Challenging the Discussion Board with Unsettling Questions

by The wanderer 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Does the Watchtower live with you Everyday?

    This post contains reasonable questions due to the fact
    that individuals who no longer claim to be one of Jehovah's
    Witnesses or who in fact, label themselves as atheists
    and unbelievers frequent this site.

    Can you Permanently get rid of the Watchtower?

    This question will raise some eyebrows and will receive some
    sort of resistance. However, if you could, get rid of the Watch-
    tower and it did not live with you everyday, it begs the question:
    Why are you here then?

    From my own Perspective

    Sad to say, I think Watchtower ideology may last for many years
    possibly even a person's life time. And I am sure individuals will
    fight me on this one, but think about it, nearly every single day
    you are either reading, writing or communicating to someone
    about this organization.

    Brainwashing is Powerful

    How can an individual be drilled 3 times a week at 5 meetings
    a week including conventions, field service and the complete
    Jehovah's Witness life style for years on end and—not be
    affected for the rest of their lives?

    Please add your commentary to this open-minded discussion


    The Wanderer

  • under_believer

    I guess I don't really understand what you're getting at. Nobody denies that being a Witness will affect them for the rest of their lives. As for why people are still here, there are probably as many reasons as there are people. I'm on here because I can't leave the organization yet, and posting here helps me keep my sanity. And I think I may have some useful things to offer others who are trying to get out.

    I think you're overgeneralizing the situation. There isn't one single kind of person posting here. Why are you here?

  • daystar

    Tsk, tsk! Such a troublemaker!

  • freedomloverr

    ****How can an individual be drilled 3 times a week at 5 meetings
    a week including conventions, field service and the complete
    Jehovah's Witness life style for years on end and—not be
    affected for the rest of their lives?*****

    I agree that it will probably literally be with me the rest of my life. How do you spend your entire life thus far in something that consuming and NOT carry it with you forever?

    but my thought is you really HAVE TO get rid of it completely? It is your history and your past, and what makes you who you are. You don't have to let it control you, but embracing our lives (and history) is part of life and learning.....

    as time goes by I am able to separate myself from the destructive influence of the org. more and more. It holds less and less power over me. It's a wonderful feeling looking back and seeing the progress I've made.

  • Legolas
    I guess I don't really understand what you're getting at.

    Whoo...I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  • Liberty

    Hi Wanderer,

    Yes, Watchtowerism is and will always be with me, it is part of what/who I am. Most of us here have been abused to varying degrees by this cult and it will always be with us is some way. I am here mostly because I still can't fully grasp what a complete fool I was for ever believing in this Johoobie nonsense. I want to know all I can about this cult and why others are in or out so I can try and explain it to myself. I was a child when my parents joined so I want to get an insight into why they signed us all up for the whole painful ride. I want to help others who are in a similar victimhood as well but mostly I am here for selfish self-discovery reasons. Why did my parents do this to me and then why did I do it to myself? These and 100 other questions which may be answered if I stick around JWD a while. It fills that empty space in me that my never-been-JW wife or friends can never understand.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I've been posting more recently because my dad is still in the cult and its on my mind a lot because of the problems his cultist mindset creates for my recently disassociated mom. I also like the topics on Evolution and all the insightful posts. Other people have other reasons for posting.

    I think you are implying that JWD posters as a whole never get over the Watchtower. I personally can assure you that that isn't the case.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    yes I think it stays with you for the rest of your life.

    Almost any experience can do that. Good or bad.

    The result from the jw's can be either good or bad, depending on how you spin it,

    If you want to be a victim forever, you can do that.

    If you want to take life lessons from the experience you can do that to.

    Why am I here?

    I'm bored. After leaving the jw's I don't have much to do with adults so coming here and talking about things with adults is helpful. I know, I know it's no replacement for live human interaction. I do get that as well. But day to day when I'm home with the kids and I'm not working, it gives me some people to 'talk' with about things that I'm thinking about.

    Plus, having left the jw's and coming here, we have a common background.

    The jw experience has been sucky for many here. But it's lasting affect doesn't have to be controlling and negative.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I've moved on with my post - wts life to a degree, but there are still days those years in the cult affect me in some way. I still get tinges of guilt because I live with my boyfriend, which I would never have done as a jw, but they are less frequent now than when I first moved in.

    I guess when you end a relationship of any kind, and then reflect on it at a later date you tend to remember the good times more than the bad ones, and I had many good times, and good friends who I miss a lot, as a jw. I imagine I will always miss them to some degree, so that aspect of jw life will always affect me.

    I certainly don't miss the boring meetings and the endless rules that I was expected to follow as a jw, I am very glad that those things are now in my past, and not my future.


  • heathen

    Those are some good questions .I wasn't in the org. but love this site because of the interesting inside info on the cult . I did study with them before throwing them out of my home one night . I still think they made some points but am finding out actually way fewer than they boast . They did prove to me that they are back biters and lack the humility they want from everybody else . I think the evil slave has been running the show . I've known many j-dubbys in my life and most are complete head cases .Obviously they are brain washed from child hood by numerous beatings to obey and never question the borg leadership . With the constant changing of dogma it's a wonder anybody sticks with the cult , what was true yesterday is not necessarily true today. Anybody that spots a falicy is immediately stifled with threats of dfing .

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