I do believe it will happen one day and that Jesus will come back, but I don't think it will turn out anything like the JWs say it will. I just hope if stuff happens, that a bunch of inactive or ex-JWs don't go running back to the JWs out of fear thinking that the JWs had the "truth" after all. Many besides the JWs have been saying we are in the end times, for the past 2,000 years, so the JWs aren't saying anything new. It's just that the JWs keep making false predictions so they figure one of these days they might hit it right. They are just capitalizing on it and trying to manipulate and control people with it through fear. Remember the Hale Bop cult and Jim Jones and David Koresh? I think they all claimed that the end was near so people would listen to them. Most cults capitalize on the "end is near" and make false predictions but I think the witnesses might be one of the most notorious false prophets.