The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ness

    no, not that one! how do your minds work people??

    The word 'cult'.

    Who is comfortable saying they were raised in a 'cult' or were brainwashed temporarily by a 'cult'?

    I for one have never nor will i ever say I was raised in a cult. for me personally thats not what it was...but for others, you freely use that term.

    so heres the official poll...cast your votes people :)

    p.s lets not turn this thread into a definition contest as we arent all going to just curious on who is comfortable using that term..cheers :)

  • brinjen

    Put me in the 'comfortable' column.

  • nvrgnbk

    Die, [edited] cult, die!

  • Spectre

    I have no problem calling it a mind controlling doomsday cult.

  • journey-on
    journey-on's definitely a CULT. I feel very comfortable saying it.

  • Gregor

    On the rare occasions that I bring up my background I always refer to being raised in a cult. I then go on to identify the cult as JW's. Why would you not think it was a cult you were in?

  • brunnhilde

    Abso-FREAKING-lutely I refer to it as a CULT!


  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    I thought the "C" word was "Crumpet....."


  • Purza

    Count my vote for it being a cult. I truly believe that it is.


  • parakeet

    ness wrote: "Who is comfortable saying they were raised in a 'cult' or were brainwashed temporarily by a 'cult'?"

    I was fortunate enough not to have been born "in the truth." I was in my early teens when my parents began a bible study with a JW, and I was old enough to have formed some opinions of my own by then. Throughout my JW years, I was always a borderline. Everything I did as a JW -- ministry school, field service, bible study -- I tried to do as little as I could. I walked a fine line between being a lazy JW, yet doing just enough to avoid parental and elder disapproval.

    Since that time (now almost 30 years after my time as a JW), I've told only a very few people that I was once a JW. Those that I did tell, I emphasized that JWs and WTS are a cult and to avoid them like the plague. But it's not ever a subject I would ever discuss casually with anyone (it's too embarrassing; it's like saying I was once a circus freak).

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