for years after my fade, all my jw family tried to get me to do was utter the words that I was not a jw - or better yet to write a letter. I just kept saying that i considered myself an inactive jw over and over and over and over and over and over
Posts by sosad
update...husband made appt. with the elders, what do you think of this?....
by New light for you inok... so my husband felt bad that the elders wanted to meet with us and he wasn't responding... so he set it up for saturday at 2 even though everyone said dont meet with them.
oh ya, and everyone said not to meet with them at your house, but again, he didn't want to rock the boat.
it's funny, though he was the first one to leave, he's still afraid and doesn't want to "raise any red flags" he's willing to just say "we're discouraged, can you just leave us alone fora while" feel free to yell at him (robert7).. here's the thing.
Canada: who's from there?
by RAYZORBLADE inwell, since the info by our photos/usernames is not available yet (profile info), i figured, why not give it another go.
the aussies had a go of it, time for the canucks to toss some maple syrup into the forum.
who on this forum is from canada?
Saskatchewan!!!! Land of the living skys
my inactive family hates that I researched why the jws are wrong
by sosad inthey don't want to hear it, they think i am being hurtful having so many books about cults, jws in particular etc etc.
i never talk about it but they saw my bookshelves in my office during a recent visit and are besides themselves.
they want to know where the anit catholic literature is - (my husband and kids are catholic, i am not).
i know i need to move on from worrying about them - i just feel sosad for them, for what could have been and for the disconnect in any conversation i have with them. One brother went to college, despite severe (to use jw speak) persecution, now is inactive and has a young son yet he just wants to let it go and "enjoy life, play music, live - not be negative" WTF?
my mom thought i had planted anti jw info with HER non-jw mom - and called to ask me about it. I had not even spoken to her mom in months, certianly not about anything jw in concept but I have the chance to ask mom if it was true about the Book Study being axed. she was beside herself - it was days before the sunday announcment - denying that they would even consider any such change.
i ust left it and said my info must be wrong. "Yes, it is!" she said. Well, 12:15 the following sunday, I get the call - and she was dilegent to tell me that they had VERY GOOD REASONS for the change. i just said that I knew someone with jw relatives and left it - no need to gloat, be an i told you so, etc etc.
Now I find out she is calling the siblings with tales of me calling her to let her know about this change etc etc
i am feeling really, really tired
my inactive family hates that I researched why the jws are wrong
by sosad inthey don't want to hear it, they think i am being hurtful having so many books about cults, jws in particular etc etc.
i never talk about it but they saw my bookshelves in my office during a recent visit and are besides themselves.
they want to know where the anit catholic literature is - (my husband and kids are catholic, i am not).
thanks all for your replies!
Yes - the no man's land of some inactive ones makes it more difficult to talk to them. One of my rothrs was particularily upset about an old video I have - answers to jw's and he was positivly upset that I had it on my shelf, in my office, in my house
I can't beleive I delayed my exit out of the jws on behalf of a family that is so entrenched, and so mind controlled that they can be upset with me for doing research
the anti catholic literature on their shelves is a perfect comeback - it never ceases to amaze me the hate they have for catholics. they make my husband out to be a raving nut and- yes, he is VERY Catholic- but he never talks about it to them anymore, ever if they bring it up. any comment brands him a nut.
meanwhile, the major research they have done is reading the Da Vinci Code - a good fiction read with some historical fiction tossed in- but no ones idea of actual research
i woke up today ready to stop taking to the lot of them - and wishing i would have daed myself
my inactive family hates that I researched why the jws are wrong
by sosad inthey don't want to hear it, they think i am being hurtful having so many books about cults, jws in particular etc etc.
i never talk about it but they saw my bookshelves in my office during a recent visit and are besides themselves.
they want to know where the anit catholic literature is - (my husband and kids are catholic, i am not).
they don't want to hear it, they think I am being hurtful having so many books about cults, jws in particular etc etc. I never talk about it but they saw my bookshelves in my office during a recent visit and are besides themselves
they want to know where the anit catholic literature is - (my husband and kids are catholic, i am not)
I stayed jw for years just so that they would have a big sister in their lives, and i carefully faded- for the sake of family - but they are now either dfed, inactive or in the full time service - and one is faded but could care less about the org. Parents are in - solid solid solid
they DO NOT LIKE that my husband is catholic or that I am ok with my kids being raised catholic vs jw
I am so frustrated that they could care less about the truth of the truth - and are now upset with me for believing knowledge is power. I do not talk to them about it - there is no one to talk to - but i feel so alone and isolated from a group of people I changed my life course to help, have sent money too and spent hours on the phone with
they just feel i am a bitter middle aged woman with an axe to grind
i am glad to know there are other people that just want to know
Who to Send a Disassociation Letter To?
by WTWizard inif i am going to send a disassociation letter, i am wondering which hounder to send it to.
i know there is no mailboxes at the kingdumb hell, so any letters that get sent there would end up dead mail.
and i know that one does not send them to the washtowel slaveholdery.
I am tempted to send a bunch signed with various names, real cong names of course and bombard the local KH's and Bethel. What would they do with thousands and thousands of DA letters turning up, signed palusible (not actual) names, from actual congregations? anyone want to join me?
the sons of god began to notice....
by lilyflor innwt gen 6: 2. then the sons of the [true] god began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves namely, all whom they choose.. where did these angels get their sexual urges from?.
the ref to nephalim is/can be translated as " the men of fame, giants etc" I was surprised when I read the account out of the bible instead of out of the My Book of Bible Stories
if these were big, bad guys daddy didn't have to be a fallen angel - we have big bad guys now
I'm new too!
by Annointeds Daughter ini'm new to the forum.
i've been lurking for some time, since i was "disconnected" by my husband, "tooktheredpill".
i'm a 3rd generation witness, and still inside of the borg, because all my family is inside.
thank you for posting - it gives hope to those of us with family still in - mentally
the sons of god began to notice....
by lilyflor innwt gen 6: 2. then the sons of the [true] god began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves namely, all whom they choose.. where did these angels get their sexual urges from?.
I found this interesting - catholic tradition teaches that the "son's of God" were actually the offspring of Adam that worshipped God, whereas the 'son's of men" did not follow "true worship" in any form. when you think of it, it makes much more sense when you read the account. the idea of the angels coming down (no pun intended) just doesn't make sense - i haven't talked to one other member of a modern day religion that interprets it the way the jws do (big surprise)
I had a chance to mention to my mom that I heard the bookstudy was no more
by sosad inand she told me that was absolutly not the case.
she laughed and said that would never happen - that they needed it and that where ever i had gotten my infomation from was absolutly wrong and that i could tell them so.
she then told me that the public talk had been shortened - and i said that i had heard that it was 15 minutes shorter - the fact that i knew that kinda threw her.. but the book study would never go.
i think peole like our mom's know in their hearts- but feel there is nothing they can do, after so may years and years and years and years...