Finally, the study edition and the public edition of The Watchtower are not two different magazines. They are both The Watch-tower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. They have on page 2 identical paragraphs explaining the purpose of The Watchtower. Both will be included in the annual bound volume. And material from both will be found in the "Do You Remember?" feature, which will be published in the study edition.
Then what is the purpose of having two separate magazines????
We may be evacuated tonight. The loving brothers from my old hall never extended an invitation for me to come to their home. One even said, well that's what happens when you move way up there.
That reminded me of these scriptures...James 2:14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.Titus 1:16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.I am hoping you, your family and all people in that area will be safe.My heart goes out to all of you, I'm a hurricane Camille and hurricane Katrina survivor so you will be in my thoughts.
i wanted to alert people to a new article: a critical analysis of the jehovah's witness "knowledge" studies 1-5. if you'd like to read and/or link to this article it is available here:
while i was living in new york city a few years back, the jehovah's witnesses knocked on my door.
Sandi...same question for you, please. (If you did not give your opinion on the other threads, why did you post
your opinion on this one?
I had to leave the computer and by the time I came back here there were so many comments on the thread that my comment would have been redundant in my opinion so I just didn't comment.
There are a lot of threads on this site that I have an opinion on but I don't comment most of the time....I suppose I don't feel like my 2 cents are worth reading on most subjects
I saw the video but I had the sound muted because I didn't want my husband who was sitting next to me at his computer to hear or see it, my reason for that is because it would only reinforce any thought he might have of how evil the "Apostates" are and I know that is not true of 99.9% of ex jw's! I thought it was a despicable thing to do, especially since they were elderly, defenseless men who were taken completely by surprise and assaulted with pepper spray. My husband is disabled and spent quite a few years going door to door with the use of a cane, he did that because he believed in what he was doing and he thought he was doing a service to would have made me furious if that had happened to him, just as it did when I saw it happen to those two men who look like they are probably his age! Sandi
i cannot provide any background info on my dad except to say that he is not an attender anymore, but is not apostate.. years ago, my dad showed me why he thought 1975 was wrong, and he gave me a date like 2011, 2012...back in 2004.. it actually made sense to me back then, and obve's posts reminded me of my dad's calculations..... only my dad's calculations were not based on addition or multiplying of random crazy numbers, .
but actually were logical assumptions based on the scriptures as he understood them.. here is his email to might be lengthy, but it is easy to follow and understand.
(sorry for the large font, it was the font he used in the email.
my father is planning to sell his home in abbotsford, and my sister has been helping him clean out the library.
dad has quite a few bound volumes he no longer has use for, and was going to donate them to a local university, but i thought they might be worth something on the open market.. i was thinking of listing them on e-bay, but i've never listed anything on there before, and was wondering how difficult it was to sell, as i don't have a lot of time on my hands to monitor the site.. anyways this is what he has........ .
I had all the bound volumes Watchtower and Awake from 1950 through 1998 and put them in the trash...I didn't think of the fact they would be going into a landfill I just wanted them out of my house.
i knew of a hall that allowed only white shirted speakers on the platform for sunday public talks!
when a visiting speaker did not wear the official white shirt he was either told that he couldn't give the talk or he could change shirts,as the hall kept a variety of sizes, just in case of an emergency!!!
The back center row was for disfellowshipped ones.
That was the unwritten rule at my hall also, but this one sister who was disfellowshipped for adultery (with a brother who obeyed by sitting in the back row)refused to sit there and for 2 years she sat in the middle of the second row with her young daughter at every meeting...until she was finally reinstated. I admired her for that!
when you started understanding that the "truth" wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, how long did it take for you to get mentally and/or physically out??
I began to have serious doubts in 1998 but brushed them aside while 'waiting on Jehovah' and feeling like it was just me being weak, I even talked to the PO (who I had known for 20 years) after book study one night telling him I had doubts, he said "Sandi, do you think you are the only one who ever has doubts? I have them all the time" I stayed in until 2000 then mailed him my disassociation letter by email as well as in snail mail. I left mentally after I found my first so called apostate web site a few months before I disassociated.
It appears to me the majority who are comfortable with the word 'cult' were raised in it (myself included), whether that is a factor or not I'd be interested to learn...
I wasn't raised in it I was recruited at the age of 32 by my younger sister....and YES I do feel very comfortable calling it what it is, a mind controlling CULT. Grammy