The reading is for a Intro to Western Political Theory class. For a former JW, it's been interesting and we have reviewed, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke and Kant so far. Marx is next week, can't wait....LOL
J - I agree with you, however I think that very few people can attain that level of disassociation from thought. Personally I would love to in the future.
I have to read more on Mill, but I think the gist of what he's saying so far is that truth is not fixed and is evolutionary and that the individual has the capability to search for truth for him or her self and it the search is different for everyone. He talks alot about Christianity, Protestanism, Evangicalism and the Roman Catholic Church and how during the 19th century, disallow dissent. I think that's where I made the connection with my JW past.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.