so many possiblities.... the truth, faithful and discrete slave, worldy, apostate, theocratic
JoinedPosts by Collegegurl
What are your most hated JW words and phrases?
by Low-Key Lysmith inmine are, in no particular order:.
"the friends".
What Things Did You Think Were "Demonized"?
by minimus ineverything, when i was growing up was connected to "demonism".
handwriting analysis was borderline.
wind chimes would bring the demons right to your porch!
I remember hearing stories about people listening to rap or rock music on the radio and then having their room possesed until they stopped and burned their cd's.. So when I first got the nerve to read Harry Potter I was nervous that I was bringing demons into my room. I actually had a nightmare about this happening, I was so freaked out I returned the book to the library. I've gotten over my fear.
Did anyone actually enjoy field service?
by Check_Your_Premises in.
did anyone ever actually admit it if they hated it?.
I never really enjoyed it. I'm shy by nature so going up to people's door and talking to them isn't really my thing. Actually I told my parents this quite frequently and I think they understood. I really hate going to the door with pioneers, two or three in particular, they always will tell people what they do wrong in their presentations. I enjoyed taking breaks and talking with my friends in between doors but not ever talking to people.
by BlessedStar init seems as though many people come to this board and leave in a short space of time.. it's a pity.. there are people on this board who are very nice and polite even when discussing various views.
this leads to understanding and concern.
i would like to meet you people.. please post in here.. i term nice as being kind, not cursing, love for god almighty, thrives on the right things in life, not hurting other's feelings, etc.. blessed star
Hey blessed star
I would like to think i'm nice. on rare ocasions I do cuss. I believe in and love God, but I don't think it is necessary to be nice. I think that's def of nice :agreeable in nature and of good charecter, polite and courteous might be a little bit better.
Question about "good works" ??? ???
by Kristofer innot ever having been a jw, i was curious to know something.... are witnesses ever encouraged to do good works for the less fortunate?
(giving to the poor, working in a soup kitchen, helping the elderly, other volunteer work, etc..).
i know scripture states you will know believers by their "fruit".
I would agree that some here have a negative, too negative perhaps, opinions of jws. I know a lot of nice loving jws. that being said, I have never heard any ask a householder if they need help or really help those outside of the cong. Their idea of helping was leaving a mag. I do remember hearing that going door to door was far more important than helping the poor or hungary(temporary, while preaching would help them forever in paradise.)
Some cong. may be different, but i've heard people be criticized for donating to charities (just put money in the world wide work box).
Americans need to grow up
by slimboyfat inwhat is all this carry on (controversy) about "brokeback mountain"?
my goodness, they are acting like 12-year-olds.
get a life - what is this the dark ages?.
If you want fair and balanced reporting don't watch Fox. Most Americans don't really care that much about Brokeback Mountain. It's doing alright at the box office, not everyone approves but we aren't protesting and burning buildings. A very small minority is the majority of the noise.
by the way
collegegurl, I think some (ignorant) ppl think of cowboys as the last bastion of male heterosexuality.....what is going through their minds is, "If a cowboy could be gay, that means.......oh horror........anyone could be gay!" ;
I think you meant collegegirl21 not collegegurl(thats me)
Can You Pass a U.S. Citizenship Test?
by hemp lover in.
i got 27 out of 30, so i guess i get to stay.. .
I got a 26. Do I have to leave?
Discussion with my parents about WTS
by GBSJG inafter reading for a few months this is my first post here.
i was raised a jehovah's witness by my parents who became jw's in the late '70s from field service.
i'm still a jw but doing a lot of researching on the history of the wts.
Welcome to board! It sounds like your parents are actually pretty open. When you have believed something is the absolute for so long it is hard to give it up. It's a good sign they are willing to research and think about things like 607. Your parents may be really questioning the "truth". Just give them time, it is a lot to think about.
Have you checked your local libraries for Raymond Franz's books? You can request books at most libraries. That way the book won't permanetly be in your house for you to hide. Owning the book would be pretty incriminating if your not ready to leave.
Apostate WT Study
by IronClaw inso did anyone go to the apostate wt study today?
if so, how did your conductor handle it?
any good comments made from the r/f?
A couple of people mentioned the BIG NEWS article that appeared in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago as proof of apostate lies. They never actually said what lies it contained. The article mention Raymond Franz, so some one said that he became too power hungry and the GB had to df' him because of that. Apostates are poisonous. One person said they never can be redeemed.
They also said don't go to these websites just to preach or help people like us or prove the witnesses right. I wonder if PMJ or other believing witnesses will be back after that.
Hello everyone
by JUG inhello everybody i just discovered this site a few days ago and am now formaly introducing my self.
i am 23 years old, i was born and raised in the truth, then about 2 1/2 ears ago i got discfellowshiped.
i didn't know anything else besides the truth.
welcome to the board Jug!