Borgia asked what made me change my mind from being agnostic to a believer.
I was a believer in the evolution theory. After all, it was taught as fact my whole life. Look at a first grader's science book. How many times do you find a sentence that says "Millions of years ago..." and then goes on to state the information as some kind of proven fact, which it is not. It is a theory. We don't know anyone who was alive back then, so there is no way we can say that we know for a fact anything about what was or was not going on millions of years ago.
I think it was Hitler who said that if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, eventually people will believe it. That is kind of how I feel about evolution. It's been taught long and loud as a scientific fact. It has been a doctrine taught in the public school system from the time kids are 5 years old, so doesn't it make sense that a lot of people doubt the Biblical account of creation? In comparison, one sounded like a fairy tale and the other sounded like a very intelligent, well-thought out and researched fact.
That was my dilema. How does Noah's Ark, etc.... fit into evolution? It just doesn't go together. My brain was stuck on fitting Biblical accounts into evolution. But it never did add up in my mind. The I had the opportunity to see Dr. Kent Hovind speak at a creation science seminar. In two hours, the wall that kept me from believing in God was knocked to ground in a pile of rubble! When the truth finally sets in that you have believed and been taught a bunch of nonsense, it is very freeing. Although I was disappointed in myself, because I felt like such a fool for believing a lie for so long. The Biblical account of creation makes much more sense than evolution. Science supports and proves it. Evolution is more of a fairy tale, when you examine it from both sides. THAT was what changed things for me.
Because of THAT, I have always made sure to research things from both sides. Not to just trust something at face value, because it seems to sound good at the moment and I like the people who are doing the talking. THAT is why I am HERE! I found JWD when searching for answers about the WTS.
Also, I should probably mention that I do believe the Bible. I believe in God. I know from reading the Bible that God is not about "doing", He is about "relationships". I am not "religious". Jesus spoke out against the religious leaders of his day all the time. They were always studying, but never understanding. Reading the Scriptures, but not seeing that they testified about Jesus! Reading the NT, then reading the OT was real eye opener. You can see how the OT is pointing to Jesus all the way through, if you read the NT first. It is so cool. It serves to confirm to me that no one human could come up with a book like the Bible, let alone a group of people over such a large stretch of time. It is beyond human capabilities. I can't take it out on God, just because some overly religious Pharisees have represented Him in a poor manner. The Bible explains Who He is and what He wants perfectly. He wants relationships. We become righteous by accepting Christ first, THEN we are justified to be children of God. The result is being able to accomplish good things from that righteousness. Not the other way around: Do good, earn righteousness, then God accepts you. We can never be that good, no matter how hard we try! Romans 8:8-9 and Gal. 4 clenched it all for me.
That is my story. That is why I am no longer agnostic. It just doesn't make sense.