Maintain a good relationship and try to keep her life peaceful and easy.
I agree.
this is a plea from a close friend of mine who is a 4th or 5th generation jw who left a few years ago due to the wt's corruption.
she lives next door to her mother and now another jw family related to her.
she is looking for any advice from any of you that has been in a similar situation, how you dealt with it, and her options.
Maintain a good relationship and try to keep her life peaceful and easy.
I agree.
The golden child of the the PO (at the KH I first attended in northern MN), got DF'd out at bethel. Happiest day as a jovie when I found that out. Strangely, noone ever found out what the offense was. I will probably solve who the shooter was behind the Grassy Knoll before this.
is it just me or does anyone else get that 'sick' feeling when they see a jdub?
i live in a fairly small town but i knew alot of dubs from all over the state.
i can (gladly) go months without seeing a single witness...but then sometimes no matter where i go they are all over the place.
You know what chaps my ass is the arrogance of most of these jovies that think "how dare" any ex-dub be in their presence.
hi everyone, i recently joined this forum as i'm close to being df.
i am suppose to meet with a judical committee soon but was thinking that i don't want to go through those personal questions that i'm sure the elders would ask.
does anyone know, is it better to just tell the elders before, say like on the phone, that i want to be df and not go through the committee?
Also, quit calling it the truth. The only truth about it is is that it's a destructive cult with false teachings. Everytime I hear the word "truth", I get pissed thinking about the douchey stories all of us saps used to talk about(in our car groups out in service) how we came into the "truth" and other BS topics. Embarassing.
i'm in a very low mood today.. i read about all of the misery that this f* religion has caused for people and their families.
my friend told me how he's been visiting an 80 yr. old brother in very poor health and no one has come to visit - just calls.
can't you feel the love?
That's weird you bring up the You Tube thing. I was in a mood when I came into work and someone sent me the link to the Robot Chicken Star Wars clip on You Tube. It made my day. If you want a laugh go there.
i started a thread a long hug which touches on the below, but feel this subject deserves a thread of its own.. a study, highlighted on bbc breakfast news yesterday, acknowledged the importance of holding hands in a relationship, courting or married.
it was stated that couples who hold hands in the street are more likely to have a solid relationship - and especially those who interlink their fingers when holding hands as this indicates a desire to be as close to each other as possible.
arm linking is ok, too, but couples who just walk about not holding hands - and this includes married couples - indicates the relationship could be in trouble.. do you hold hands with your spouse/partner?
A PO once told me that holding hands forces chemicals to be exchanged between the hands that causes sexual impulses, so young witnesses who are courting shouldn't hold hands...I'm not kidding. If only he knew about his darling reg. pioneer daughter and her bethelite boyfriend heavily petting eachother with their pants down to their ankles, making out in the woods.
[the watchtower, july 15, 1961 issue, page 420: .
[the watchtower, july 1, 1963 issue, page 413: .
[the watchtower, july 15, 1974 issue, page 442: .
Wow. All I could think about was how anyone could treat their little girl like this. Thank you for sharing, and I look forward to the rest of your story.
was your life totally disrupted?
did you lose a lot of family and friends?
Easiest thing I ever did was leaving. It was when I joined up that I lost/abandoned my friends and family. Since I left the jovies, I've patched things up with old friends and thank goodness for my family. They stuck through my cult experiences with me.
to those of you who followed the last post about the idiot who keeps e-mailing me -- he keeps sending me more letters even though i quit sending him letters.. .
good morning renee: i expect you will be reading this early when you come to work.
these are trumped up charges just like they did to jesus and the apostles by those who hate jehovah and his flock.
Post his email addy.
another story that i'd like to share.
however, since he is a pioneer - maybe he should be the service overseer and br.
superfine is not doing things still ?
This sick mother f'er MASTURBATED in front of his 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CHILD! HIS CHILD!!!!!! This is something that he DOESN'T get over, or cure himself of. If anyone feels that he somehow is healed of this behavior, do you have children? If you do, would you let this waste of oxygen accompany your child ANYWHERE?
The fact that he hasn't been brought to justice sickens me just as bad.