Jehover being the most obvious. Why was there a group in every hall that pronounced some words like a bad English accent.
Also why is it pretty universal, i.e. people in the states and other English speak countries (even non English) do it.
Kingue : King
Singue : Sing
Also put the ones you know down.
Words Jehovers Witnesses Pronounce wrong...
by vomit 62 Replies latest jw friends
I've never heard any JW pronounce King as 'Kingue'? That would be odd.
One of the elders said 'sumfink' and 'nuffink'. The word 'jehovah' seemed to be lenghthened out a lot too like 'jeeeeeeehoooovah' and the 'je' was pronounced 'jee'.
Im sorry but all Americans pronounce the English language wrong. Sometimes when listening to a film or tv series, I struggle to understand what word they are trying to say eg Aluminum, oregano and my all time favorite the JWs ...............Isaiah
one man that i loved like an uncle (sadly dead now) had a real problem pronouncing his H's in words so for example Hurry would be 'urry etc
Is it I-say-ah or I-sy-ah? If you can click on the sound clip on WT library they pronounce it I-say-ah. Our book study group had many... exciting debates about this one during our 'study' of the two Isaiah books.
I knew someone that repeatly said Joshaway for Joshua.
Does anyone recollect back in the later part of the 1980's elders were counseled by the D.O and C.O I guess it came from upstairs. Anyway it was a really big thing in our congregation, God forbid if you mispronouced a biblical word. I thought man isn't it enough we get pounced on for everything else what was the big deal with it anyway. Try getting someone to say properly Habakkuk.
How about all those wonderful names in the book of Chronicles? Tongue tied or what?
you really do need an edumatcation kitty kat your getting to big for your own damn what no won is purrrrrrrrrrrfect. Orangefatcat go to your letter box now.
We had an elder I will never forget. I dont know which state he was originally from but he pronounced Paradise Earth as "Paydise Oyth!" And the word "touch" was "taytch" or "taste".
He had a peculiar habit of replacing the word "discussion" with "intercourse".
So needless to say, he had us young ones on the edge of our seats during his talks.
I will never forget one particularly hot Summer Sunday afternoon when this brother thanked the visiting speaker for a most stimulating intercourse! Us kids just lost it!!!
Anewme -
I will never forget one particularly hot Summer Sunday afternoon when this brother thanked the visiting speaker for a most stimulating intercourse! Us kids just lost it!!!
ROFL .. you aren't supposed to make me laugh out loud at work !! .. That is TOO funny!