My dad asked me and i have been trying to research it- my other bibles don't show multiple marks at all....also - when a verse has a hyphen (or dash) and nothing else, why was it translated this way. he told me the jw explanation but it didn't make sense to me
Posts by sosad
bible students - why does the NWT use imbedded quotation marks in Jeremiah?
by sosad inmy dad asked me and i have been trying to research it- my other bibles don't show multiple marks at all....also - when a verse has a hyphen (or dash) and nothing else, why was it translated this way.
he told me the jw explanation but it didn't make sense to me
Words Jehovers Witnesses Pronounce wrong...
by vomit injehover being the most obvious.
why was there a group in every hall that pronounced some words like a bad english accent.
also why is it pretty universal, i.e.
we moved from a Western Province to the Prairies in - 1975 and the congregation - including the elders all used the term "yous guys" instead of "you guys" or the more proper everyone - anyway, I was not a shy 9/10 year old and corrected one of the elders. WOW - never did that again - come to think of it, he was one of the jerks that dfed me when i was barly 16 - but NOT the elders son....hmmmmm
another one is New-Ku-Ler instead of Nuclear - it used to drive me nuts
Were motoring through Canada -- need tips.
by Fatfreek inend of july, early august -- we're coming, the four of us.
wife judy and brother-in-law and sister-in-law and i are squeezing into our buick and heading north.
we're thinking of starting our east to west trek at nova scotia and make it to british columbia after some two weeks.
Two weeks is not enough!!!!! don't skip the Prairies - if you just hit the Trans Canada and fly through the province of Saskatchewan you will see Awesome beauty but only a quick glimpse of the southern edge- you'll miss Lake Diefenbaker (Huge mad made lake named after one of our incredible Prime Ministers)...if you ar bird watchers you have to check out the Quill lakes - it is the largest salt water body in NA - the birds are incredible- the north is full of little lakes, golf courses EVERYWHERE and small towns that dot the area with Museums and coffee shops that will make you smile. Saskatoon is a beautiful university town with a river walk system that will leave you breathless....
remember our speeds are posted in Kilometers NOT miles (100kmph vs 60 mph) is the highway standard.
Go through Montreal in Quebec (Old Montreal if you want a glimpse of Europe)....there is so much- the Forts in Winnipeg, Kaninaskis County which is West of Calgry but BEFORE Banff - go to jasper instead of Banff actually- visist lake Louise and have lunch at the Hotel on the Lake or better yet go for a hike and have tea- check out Radium Hotsprings or even Fairmount HOtSprings- go to Vancouver island- the Ferry ride alone will be worth the effort
my husband grew up in the Maritimes and it took their family seven days to make it as far as Moose jaw, SK - which would leave you about 20 hours more driving to hit the West Coast....
i'd love to hear about your trip - this a a beautiful country
"You'll never even get to finish school in this System of Things....."
by WingCommander inthis statement was often echeod to me during my formative years.
i remember my very first day of elementary school (stateside) at the age of 4. my parents were flustered because they couldn't believe they actually had to start their only child into public school to begin with; after all, the end was right around the corner!
this was 1984, the year the first apple mac was introduced, 80's music was loud and in your face, the delorean was cool, and miami vice was just in production.
isn't it wierd - I remember my mom telling her (non jw)sister not to bother going to business college in the mid 70's becasue this system would not continue. my oldest is now in fourth grade - and on his first day of school I called my Mom- did she realize that my child was starting school when I was never supposed to????? That was in the late 60' special needs brother was never given special help because "he will be better in the New System"- he is in his mid forties now, living with my jw parents - and what a blessing that is- without his monthly government cheque they would be totally destitute retirees, not just mostly destitute. i can just here them - JHVH provides
when I graduated from high school in 1984 my dad quietly approached me and told me to consider going into medicine- that he would help me out (he was an inactive jw at the time)..... I had just been reinstated and of course had none of the sciences or maths to even consider applying to University - i have always wondered where he was a year or two earlier
Now their youngest son (dfed and totally mixed up at 25) is going to school - they won't even acknowledge brother in his early 30's just finished an EMT course and is inactive - proof of the evils of higher education.
and who is going to help them in their retirment??/ not the full time pioneed daughter or the tradesman son-
i hope I live to see this organization fall in a blaze
"NWT emerges as the most accurate of the translations compared..." ???
by whereami inthis is for all you scholars out there.
is this acurate?
please show examples were the nwt is clearly wrong.. .
i just googled this guy and he looks like the real deal - his comments about the NWT are pretty balanced but even JW's are recomending his book knowing that he also blasts them on some renderings. he really comes down hard on many key supports for the Trinity - esp those bible translations that most support it.
Any other info would be appreciated- he does have a letter quoted to some jw's in which he refs to them as "Dear Friends" in the salutation but his biography shows no religious afliation and he is very specific in his comments showing his "loyalty" to the original Greek vs a doctine or specific religion. It looks like he is not nor never has been a jw
any other info out there would be appreciated-
What do you do when the jw's call?
by sosad inthey left me alone for a long time but the "territory" i live in seems to be more active.
i am unable to just be the "nice lady" anymore and feel like i have to give them a 'thought for the day".
i have always been a bit cautious as i am a 'final fade" for the past 17+ years and still have familiy in but the more i know, the less i can just wish them a nice day and respect what they are doing....
they left me alone for a long time but the "territory" i live in seems to be more active. I am unable to just be the "nice lady" anymore and feel like I have to give them a 'thought for the day". I have always been a bit cautious as I am a 'final fade" for the past 17+ years and still have familiy in but the more i know, the less i can just wish them a nice day and respect what they are doing....
Need word to a JW Song
by sosad inhi - i'm not sure which song book this one was from- either the very old pink on or the mustard coloured one.
it was, i think called "make the truth your own" and the verse i remember goes - make the truth your own- from something something you'll be shown(???
) by the way you do conduct yourself you make known that the truth is your own" a scan of the page would be great but any help would be appreciated.
thank you!!
Need word to a JW Song
by sosad inhi - i'm not sure which song book this one was from- either the very old pink on or the mustard coloured one.
it was, i think called "make the truth your own" and the verse i remember goes - make the truth your own- from something something you'll be shown(???
) by the way you do conduct yourself you make known that the truth is your own" a scan of the page would be great but any help would be appreciated.
Hi - I'm not sure which song book this one was from- either the very old pink on or the mustard coloured one. It was, I think called "Make the Truth your Own" and the verse I remember goes - make the truth your own- from something something you'll be shown(???) by the way you do conduct yourself you make known that the truth is your own" A scan of the page would be great but any help would be appreciated
Also - on the topic of songs= this one was for sure from the pink one "Fear not those who kill the body- but cannot destroy the soul- to the end continue faithful- I will help you to your goal" my sister and I were shocked to remember the referance to the sould, although we may be remembering wrong- thanks, sosad
Do you sense the need to defeat or destroy the Watchtower lessening? I do.
by nicolaou indespite all the shunning crap - or perhaps because of it - i feel less inclined to take positive action against the watchtower these days.
perhaps it's just a temporary malaise or maybe it's that the organisation i looked up to for so long now seems small, petty and trivial and frankly i just don't want to waste my time and energy on it.. what do you think..
esw 1966 - very well stated!!!!!
I was about 12 (newly baptised) out in service when an elder in my car group (turned around- never would a young sister have sat in the front with a MAN) and asked me what if the truth wasn't the truth- what if the end never came and it was suddenly more than a generation etc. I had my good little witness cap on (and was freshly minted from the baptism questions) and thought of course it was a trick question - my reply was that it would never happen. that was that (ahh- to have the blind faith of a 12 year old!) anyway, HE replied that even if the end didn't come at all, the jw life was still the best life to live etc etc- the conversation ended when the rest of the group returned to the car and I never brought it up to my parents. It was just so wierd...
but this guy is still a jw has none of the financial difficulties of the 'real" witnesses like my many are there that know and don't care, or just choose not to know.... we are all personally responsible
somehow, these witnesses know just how to "do" it- his son was never DFed, wasn't even baptised until he was an adult, had all the toys and more, was never compelled to answer, much less go in service, was welcome to him dads playboy stash (or was it the dad welcome to his sons? I never did get that one straight...
I also love the quote- the organization is rot...
Watchtower getting very Defensive over blood issue publicity....
by kid-A inwith the recent birth of a jw sextuplet "litter" .
possible need for blood transfusions clashes with jehovah's witness belief.
Just a thought - what if the couple had been either reproved, DFed or worse the object of a congregation Gossip Mill Directive and left on their own during this pregnancy ...due to the IVF. I can see a BOE elders behave in this fashion- perhaps local needs talk, perhaps encouragment to mark these ones....HMMMM - it would explain why the parents want nothing to do with the "Church Leaders", why old whats his name is claiming not to know who they are and ALSO why they are identifying themselves as JW.... what if they are older, simply got tired of waiting for their family in paradise....stopped full time service..... Now that would be a story
No matter the circumstances, I wish nothing but health and happiness to these parents (and I just enjoyed two "snow days" which means no school, blizzard conditions, and seven kids mostly in the house for most of those two days (of course, only three are mine, and they range in age from 9 - 3)