Thanks for sharing your personal story, you've been through a lot. Legolas is correct in terms of what you need to do logistically in order to become reinstated. If you really want to become reinstated, then speak to at least one Elder and let him know and hopefully he will guide you regarding the steps you need to take.
Frankly however, I think you're better off enjoying your life with your new husband and bidding a fond (or not so fond from what you've described) farewall to your JW past. If I may be so bold as to suggest that it appears you are really trying to gain the approval of your mother, which is a natural desire. Unfortunately with JW parents, we really cannot make them happy unless we are active JWs. Nothing else we can do will be good enough unless we are "serving Jehovah."
The past few years, the relationship with my mother has been on again off again due to the fact that I am disfellowshipped. She outright told me that Jehovah comes first to her before her own family. It was at that point that I realized what I was dealing with and became better equipped manage our relationship on my terms.
The important thing to remember is that your life is your life and the person you need to please most is yourself, then your husband, etc. If your mother or your religion for that matter, cannot accept you for who you are, then you need to accept that and deal with it as best as possible, then move on with your life.
I hope things work out for you and you find true peace and happiness.
Best regards,