just wondering.
Does The Memorial Mean ANYTHING To You???
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I went to many memorials and missed many.
I cant say that I was sad, the day after I missed one.
means getting visited by jws
Well when I read the invite I thought they were talking about John Lennon.
I lost interest when I realised it was the same old fictitious bearded chap my parents were always banging on about.
I will have wine this evening. But only because I opened the bottle last night. There is no religious significance.
I am so happy that I am not going to the memorial. This is the third that I missed.
Yes it does, for the first two years after I left the witnesses I was so disgruntled, disillusioned, upset, stumbled and every other possible negative emotion toward God and religion I didn't pray or read the Bible, however it always bothered me because this was the very reason that I joined the witnesses is because I know that I love God and Christ.
So after years of studying on my own, I have decided the last two years to have my own with family and friends, I now figure
WHY take this out on God and Christ? Just because the religion that I chose to join has misaligned, misrepresent and bring reproach on God and Christ, why should I take it out on Them. It wasnt their fault that the religion of choice done all the hurt.
So now in line with the scriptures and for all the God and Christ has done and will yet do for mankind. I choose to follow Christ's command to do this. It is such a little thing, to appreciate and memorlize his death and the signficance of it.
I agree with ABR...
I was talking with my other df'd sister yesterday. She is not going and I am. I told her that even if the JW's are not right, that is the one commandment that I know is in the Bible and I feel we must follow. We can either go to a church and take communion or go the memorial hosted by the JW's. If I didn't do some kind of "memorial" to Jesus, then I know I would feel a sense of guilt...
guiltrips from my parents UFTA
As a Christian, it means a lot to me, because Jesus told us to make it a practice in His honor. So tonight, at home in private, as I do every year, I will read the verses from Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 13 to myself. Then at the appropriate time from the verses, I will eat unleavened bread, and drink wine.
The Witnesses can enjoy their watered-down version of it without me. They've already replaced Jesus with the "organization" and they teach that His mediatorship doesn't even apply to the vast majority of their followers. What a fruitcake religion!
Deaconbluez very well said, amen brother and I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.
The Witnesses can enjoy their watered-down version of it without me. They've already replaced Jesus with the "organization" and they teach that His mediatorship doesn't even apply to the vast majority of their followers. What a fruitcake religion!