As a physician myself, I reserve the right not to administer treatments that, to say the least, make me uncomfortable.
for example, even though I am not totally against abortion (I believe it should be legal, so unescrupulous individuals don't get rich thanks to the black market and girls get killed due to substandard treatment) I would never perform one myself. It is not because of religious beliefs, it is simply something I am not comfortable with on a human basis. I will make sure though that the patient in question meets with another physician who can administer the treatment she needs.
Sometimes Drs. do not feel comfortable treating a certain patient; countertransference happens daily. In these cases, I remind myself of my rule number 1 in medicine: "the patient comes first" : it is in the best interest of the patient that that Dr. does not see him/her, but another physician.
In this case, the woman got the treatment she needed. If there had been NO OTHER professional available to perform the treatment, that would have been a breach of ethics to MHO, but treatment was readily available from another source.