well, the update...she broke up with me on Sunday night. She told the Elders, they said she needed to make a decision between me and Jehovah. She was actually ready to move out and I was going to help her find an apartment but stopped when we couldn't agree on raising children. My suggestion was to not indoctrinate our children. Teach them the values of faith but don't bombard them. She said she would want to take them to Kingdom Hall, even against my will. I love her and respect her for her honesty. That is the rock neither of us could move or bear. So I guess it's over...we both did a lot of crying, it was painful. However, I don't regret any of it. I truly love her and meeting her has helped me learn how to defend my faith against the JWs. SHe would never truly debate me on religion. She would get too upset. Two questions... 1. When someone is in trouble with the Elders, what does that mean? What kind of reprimands are they capable of? 2. What do you think the difference is between being raised a JW and having a father as an Elder and becoming a JW out of conversion? Do you think it's much harder to see the truth being raised that way?
JoinedPosts by Kristofer
Interreligious Relationships
by Kristofer inexperience is the best teacher.
i would like to know your opinions on my situation.. i have been in love with a girl for a year now who is an active witness.
recently she came out with the info because i had been a secret so long.
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
isn't it odd that when it comes to false prophecies, the Watchtower is quick to say they are only human and make mistakes. Yet, when it comes to burdening their congregation with numerous Do's & Do Not's, they are God's organization and if you don't accept their teachings unquestionably, then you will be reprimanded or shunned. Seems like they are only humans that make mistakes when they choose to be. But when it comes to Birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July....they've 100% right? Please...give me a break. I think they are just cheap and don't want to buy gifts. hahaha How can anyone accept in good faith the hypocrisy that runs throughout? PMJ, do you realize that out of the 4 people that translated the NWT of the Bible, not one was a Greek or Hebrew scholar? Isn't it odd how they have added words and taken away words from Scripture that don't suit their theology? You need to base your beliefs on the Bible, not change the Bible based on your beliefs. Isn't it interesting that every reference to Christ being God is twisted to ambiguity?
For those with bf or gf who are JW's: How the JW view non JW's
by Check_Your_Premises inthis thread is a quick primer for those who are fairly unfamiliar with the jw, but have found that they are dating someone who is or used to be a jw.
well just to give you a little background on how jw's view the rest of the non-jw world: they basically see you as a bug.
you are worldly and certain to bring their loved one death at the hands of god at armageddon.
love this topic. My girlfriend is JW. The Elders have spoken to her. The fate of our relationship lies in her choice of which I am yet to here. I however, can't bring myself to give up on her.
Interreligious Relationships
by Kristofer inexperience is the best teacher.
i would like to know your opinions on my situation.. i have been in love with a girl for a year now who is an active witness.
recently she came out with the info because i had been a secret so long.
Experience is the best teacher. I would like to know your opinions on my situation.
I have been in love with a girl for a year now who is an active witness. Recently she came out with the info because I had been a secret so long. I know the Elders have had a talk with her. I guess it's beside the point. I am a Christian, raised in the Catholic Church. She is obviously a JW. Is it possible to have a relationship/marriage? I know there are obstacles. Especially when it comes to raising children. But I'd like to know your input and experiences.
why do so many religions claim that Jesus is God?
by evergreen inhi everyone, i have often wondered why so many religions view jesus as being god.
every website i look up claiming to be the christian faith strongly believe that this is the case.. i mean the actual trinity doctrine didnt come about untill about the 3rd or 4th century and was originally the catholic church that brought it about.
although jehovahs witnesses seem to push jesus into the background a lot which is something that has always troubled me.
The Trinitarian doctrine I believe can be traced back to 1st Century theologians. Jesus only said that the Father was greater than I when he was on earth. Jesus made himself as a humble slave lower than the angels. But never did Jesus say that God is BETTER. Because when you use the word, BETTER, you are referring to the nature of someone. He did say the Father was greater and when you use the word, GREATER, it is a word meant to describe position. So at that time, the Father was greater in position than Jesus when he was a man on earth. Just as the govenor the president is GREATER than I am, but by no means are they BETTER than I am. I agree with you that Jesus is separate from the Father, but is also God, Almighty as he claims in Revelation. In the gospel of John it also states that by calling himself the SON OF GOD, he was making himself equal with God which is why they wanted to stone him. There always seems to be a lot of confusion with the term SON OF GOD. They tend to think of it like the SON in a family. If you look at other historical writings, to use the phrase SON OF "something" means that you are "OF" that flock or nature. Even in popular movies like Lord of the Rings, when you said he is SON OF "something", it was meant to describe to you the nature of their character. So when Jesus was saying he is the SON OF GOD, he was essentially saying, he is OF GOD. I think I went off on a tangent. I apologize.
Jesus death
by lime05 indid jehovah know that jesus was going to die before he sent him to earth or is that just the way events unfolded.
it sounds a bit mad sending your only begotten son to earth as a perfect baby knowing that later in life he would be nailed and toutured on a stake because jehovahs's principles of justice requires a soul for a soul
In response to the many posts: I don't know why you would consider God crazy for creating man knowing he would sin. The greatest thing in the world is LOVE. That is why he created us. That's like saying, if you knew your children were going to rebel against you, would you not have them? That's ridiculous. You have children to love and to be loved. This is the reason God created the world and man, because it was good and so that he could love and be loved in return. Of course he knew we would rebel. But it was only another opportunity to express his love for us. By sending down Christ, the Son of God, God incarnate to be humiliated, betrayed and suffer so that we would be seen as perfect as long as we accepted that sacrifice. Now we are allowed as imperfect humans to have a relationship with the perfect and Almight God. It is all about LOVE.
What weird/strange expierence you've seen/had with a DUB?
by stillAwitness ini remember a sister and i in service and we were lost finding the territory.
instead of making a u-turn into a church parking lot right beside us to turn back around (we were on a one-way street and cars were behind us) she refused and instead went all the way down to the end of the road, into a neighborhood, and onto someone's driveway just to turn around.
of course sis.
someone clue me in on DUB...what does that word mean?
Quotes - Press Release
by wombat in.
could someone compose a suitable press release that we could forward to our local media ?.
Hey Scully, Sorry about that. I was just trying to put it into relevant and related topics so everyone would see it. I apologize if broke any rules.
Quotes - Press Release
by wombat in.
could someone compose a suitable press release that we could forward to our local media ?.
I am brand new to this site and I am writing this for anyone that cares about the website that was shut down by the WTBS. I thought it was one of the best sites I have ever come across and now it is no longer available. Last night I spent 3 hours copying most of it's info on my hard-drive into separate WORD documents and you can too! If you go to Yahoo.com and type in the search engine "quotes.watchtower.ca", all the pages will appear. HOWEVER, if you simply click on the heading link, you will get a blank page that says ACCESS FORBIDDEN. HOWEVER, below the heading and description of the website, you will find a link that says "CACHED" These are what is called "spider shots" of webpages. Click on the CACHED link and you will find a rough layout of the website but all the info is there. None of it is highlighted in the helpful way it used to be, but there are italics and the info is there. I suggest that anyone wanting to not lose this valuable info, do this now and copy and paste each of these pages onto a separate WORD document on their hard-drive. THESE PAGES WILL SOON DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!!
by Kristofer ini am brand new to this site and i am writing this for anyone that cares about the website that was shut down by the wtbs.
i thought it was one of the best sites i have ever come across and now it is no longer available.
last night i spent 3 hours copying most of it's info on my hard-drive into separate word documents and you can too!
I am brand new to this site and I am writing this for anyone that cares about the website that was shut down by the WTBS. I thought it was one of the best sites I have ever come across and now it is no longer available. Last night I spent 3 hours copying most of it's info on my hard-drive into separate WORD documents and you can too! If you go to Yahoo.com and type in the search engine "quotes.watchtower.ca", all the pages will appear. HOWEVER, if you simply click on the heading link, you will get a blank page that says ACCESS FORBIDDEN. HOWEVER, below the heading and description of the website, you will find a link that says "CACHED" These are what is called "spider shots" of webpages. Click on the CACHED link and you will find a rough layout of the website but all the info is there. None of it is highlighted in the helpful way it used to be, but there are italics and the info is there. I suggest that anyone wanting to not lose this valuable info, do this now and copy and paste each of these pages onto a separate WORD document on their hard-drive. THESE PAGES WILL SOON DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!! Since this is my first post and i am new to this group, I'll say a quick note about myself. I am a Christian, raised in the Catholic Church. I am currently dating an active JW and have no intention of converting. We love each other but religion is a huge and constant issue. In the beginning, I found myself unprepared for spiritual warfare. i consider meeting her a true blessing of God. It has compelled me to learn how to defend my faith and I am glad I have now found a support group on this site.