And to me
.proceeding from the father and the son.. .
neither the father nor the son.. .
.the father was never.
And to me
this is my first attempt to make contact with ex jws, i would love to make contact with ex jws in cambridgeshire/northamptonshire but would luv to hear from anyone else who wishes to share their wit/humour or just chat.
i have been out of "big mother" for 18 months after spending my whole life very actively associating with jws (all of my 32 years).
Hi montag
I was just reading some of the first posts that 'Tish' made on the forum and came across your reply post to her.
Crazy thing is, that we've only just found out that Tish just happens to be da_luvvin_sista's sista! And da_luvvin_sista is married to!
Anyways, I bet somewhere along the line you've either heard of me and da_luvvin_sista, and/or, you may have even met us at a luvvin_assembly_line_!
Like you, my luvvin_wife knows loadsa dubbs in Northamptonshire [some nice ones too - as you put it] especially inda Abington, Goldenash, Duston and Kingsthorpe congs cos she comes from Nothampton. She was inda Weston Favell cong until she married me and moved down here (15-20 minutes down the A428).
If you'd like to have a chat some time (and compare notes!), we'd love to hear from you.
If not, then we'll just mark you down as a 'Do Not Call' !!!!! :-)
Kind regards
Da_luvvin_bruvva_&_Da_luvvin_sista (and not forgetting da_luvvin_kidz!)
well according to my mum anyway.
she came home from a meeting a few months back, looked at me and with a slightly manic laugh declared "you are the antichrist!".
i of course was shocked and ran to the bathroom to check my freshly shaven head for any marks etc but found nothing.
The first time I got called that by one of da_luvva's_of_trooof, I asked them to have a look at Matthew 7:1
Its just as well that da_luvvin_bruvvahood is not our judge and jury.
I have however (in my younger days), been on many a pantyheist!
you might think i'm being picky here, please dont take this the wrong way.
the thing is, i'm stuggling with my health at the moment and am going in hospital to see if my cancer has spread.. heres my gripe: some people (noone on this board) say to me, over and over, that they know someone who had skin cancer and they're fine they can just remove the mole and everything is fine.
well for the purposes of educating people:.
I know it must be hard, and there's not much that I can say that hasn't already bee said on here, but please Sirona, please keep positive.
Not only will you be in our thoughts, but also in our prayers.
Da_luvvin_bruvva & Da_luvvin_sista
i have just been shunned!
i was standing in my kitchen, which has a view on a parking lot in front of my house.
well, i was doing my dishes, and i see this car parking (quit clumsily i might add).
Hey teejay
I've just got that statement trademarked!
Please make checks (US) / cheques (UK) payable to:
Da luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvva that was so luvvinly luvved by da luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvvahood of luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvva's Inc.
Thank you very much.
Da_luvvin_bruvva & sista, & kidz
i have just been shunned!
i was standing in my kitchen, which has a view on a parking lot in front of my house.
well, i was doing my dishes, and i see this car parking (quit clumsily i might add).
Oh ((((((((((((((((Viv)))))))))))))))))
If only we could sit round a table and talk, just talk to these people who were once our luvved ones, our close friends, our family and so called 'bruvva's and sista's inda troof'!
The only way I get through every day of shunning is to hold my head up high, smile, and say hello to them, ALWAYS. Especially when I take my kids to school.....what a disgrace! They may feel they're justified in shunning me, but my kids?
I'm absolutely resolute in not stooping down to their level. I refuse to play their mindphuk games.
By continuing to be 'me', I'm absolutely certain that many of the dubbs that I've greeted have had to end up 'crakin a smile' at me, despite them knowing that I'm a so called 'apostate'.
My ill mother (who is still a luvvin sista but don't believe it anymore) lives in a granny annex next to my family home, and thus, I've got easy access into her living quarters, so when my aunt (of over 35 years in da dubbery) came over to see her, I quite instinctively said, "hi Aunt..., you're looking well, how are you".
Looking at my mum, her reply was........"you know you're not supposed to talk to me"
Looking directly at her, my reply was......."well, as I don't live by Watchtower rules, my Christian conscience doesn't allow me to be rude and inconsiderate to friends, family, and especially relatives. Its up to you if you want to live under the Watchtower rules and shun me, my wife and kids, but I'm afraid, we're not going to play that game, ever. We will ALWAYS continue to show you love and respect, even if you don't return it......"
Her mouth dropped to the floor and my mum winked at me with a cute little smile on her face.
My closing words to her were........."we may have stopped being witnesses, but we sure not going to stop being Christian, so we will always love you, ciao.....", and walked out of the room.
The only advice I ever give to any of my family is to keep on being ok with the dubbs. Keep on greeting them even when they shun you cos I found that if you put your head down and accept the shunning, you're basically showing them that you are in actual fact 'ashamed' of your situation.
You should never ever be ashamed of the fact that you're out of that cult Viv. You know its not 'da troof', unfortunately, they don't. However, one day, by the way you show that you're not shaken by their shunning, they may even start finding it hard to shun you.
I've been able to get loads of dubbs out, and so has da_luvvin_sista, my wife! And its only been as a result of continuing to show that we weren't affected by the shunning (we obviously were, but we hid it). Its workin quite nicely now here where we live and surrounding areas from where da_luvvin_sista comes from.
We are truly blessed to be out 'n free. They're the ones that are shackled in the WT bondage, so, in a way, despite the fact that they can make you physically sick just looking at them, ya just gotta feel sorry for e'm.
Keep your chin up Viv.
We'll never shun you.
Luv, da_luvvin_bruvva
i know that my mom frequents these boards a lot, she says it has really helped her deal with her pain caused by the jw's.
i figured maybe you could help me out too.. i'll start by saying that i'm fifteen, and that i am in an unfavorable situation concerning my relationship with a witness.
my mom doesn't feel comfortable with me talking to this person, and she says that it is a bad thing to be talking to her.
Hey recneps/spencer
I can only empathize with your situation and I agree with all the other posts, eg: Reborn, Vivamus etc, however.............
On the positive side, if I were you, I'd keep on researching the WTBS so that you can get it clear in your mind whether or not it is 'da troof'.
Once you've come to discover that 'da troof' is nothing but a lie and a cult (as Reborn quite rightly stated), you may even be able to help this girl outta da Witchtower Babel & Entrapment Society.
If you succeed in helping her to also see that it is one of the most damaging cults in the world, she'd have nothing but a lifetime of gratitude to offer you.
But, you've got to get it absolutely clear in your mind whether or not it is cracked up to be what they reckon it is.
Don't take it from me, or any other person, but look into the history of the WT for yourself, all the many false prophecies, the lies, the deceit, the coverups etc, etc, etc. It won't be hard. The web is a good place to start.
If you ever need any help, advice, research material and other resources to find out the 'truth' about the worldwide 'Luvvin Bruvvahood', there are so many wonderful people on this forum that will be more than happy to help you confirm in your own mind, that the WTB&TS is, most definately, A MIND CONTROLLING CULT. PERIOD.
God bless in your journey.
i need a vent guys, i hope you all don't mind!
i'm not sure what has happened to me today of all days, but i just can't fight back the tears.
i guess it must be the pretence fatigue kicking in.
Matty, like I said to you're beginning a wonderful journey mate.
You know "we're" all here for ya, and not just from the UK. You're gonna make friends all over the world, cos, you're not alone.
And, you know that we're here for ya too, always, that is; me and da_luvvin_sista. (You know who we are).
You may feel like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, but believe me, and obviously, all of us that have come out of a 'mind controlling' religion such as the WT, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Take it easy. Get to know your stuff. Get to know why you started feeling this way. Make sure that you're absolutely sure in your mind that da trooof is not the Truth.
Research the WT for yourself so that you're confident that what you're finding out isn't just what you've been told by others. You've had a life time of being told what 'your' opinion is, so its time to develop your own opinion, cos, you've got one, you just need to find it.
No doubt you're gonna be asked a lot of questions by the LB's (da luvvin bruvva's), so watch what you say and how you say it. If you don't keep your answers hypothetical (eg: ..."someone asked me about....), the spiritual law enforcement officers will be notified and a notice of full alert will be issued.
There are so many dubbs coming out, everyday, so sooner or later, you're gonna get to find out that someone else's been feeling this way for goodness knows how long. Thats where someone like you, me, and all the posters on here can help others come to terms with the trauma of finding out that they'd been in a cult.
Bear this in mind, if you think that you were the only one last week at the 'convention' that feels the same as you, be assured that many of the 'conventioners' will also have either read, or posted on here cos there are so many dubbs that are in the dubbery that just don't believe it. They're tied by their families, friends, and relatives. But look whats happening to da_luvvin_sista's family!
Anyways, I can only reiterate that we're all here for ya, and me and da_luvvin_sista will always be here for ya.
We found the light at the end of the tunnel..........and it weren't that far away afterall.
Real Christian Love to ya......and I mean, real Christian Love........... no strings, no terms and conditions, no subject to status, no phoney, no mess and no nuffink (although your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments or other loans secured on it).
hi to eveyone,.
i was d'fd 18 months ago, i was prepared for the shunning within my family and the borg of all my friends (as i never associated with "worldly people") but i have been totally blown away with how nobody cares about my 2 young children!!.
my kids have not heard from their aunties and uncle since i was thrown out in feb '01.
Oh Tish.......oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Tish.........
This is so, so, so common in that God foresaken Borganization we so totally bought as our lord and saviour. I resigned my "position" nearly 3 years ago, and what my wife went through with da so called "luvvin bruvva's" when I stopped going to da meetinz is a travesty of humanity.
When I read your post, it brought back so many memories of my wife's pleadings, tears, and her total despair at the way she was just left to her own devices cos da luvvin elda's told her that as an "appointed" man, it was my responsibility to get her and our 3 kids (7, 5, 2) to the 'spiritual banquet set before us @ da meetinz.
But nonetheless, in a way, I can only thank the Lord that her treatment by da luvvin bruvva's made her question the 'love' that we were always being reminded of.
My wife was raised in da dubbs (JayDubbleYou......dubbleYou....dubbs.......oh never mind!), all her family are still, allegedly in da trooof, though again, I can only thank the Lord that half of them are now starting to raise their own doubts. But it was a torture for her at first cos she's one of 8 sista's, and one bruvva, and overnight, even long before she herself got disinfranchised from da luvvin Bruvvahood, lost all contact with her nieces and nephews; our kid's cousins in other words. No longer did our kids hove cousins as we were now 'apostates' cos we started going on an Alpha course at a Christian Church.
I don't really wanna go on too long on here as I'd fill a couple of reams of paper with our saga, so, all I can say, is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Not 'new light', but the 'real' light. No doubt we could compare notes on our experiences, especially my wife, so if you ever need to talk about what you've been through, she'd be more than happy to help. I don't know how long you were in the Borg, my wife was in it for nearly 33 years, and 10 for me, so we've come to really appreciate the love and support we've found throughout the UK of people who've been in similar situations.
For me, I could have easily been happy with them just leaving us alone, but no, after having been 'seen' going into a Church, the luvvin elda's decided to come round to 'conduct their enquiries' after nearly 2 years of not so much as even a 'hello, are you still alive?' from them. What a story that turned out to be I tellya, but in short, in ended up with our "disassociating ourselves" (we didn't, but thats what they announced anyway).
One thing's for sure, we've found out that the so called scum of the universe; 'the worldly people' that we were not supposed to 'associate' with, are not so scum after all, in fact, we've found that 'worldly' people are just that- worldly; real. Not sureal, from the planet Xargon somewhere in Delta Quadrant. Unfortunately, when you get mixed up in an elitist society like da dubbin network, you can easily get caught up in the 'holier than thou' mindset. I mean, I got to meet some really nasty pieces when dealing with some of the body of E's. I just got so knocked by their lies, deceit, kniving and sometimes, just downright evil minded. Some of them were so far up their chocolate starfish that it used to leave me feeling that there was no way that Jehovah's Holy Spirit appointed this set of frustrated Cardinals. I used to beg Jehovah to help me overcome my feelings of doubt, but the more I begged, the more I seemed to get more and more doubts and concerns come up into my mind.
Anyway, I'm getting myself into a frenzy here, so I'm gonna stop, and sorry if I've woffled on.
I pray that you will be helped. Not by the dubbs, cos that'll only be conditional. I mean real love and help from others that have been in similar situations; help on here, support groups, and no doubt even new friends that you will, you will, you will (3 times for emphasis, remember that?) meet.
So go on, Love your kids Tish. Love life Tish. Love God and start loving yourself again, cos I bet for so long, you too felt you were just not good enough, guilty and full of fear and despair for the future.
View this as the start to a whole new world. A whole new life. And a whole new wonderful opportunity for you and your kids to find new friends that will love you for you, and not for how many hours you're knocking on doors, or how many times you attend da luvvin meetinz, or ansa up, or what you're wearing and why you're wearing it, how you wear make up like you do and why you've done your hair like you did, or what colour highlighter pens you've used for your WT study, or which people you 'associate' with, or don't, and on and on and on......
Let people love you for being you Tish, you deserve it and so do your kids.
Tish, I wish you God's Love in your new journey.
Just remember this.......You cannot discover new oceans, unless you're prepared to lose sight of the shore. (Ain't that cute?)
Loadsa luv from da luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvva that was so luvvinly luvved by da luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvvahood of luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvva's.
Edited by - da_luvvin_bruvva on 24 July 2002 22:37:12
just been reading this article over my lunch - made me go mmmmmmmm.... apparently they are looking for new recruits... any takers... looks like their might be a bob or two in it.....
couple of points i found interesting - first the scrutiny of the charities commission, why can't they do something about the build up of funds that the jws have.
and second - how on earth did they work out that bedford is the site of the garden of eden???.
Who's Joanna Southcotts?
Individuals wife - No joke (this time) I actually live near where The Panacea Society have their HQ, and boy, are they loaded! Loadsa houses, loadsa money. Sound familiar?
If you wanna know more - email me direct, and I'll explain why they chose Bedford as their stomping ground (as the WT chose Brooklyn)