Well J,
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Your beliefs would never satisfy me and my beliefs would not satisfy you. Do you think I am happy with the thought that based on what the bible says and what God promises, many will be saved but also many won't? God himself says he wishes that none would perish. No, I would wish that all would be saved. But I am not God and it's not my place to judge. I just believe that what he says will come to pass. That is why we are all individuals, we can either believe or not believe. And no, I am not a prisoner of my thinking any more than you are. You have researched and have come to your own conclusions about God and the bible and I have come to mine. Christianity is not a cult, the JW organization is a cult. I have been in both and believe me, there is no comparison. I am free to read whatever I want and talk to whoever I want and research whatever I want and be friends with whoever I want. I am free to follow my God given conscience instead of having to listen to the authoritarian demands of a bunch of old men in Brooklyn. I am free and don't feel the heavy heavy burden I felt as a JW, the burden of always slaving for a manmade organization and never feeling like I was good enough. That was a prison. Now I do things because I want to, not because I have to. I have gotten involved in missions for the homeless and teaching migrant workers to speak English so they can get better jobs. To me, serving others is the most rewarding thing, just like Jesus said. He told us to feed the hungry and help the poor and the suffering. To me, this is freedom and the most wonderful thing I have ever been involved in, because I have realized the truth in the saying it is better to give than to receive. This sums up Jesus and his exampe of how he wants us to be. To reach out and serve people in need and to be able to show them caring and love is the most freeing thing I have ever experienced. I was suffering depression all the time as a JW, but now that I am out of that, I have not been depressed since that time and it has been almost 4 years.
Take care and bless you,