this is helpful to me - thank you all
my suggestion is that the boyfriend get a divorce if he is unhappy, regardless of what my friend does. but he hasen't over the past twently years of affairs- why would he now (I suggested to my friend it was becasue he is starting to show his almost 50 years, but maybe i am just defending my friend)
my friend defends his right to stay with his wife as she is with her husband
i have questioned what real life with the boyfriend would be like - my friend thinks i am being too hard on him, but this guy has lived a shallow life and now that he is really in love with someone (and she is not shallow) he really is going to push until he has her
but will that be more happily ever after than staying with her husband?
the issues with her husband, besides the fact that he is not her boyfriend is that he is very quiet and in my opinion, doesn't stand up to her at all - ie - the boyfriend showed up at their house last week, at the kids lemonade stand and the husband said nothing. Granted he doesn't know the whole story, but he knows something is up. All he said was "that guy has a lot of nerve, showing up here"....he is totaly willing to trust his wife and i think she is waiting for him to call her on it - but the husband doesn't want to lose his wife