Elizabethtown.. Even Orlando Bloom couldn't save that movie.
JoinedPosts by Collegegurl
The worst films you watched
by greendawn inwe often talk about the best films that we have seen but what about the opposite, what were some films that really disappointed you either at the cinema or at home watching them from a dvd (or vhs though that got outdated now)?
one film i found very boring was the "horse whisperer".
The Elder Scrolls IV: OBLIVION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Dune inits installing on my pc as i'm posting this.
i've been waiting months for it and it came out today.
if you havent heard of it.
cool, I've been waiting for this game too, I really liked Morrowind. let us know how it is!
by Mary ini really think those in the writing dept.
should be checked over for dementia or just plain insanity.
here are some highlights from the april 15th wt magazine that i thought you'd enjoy:
I actually read these quotes from the watchtower to my dub family. They couldn't believe what it said about work and decorating your house. My mom asked "What drug are these guys on? We can't even enjoy our work?!" Then she said something about being dedicated and baptised to Jehovah not man or an org. Which is not really true, but a good sign. I could tell it really bothered both of my parents. The college issue has really bothered them. I just hope it has raised some doubts in their minds. I think the more the watchtower pushes, the more thinking people, like my parents (hopefully) will leave.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the March 19, 2006 WT Study (ADMINISTRATION)
by blondie inparagraph 14 "administration" linked to "kingdom government".
christians, those who hope to live in heaven, partake, whereas the majority,.
2 jehovah is a god of purpose.
I always enjoy reading your comments. My parents usually ask me every Sat. night if I've looked over the watchtower for tomorrw, and after reading your reviews I can always say yes, and this is much more interesting than just reading it on my own.
Made-Up Rules Dubs Try To Impose On Each Other
by calico inthis is in reference to the thread about dubs not having pets.
although, not a rule from the borg there are ones who would say you should not have pets.
can you think of other silly made-up rules that someone tried to impose on you?
I couple of elders wives and a pioneer sister were convinced that ankle braclets were wrong because they thought only prostitues wear them. I was in third grade and I wore one, and three elders wives and a pioneer sister came up to my mom and one of their husbands came up to my dad and criticized them for letting me wear an ankle braclet. My mom threw it away, and I wasn't allowed to wear them anymore.
To all the faders who still go to meetings
by What-A-Coincidence into the ones who still must go for family sakes .... what feelings/thoughts go through you at the meetings???.
mine are:.
"damm, i wish my folks would have not been suckered in, i could be doing something purposeful.".
when I'm actually listen I just wonder how I ever bought that stuff. I used to be totally impressed by their prophecies. I just wonder how my parents sit through that and actually believe it. It takes effort not to laugh sometimes. I day dream alot, I also think about homework, sometimes I work on math problems, physics, rought drafts of English papers, ect.
CO discusses: Higher Education, Baptism Nullification, No Sense of Urgency
by doinmypart inhere are my notes from the biannual co visit.
the notes are from the co meeting with elders & ms 2006 service year outline.
the topics from wts are sense of urgency, higher education, independent thinking, marital arrg, invalid baptisms.. sense of urgency - concern among fds that some are losing their urgency, they don't believe we're in the last days.
Very interesting. Do all CO's have to discuss the same things?
none of that was mentioned at my CO's last visit, I guess I have something to look forward to when he visits again in a couple of months. The harder they come down on these things the more people who are going to leave. Don't they realize that? Maybe the just want to have only the loyalist of dubs left.
What scares you? [Ozzie's Weekend Poll #157]
by ozziepost inday all!
s your weekend going?
Zombies. I know that may sound a little weird, they don't even exist(yet), but something about them terrifies me. I've never even seen a zombie movie.
As a JW how do/did you feel about 6 billion people being destroyed?
by jwfacts inhow else can a person justify that jehovah will destroy 6 billion people, innocent children included?
i could never accept that i deserved salvation whereas almost no one else did.
it put me on permanent spiritual edge because i thought the slave is right so the doctrine of destruction must be, but my heart always knew it was wrong.
As I kid I would wonder about my friends from school, I wasn't any better of a person they were, they hadn't done anything wrong, I had just been "lucky" enough to be born into the truth. But, I didn't give it alot of thought. It really started to bother me as I got older and I noticed kids at school who were really better Christians than I, they read the bible a lot more, they really cared about people, volunteered with a real desire to help others, and this is when it really started bothering me. I do not think that a loving God would kill a third grader because his parents weren't jws. I've asked my parents this, the only answer they can give is "thats why we need to preach so they won't die."
by SWALKER ini guess that one of my first memories, about 3 years old, had to be sitting in a hard chair being made to listen to a boring talk that i didn't understand.
we weren't allowed any toys or books to look at besides the wt publications...i remember getting taken outside and beat for something i did...but i didn't even understand what i did wrong.
i remember that our car didn't have air-conditioning and during the summer how hot and sticky i was by the time i got to the kh.
I was born and raised as a witness. My dad was an elder, he was pretty strict. I was a true believer as a child. I had no problem with not celebrating holidays or birthdays. I had friends from school but I knew I couldn't hang out with them outside of school and I was OK with that. I viewed service as a necessary evil, I didn't like it or enjoy it but I thought it was necessary to serve Jehovah. I didn't mind meetings, they were boring, but before and after I got to see my friends.
My parents told me when I was little that the end would come before I reached high school. I always wondered why I was so lucky, why I was born into the truth and would be saved but my friends at school weren't so lucky and were going to die at armagedon. I guess I felt rather superior to them.
I must say my childhood was pretty happy. My parents are good people and have tried to raise my the best that they could.
Once I got to high school I started questioning. I hated that I couldn't play sports or go to dances or hang out with my friends, who were far better people than any witness friend. I did some research into my religion and I realized that we didn't have the truth. I have been living a lie ever since then.