How do angels and demons influence mankind?

by onacruse 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    WTS publications, and indeed virtually all religions on this planet, assert that angels and demons have regular influence on mankind, on individual human beings as well as on the general course of human events.

    But I've never read anything specific about how they supposedly accomplish this.

    Do they tweak our neurons? Do they fiddle with our hormones, thereby making us feel good or bad about a certain course of action? Do they inject thoughts into our brains, perhaps in such a subtle way that we think those are our own thoughts? Do they cause us to have certain dreams, which we subsequently attribute to supernatural revelation? Do they make a General misread a battle-plan, so that he sends his armies left instead of right, thereby altering the outcome of a War? Do they make a Bible randomly open to a certain chapter and verse, so that the reader suddenly reads "just the right Scripture"?

  • MissingLink

    Same was as leprechauns and banshees do. I mean - they dont. It's just JW ghost stories.

    It doesn't make any sense. If angels or demons could make people do things they wouldn't otherwise do, then how can we be punished or rewarded for our actions?

  • LtCmd.Lore

    This is a pretty important question. Related to it, is the question of: "How do demons 'possess' people?"

    And the really loaded question: "Why did God give them this ability?"

    Think about it, what NON-Evil purpose does possession serve? It strikes me as a rather odd thing for God to create angels with the ability to invade a human brain and take over.

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • Leolaia

    In Galatians 5:19-23, Paul lists the virtues that result from the Holy Spirit dwelling in a person, e.g. love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, etc. So the Spirit enters a person, enters his/her heart, and disposes the person to behave in ways harmonious with the Spirit (cf. Hermas, Mandate 3.1 regarding "the spirit which God caused to dwell in this flesh"). It is similar with the evil spirits. According to Shepherd of Hermas, the evil spirits enter into a person, and make the person "double-hearted" or "double-minded" (dipsukhos), bringing negative thoughts and inclinations into a person. A spirit that found a nice home would invite other unclean spirits to join together with it. These spirits "oppress the Holy Spirit that dwells in you" (Mandate 10.2.4-5). Each negative emotion is a separate "spirit" that takes up residence in a person, eventually crowding out the Holy Spirit: "An angry temper is first of all foolish, fickle, and senseless. Then from foolishness comes bitterness, and from bitterness wrath, and from wrath anger, and from anger vengefulness; then vengefulness, being composed of all these evil elements, becomes a great and incurable sin. For when all these spirits dwell in one vessel, where the Holy Spirit also dwells, the vessel cannot contain them, but overflows. So the sensitive Spirit, which is not used to living with an evil spirit nor with harshness, departs from a person with the evil spirits" (Mandate 5.4-6). A similar understanding of evil spirits can be found in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. So spirits (which in the Jewish-Christian tradition corresponded to the souls of the giants who died in the Flood, NOT the fallen angels who were imprisoned in Tartarus/the abyss) were not just thought to be the agents of disease; they were the source of negative emotions, madness, vices, etc., who would fill up a person like water fills a vessel. So exorcisms, among other things, were a sort of ancient form of psychotherapy -- people came to exorcists to rid themselves of their "evil inclinations".

  • AllTimeJeff

    w94 2/1 p 4-7

    Add to all of this the widespread interest in magic and spiritism, and it is clear that belief in wicked spirits has a long and pervasive history. But is it reasonable to believe that such creatures exist? The Bible says that they do. However, if they do exist, why does God allow them to influence man to his injury?

    THE Bible’s explanation of the role of demons in man’s affairs answers basic questions about evil that would otherwise be unanswerable. Consider, for example, this statement from the InternationalHeraldTribune concerning the ongoing war in the Balkans: "A European Community team of investigators has concluded that [soldiers] have raped up to 20,000 Muslim women and girls . . . as part of a systematic policy of terror designed to intimidate, demoralize and drive them from their homes."

    An essay in Time magazine grappled with an explanation: "Sometimes, young men in war may commit rape in order to please their elders, their officers, and win a sort of father-to-son approval. The rape is proof of commitment to the unit’s fierceness. A young man willing to do hideous things has subordinated his individual conscience in order to fuse with the uncompromising purposes of the group. A man seals his allegiance in atrocity."

    But why are the "uncompromising purposes of the group" more debased than the individual consciences of its members? As an individual, almost everyone desires to live at peace with his neighbor. So why, in times of war, do people rape, torture, and kill one another? A key reason is that demonic forces are at work.

    Understanding the role of demons also provides a solution to what some term a "theologian’s problem." The problem is how to reconcile three propositions: (1) God is all powerful; (2) God is loving and good; and (3) terrible things happen. Some hold that it is possible to reconcile any two of these propositions, but all three can never be reconciled. God’s Word itself gives the answer, and that answer involves unseen spirits, agents of evil.

    From here, the WT article goes into the allegory of Satan and his demons fall into disfavor with Jehovah. While I am sure this won't surprise anyone, the questions they raised were not answered.... The best they can do is in this quote, which is to say that armies that rape and pillage MUST be under demonic control.... OBVIOUSLY.

    Here is the GB conclusions on demon influence from the same article



    Satan and the demons have always been murderous and cruel. Satan, by various means, took away Job’s livestock and killed most of his servants. Next, he killed Job’s ten children by causing "a great wind" to demolish the house they were in. After that, Satan plagued Job with "a malignant boil from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head."—Job 1:7-19; 2:3, 7.

    The demons show a similarly evil disposition. In Jesus’ day, they robbed people of their speech and sight. They caused a man to slash himself with stones. They dashed a boy to the ground and "violently convulsed him."—Luke 9:42; Matthew 9:32, 33; 12:22; Mark 5:5.

    Reports from around the world show that Satan and the demons are as malicious as ever. Some people they strike with illness. Others they harass by robbing them of sleep or by giving them terrible dreams or by abusing them sexually. Still others they have driven to insanity, murder, or suicide.

    Don't know what those methods are... As usual they don't explain, because they can't. I didn't know that such things as nightmares, insomnia and sexual urges in the middle of the night could be attributed to demons.... I must be seriously demonized... lol... Also something they can't answer: Why did demonic activity as explained in the bible stop after the bible was written, esp keeping in mind that according to JW theology, Satan and the demons have been cast down to earth having great anger knowing they have a short period of time. So they are less able to hurt people then before? Doesn't make sense... But do you know of any demons possesing people lately? (please if you are a fundie, don't answer, send me the video instead....)

    Short answer is that the bible makes the claim of demon influence, it is sparse on details, and there is no evidence that the claims are true... Good night!

  • Carmel

    We are the "angels" and "demons" simply by whether or not our spiritual nature is in conrol or our animal nature. carmel

  • WTWizard

    Very simple. It is all a lie. The Watchtower Society has hypnotized you into believing that normal thoughts that you were programmed with (called instinct) are in fact demons. They do that by banning things that are totally natural and good, while crowding them out with the need for more time in field circus. And they repeatedly tell you that thoughts that they deem improper, that are often set off with hormones and experiences, are from demons.

    When in fact, Satan liberated Adam! The decision of what is good and bad was not God's to make. If anything, God made crap decisions that would have doomed them to a life of stagnation and wasteful sacrifice to some higher cause. Satan set them free from that, and what does Baghead do but cause them to die for it. Satan wanted Adam to think for himself, which would have led to his betterment. But God the Tyrant couldn't have that. God wanted to do their thinking for them, so He had a temper tantrum and threw them out of the garden to die.

    If Satan's motives were to liberate man from God's stagnation, then there is no way he is going to maliciously possess me. That would not be consistent with Satan's original motive of liberating Adam from stagnation. Instead, it is disruptions of the chemistry of the brain that often makes people think they are possessed (whether from medication side effects, taking recreational drugs, or nutritional imbalances). And there is the normal hallucination that happens just as we are going to sleep. That is normally not remembered, but if you wake up suddenly at that point, you will notice it. Dreams are the brain's filing system and are meant to sort out all the nonsense of daily life. None of this comes from Satan or any of his demons.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    main theme doctrane of satanism is that he liberated mankind ................................

  • searcher

    I find it impossible to believe that man is just some sort of mindless puppet, standing around waiting to be possesed and controlled by warring 'puppet masters' (Angels and Demons).

  • SirNose586

    Angels go around touching people.

    Demons spend their time possessing Smurf dolls and little girls....

    (Insert projectile vomiting here)

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