JoinedTopics Started by onacruse
Passive-aggressive...Is it to be avoided?
by onacruse inhs, in view of a recent post you made, and also (much more importantly) because i want to continue to learn about myself, i would appreciate your (and, of course, anyone else's) observations about the following (bolds added):.
dear cecil:.
i hear this term used frequently, usually with reference to a coworker, child, parent, etc, who is being a pain in the ass.
Your epitaph...what would you like it to be?
by onacruse inimagine that you are staring down from some ethereal plane of post-death...not the funeral, mind you, but perhaps years or decades after your physical decease.. what would you feel pleased to see written on your gravestone?.
he thought he'd figured it out,.
No magazines for me :(:(:(
by onacruse in*** km 7/04 p. 3 question box ***.
how should personal copies of thewatchtower and awake!
be obtained?.
"Letters From The Earth" (Mark Twain, 1909)
by onacruse inas is his wont, farkel keeps hammering me about thinking 'outside the box.
' i'm beginning to suspect that doing so is almost becoming his favorite past-time.
How do angels and demons influence mankind?
by onacruse inwts publications, and indeed virtually all religions on this planet, assert that angels and demons have regular influence on mankind, on individual human beings as well as on the general course of human events.. but i've never read anything specific about how they supposedly accomplish this.. do they tweak our neurons?
do they fiddle with our hormones, thereby making us feel good or bad about a certain course of action?
do they inject thoughts into our brains, perhaps in such a subtle way that we think those are our own thoughts?
Happy Anniversary, my sweetheart!
by onacruse inyes, it was just 5 years ago on xmas day that bikerchic and i got married in las vegas at the little church of the west.
it was too funny, going to the courthouse with $50 in hand (cash only, please!
), and walking out to a parade of taxis all offering to take us wherever we wanted to go (cash only, please!).
Vote for your favorite "celebrated JW scholar"!!
by onacruse innow, there are so many from which to choose...where is one to start?.
well, since i'm an old-timer, i must by default cast my vote for clayton j. woodworth, that inspired author and editor of the golden age who single-handedly warned the world about the dangers of aluminum cookware and vaccinations, among so many other things.. only once in a generation comes along a man with such inspired insights as to baffle the minds of mere ordinary humans..
Mouthy, I need your help!
by onacruse inthat scoundrel outlaw did this dastardly deed:.
this is what i get for whoop`n onacruse,on the "fight thread"............i hit him so hard,his grandma got a black eye!....lol!!.
i need you to set him straight!.
My apologies to OUTLAW
by onacruse inon a recent thread, i made a bit of fun about outlaw having to eat penguin morning, noon, and night.. as is the way of things, his almost unbelievably super-nasty p/m back to me made me do some research, and lo and behold, i found a plethora of penguin recipes suitable to all but the most sensitive of palates:.
penguin fricassee.
penguin & chips.