I needed to bring this back to the top so people could appreciate this huge word i wrote that took me forever damnit.
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
i used a bigger word than dunscot......
I needed to bring this back to the top so people could appreciate this huge word i wrote that took me forever damnit.
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
man, i can't believe how gullible people are.
my friend was an atheist, but recently went to a "church camp" for four days.
now she's back, and she said she's a new person.
Man, i can't believe how gullible people are. My friend was an atheist, but recently went to a "church camp" for four days. Now she's back, and she said she's a new person. she wants to "live her life for God" and "worship him every day for the rest of her life". She said God spoke to her, telling her he loves her and everything is gonna be ok now. How can people be so frickin stupid. i can't even express how sick i feel right now.
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
i used a bigger word than dunscot......
After posting this word, I will have the smallest pencil of all! I'm tired of beating around the bush. We don't even write here with pencils, we type it on a keyboard. soon i will have the smallest keyboard/fingers of all. wOot!
This is the word for the Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Dahlemense Strain. It qualifies as the second longest word in the english language because it has actually been used in print in the American CHemical Society's Chemical Abstracts. I didn't feel like writing the longest word, which has 1,909 letters instead of the measly 1,185 written above. :)
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
P.S. Sorry about all the editing. i'm just trying to make the word fit on the dang screen. :)
just read bendrr's post.. been out of the loop for awhile.. what's the deal with this so-called piece/expose on jw-pedophilia.
that nbc's "dateline" is supposed to be airing?.
I just recently read about all this stuff, and i just wanted to say i'm going to be continually writing to dateline until i receive a personal response, which i will post on the board if i get it. :)
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
not just content with attempting to scuttle the kyoto accord by claiming it was anti-american, bush has now pulled the usa out of an international agreement on tightening up controls on chemical warfare, citing almost exactly the same concerns.
can't you blokes across the atlantic impeach this lunatic?.
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
Dunno if this has been said or not, but i really don't care! First of all, Bush is an ass. He doesn't know what the hell he's doin, and if World War 3 is gonna happen, it's gonna be starring Mr. Bush. Second of all, The majority of Americans didn't vote for him. Most of us voted for Gore. However, the electoral college wanted an ass like Bush, which just proves their worthlessness now that Americans have enough knowledge to vote ourselves. This caused huge controversy, and after what happened during this election, I'll bet it will be done away with.
"No cool quote yet. But i'll think of one soon."
i was just wondering what everyone's username meant.
i have my own guesses (sixofnine, silentlambs, slayerlayer-i'm almost afraid :o), amazing-enough said!,mommy, fredhall-is that your name?, ozziepost-from downunder, and the list goes on!
please share!!
Mine has divine orgin. Girls think i'm d0rky. i am a dude. however, mix in a little bit of sorcery, and it's now spell d00d. put them together. badda bing.
i just looked at a news article linked to from the front page of this site:.
note this little quote from a jw:.
Didn't think jw's were allowed to get involved with politics.......how in the world does she have the option whether or not to vote for it?
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
here is a little post for all you people who believe in god, or at least the god that the bible presents to us.
first off, why would an all powerful being thrive on his creation's worship?
that is a little selfish if you ask me, and a little childish.
and i forgot to mention. When i said GOd thrives on our worship, i don't mean he'd die without it. But it states in the Bible that the whole purpose of our existence is to worship him. also, as you said in your illustration, yes, kids do love their parents. But there comes a time when you separate from your parents, when you are not dependable on them anymore. does this mean that we should move away from God as we get older? have fun in hawaii!
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."
here is a little post for all you people who believe in god, or at least the god that the bible presents to us.
first off, why would an all powerful being thrive on his creation's worship?
that is a little selfish if you ask me, and a little childish.
Hey everybody. thanks for all of your comments. This is turning very interesting. in a response to something somebody said, about somebody can murder and still not be completely cold-hearted. Yes, i agree totally. This is perfectly true. However, God supposedly is PERFECT. He is NOT human. And he is the most loving being in the universe according to the Bible. If this is true, then help us all, because he is far from non-violent. would u expect a loving christian to take part in war? i wouldn't. But God has slaughtered in wars by the Thousands. And there are several scriptures in the Bible that say God does have evil in him, or performs evil works, however there are also scriptures saying god is completely pure ( go figure ).
Anyways, to clear things up a little bit, i'm not atheist, but i think the bible is a fairy tale as valid as any other book, like the books the moslems use, the books the hindus use, etc. The only reason i DO still believe in god is because i think the theory of evolution is the funniest thing i've ever heard. oh yeah, great illustration with the cyanide in a room thing too. kudos on that one.
here is a little post for all you people who believe in god, or at least the god that the bible presents to us.
first off, why would an all powerful being thrive on his creation's worship?
that is a little selfish if you ask me, and a little childish.
Here is a little post for all you people who believe in God, or at least the God that the Bible presents to us. First off, why would an all powerful being thrive on his creation's worship? That is a little selfish if you ask me, and a little childish. that'd be like building a masterpiece, and then expecting it to thank you every day of it's life instead of doing what it was designed to do. I believe we were designed to enjoy the earth to it's fullest, and each other's company. Also, God is a very big contradiction. Hmmm....let me make it a horrible crime for people to kill people, but i can do it cuz i'm God! wOot! Give me a break. how about this one. I will answer some people's prayers, but not others. People die every day DESPITE desperate prayers. yet others pray for some extra money and win the lottery! God must be on their side. and i don't buy that bull that God "works in mysterious ways". just waiting to hear your thoughts!
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."