JoinedTopics Started by d0rkyd00d
Christ vs. FDS At District Convention 2012
by d0rkyd00d inmy girlfriend is a baptized jw (complex situation, don't ask).
i am a non-believer who faded many years ago.
i wanted to give her a challenge when she attends this year's district convention, and offer that i would attend next year's dc if i was incorrect.. .
Essential Watchtower publications
by peggaloon inhi friends,.
i have a very nice jw friend who is willing to hand me some old copies of books / magazines that they are throwing out.
he comes with a long background of the cult so he has many years of literature (50 years possibly).. which are the essential books / magazines i should try to get off him to help me in my evangelism to the witnesses?.
Love of video games = love of violence? August 2012 Awake!
by sd-7 inpage 4-5:.
"video games: 'the uncomfortable fact is, videogames have an unhealthy obsession with bloodshed,' stated a british magazine for video-game enthusiasts.
it added: 'to some degree, a love of videogames demands a love of violence.
What apostates fail to recognize is...
by nananana inyou can cut & paste all the excerpts from articles you want...you can leak all the boe letters, you can pretend to be witnesses and come to the conventions and meetings...but.
no other organization can begin to rival the success and magnitude of the prophecy found in mt 24:14. so apostates....don't waste your time spending countless hours digging up articles and reading books to convince yourself to turn away from jh's organization.
no matter what "evidence" you find you cannot ignore the obvious fulfillment of matthew 24:14.. .
Atheism or Agnosticism, which one is correct?
by Joey Jo-Jo inthis has been bugging me for a while, and while i dont want to turn this into something about semantics i think that we should quickly define what an agnostic and atheists are.. richard dawkins defines 7 different types of atheist ranging from weak to militant atheists, but along these definitions there appears one definition with a strong resemblance to agnosticism.. to me an agnostic is a person who neither believes nor disbelieves in deity/deities, but there are those who define agnostics as a ignorant who simply just don't care or don't have the intelligence to come to sound conclusion.. an atheist can be a person who disbelieves in a deity/deities based on the current mathematical and scientific understandings of the universe, as well as understandings that can refute certain religions such as the strong influence of protestantism christianity in america.. .
from here i will refer deity as anything ranging jehovah to a real spaghetti monster, it's not important because a) we dont know b)for the purpose of this discussion it is not important to define what we believe god to be.. an argument that can be used about a deity is -we cannot prove nor disprove that god exists- this is referred to as a null hypothesis, an assumption that we cannot create a hypothesis to prove or disprove this deity.
this to me is agnosticism and is more correct than the idea of atheism.
How to Record a Judicial Meeting
by 00DAD inintroduction: this subject came up on another thread and seemed important enough to justify its own thread:.
judicial hearing procedure, chapter 7. recording devices.
"recording devices should not be allowed.
Compare JW technophobia with Mormon interests
by Terry ini thought this article was rather revealing:.
why do mormons love pinterest?
on one level, it's not surprising that pinterest, the social bookmarking service where users curate images by 'pinning' them with links and commentary to themed boards, is a hit with mormons.
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus
by d0rkyd00d inthere are two videos recently that caught my attention on youtube that i'd like to discuss.
both are posted below.
my next post under this topic will deal with the specifics, but please watch first so as not to be tainted by my commentary.
90% of the space within an atom is dark matter
by soft+gentle inthis is what we were told in a recent public talk.
if true then it is very intriguing and may support the point being made in the talk that we know nothing compared to god.
the audience was spell bound and even i had to admit the young man gave an excellent talk.. i thought i'd come here to check the facts first though.