Howwwwwwwwevvvver, none of us know each other
I know your address?
yes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
Howwwwwwwwevvvver, none of us know each other
I know your address?
Are you still a witness in good standing? Is that how you wish to stay?
since they have fingered you as a mod, you should have a very interesting tale to tell; please do!.
wayne, give it up please. no one wants to hear your nonsense, leave lady-lee alone
i heard from lt a few weeks ago.
i haven't been here for ages because i've had to spend so much time at the hospital.
emily and christopher were born 14 weeks early on 23rd may.
i heard from lt a few weeks ago.
i haven't been here for ages because i've had to spend so much time at the hospital.
emily and christopher were born 14 weeks early on 23rd may.
I heard from LT a few weeks ago. I haven't been here for ages because I've had to spend so much time at the hospital. Emily and Christopher were born 14 weeks early on 23rd May. Emily came home a few days ago and now weighs 5lb, but Christopher is still in the PICU with no sign of coming home anytime soon
Very sorry to hear about your situation. Just wanted to say that my twins were 11 weeks early and despite early prognosis being bad, one of them in particular was dependent on CPAP/Breathing Apparatus, both were tube fed for a long time and spent AGES on the Unit before we got them home, everything worked out really well and we've never looked back!!
What i mean is, i hope you have the same.
KW x
i see alot of new names here lately and if you look at the log on names here there are thousands who have moved on....every 2 years the posters change.....some vent and leave, others stay on for years.
i guess moving on with your life is a good thing, i think this site helps...any thoughts?.
Interesting Topic. In my opinion i think people reach different levels of healing throughout their lives. The forum might come up at the beginning of the healing process or toward the end (if at all). It's the equivalent to a Study aid, a crutch and a best friend in one. You can survive leaving that cult without it, but it's a lot easier to do it with the forum.
Instead of feeling lonely on your journey, you can share your thoughts (as crazy as they might be) with others and share in fellowship without strings!!
I come here now just out of curiosity, i feel 95% healed and 5% annoyed. That last 5% causes me some grief once in a blue moon but for the most part, i'm on top and a very, very happy person!!
I get drunk the odd weekend in the local pub and yeah, i'll be honest i enjoy it but only because i know my limits and i feel comfortable with the people i drink with. I rarely get a hangover and i've not been sick in a longtime!
it occured to me that when the new, young elders, ministerial servants and so on take over, they are further and further away from the origin of the witnesses.
when the lies were fresh in the minds of all, when people saw first hand what was done wrong, giving them the reasons to jump ship and enjoy life, without fear of making a mistake, because they had a good idea of the facts.
these things have since been brushed under the carpet and the circuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants and so on are more naive and clueless (in my opinion) than ever.. the same applies to the rank and file witnesses.
lozhasleft, as you say these people are prepared to die for a cause they do not understand and they haven't even been promised a crowd of virgins in heaven for it!! thats dedication for you lol.
odie, last time i went in the hall nothing much had changed except i noticed there were less chairs. this could have been coincidence but i'm guessing its to make the empty chairs less obvious.
Palm tree LOL i think may truly be a Wingnut and yes, the generation teaching makes it clear just how brainwashed they are!!
JWFacts i appreciate what you are saying of course that some would leave the minute hardship rears its ugly head but the hardcore elite (ironically the most clueless and apparently lease intelligent) would do anything just to please the Society. They are all about persecution and fear, they are well prepared for it, almost like some of the members of Jonestown were prepared to give their children poison before drinking it themselves.
I think you are right about them just accepting things. I think there are people in there, as indeed there always has been just for the ride now or because of other commitments/issues.
Onthewayout oh i agree 100%. they are encouraged now just to say what they have to say, answer the questions of people with the right attitude (basically idiots with their head up their arse) or run like hell. a lot don't have their heart in it but i think some of them are in it to die, they are in it for the competition to look the most 'holy' and so on.
Outlaw you look hawt when you laugh... whats your number
it occured to me that when the new, young elders, ministerial servants and so on take over, they are further and further away from the origin of the witnesses.
when the lies were fresh in the minds of all, when people saw first hand what was done wrong, giving them the reasons to jump ship and enjoy life, without fear of making a mistake, because they had a good idea of the facts.
these things have since been brushed under the carpet and the circuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants and so on are more naive and clueless (in my opinion) than ever.. the same applies to the rank and file witnesses.
Exactly. At the moment there is absolutely no sound logic coming from the Society and the very reasons the whole Organization began have been lost somewhere over time, known only i think to a privileged few, in charge of this madness that we used to call the 'truth'. I think these people work tirelessly to ensure that the money comes in and the lies don't go out. Its quite clear the Watchtower Society is a money making machine which i would bet, has some ties to some very odd groups and people.
a few months ago i read an article about this in discover magazine.
as i realized the implications it gave me a sick, eerie feeling.. in short, suppose memories of the deceased are collected and downloaded into a program?.
what you are about to see is a prototype program for what i suspect may be robotic construction for the near future of resurrecting loved ones who have passed on.
its rather strange isnt it, it doesnt make me comfortable thinking of dead loved ones being downloaded on to a computer...