however, i do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as i have several close relatives who are devout.
i rely on this site to keep me updated.. over the weekend i learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial.
If memory serves me right, the 1935 date has gone. They said something like they cant put a date on it. They still say some have replacements, but also say some who partake of the bread and wine, may have mental problems lol
It is on my local news - Silent No More
by Tameria2001 ini had a pop up on my phone from my local news (40/29 fayetteville, ar) and they are covering the jehovah's witness and the sexual abuse.
here are the links.. silent no more: the survivors.
silent no more: the verdicts.
I am from the UK and cannot access the links above!
Walked away from bible study after 8 months
by Biblestudent1 ini have been working through the grey book with a married couple for several months.
actually after a while what happened was a different brother or sister got invited each week to my study.
i met lots and lots.
It was good that the poster listed the good and bad points about being a witness. Certainly there are some good things about the religion, its just that they are nothing compared to the bad things.