Nope! No way. As somebody here noted hardcore JW will make whatever it is......
I've read the book as soon as it came out. I ALWAYS read ANYTHING I could get my hands on......never allowed ANYBODY to forbid/censor what I read...after several years into "the truth", I allowed that very same GOOD habit to be surpressed by know by what.
So, last summer I've started picking up again on all kinds of books (say it historical, archaeological, evern weird topics). Among these I've read DVC. Now here's my experience with that:
Most average JW will look at you with a very strange look in their face! One time it slipped out on a bethel table that i've read the book and the ones around me said that books is satanical and where shocked....later one I found out that some others had read the book (the more open minded type of JW) and where shutting up.....
The real truth can sometimes be uncomfortable. And foremost the same goes with this book or the other thread about the movie "The Island": 98% of JW WILL NOT see similarities. They DON'T WAN'T to see it and shut their brains off....that part of their brains (the critical / analyzing part of it) is SHUT OFF! Believe me. YOU are seeing things through a new eye. The clones in The Island could not understand what the outside world was, because it wasn't an option.
NO, if you have hopes with the DVC. Don't.