Before coming on this forum I didn't know that the JWs had changed the generation definition from literal to symbolic and I obviously predicted that this religion will be finished when that last 1914 codger dies. When I found out that they had changed their definition I thought, bloody hell this religion is going to go on forever. Then I thought that no, they are going to fade out, then I settled on, they are going to survive just like the catholics and orthodox. I mean what's the difference.
JWism offers more than just armageddon. It is a way of life that 6 million people find attractive. Some people need a regimented structured life style and JWism offers that aplenty. I think these people make the hardcore of the society and no "insignificant" change to wording is going to get them running out those doors. They will find reasons to believe.
I believe then that if we all came back in 200 years time we would find the JWs doing the JW thing.
Any thoughts?
Symbolic generation. Does it extend batting time for WTBTS?
by Spectrum 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Even though the WTBT$ has been exposed as an inherently evil entity that abuses its followers I agree with you that it will be actively seeking out more unsuspecting victims for a very long time.
Before coming on this forum I didn't know that the JWs had changed the generation definition from literal to symbolic and I obviously predicted that this religion will be finished when that last 1914 codger dies. When I found out that they had changed their definition I thought, bloody hell this religion is going to go on forever.
Same as me. All thru my 20s I wanted to just forget all that crap. I didn`t find out about -95 until I started reading this forum, just a few weeks ago. I had no idea about the UN either, it just blew my mind.
JWism offers more than just armageddon. It is a way of life that 6 million people find attractive. Some people need a regimented structured life style and JWism offers that aplenty.
I agree. I see it all so clearly in the still-JW-branch of my family tree. The part that has remained JWs, are esentially...well, not very bright. They are hardworking, simple people, farmers and/or children of farmers/JW-parents. Farmers, mechanics, carpenters, they all work with their hands (but don`t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that - I admire farmers, who knows, maybe I`ll get me a farm myself later on in life, I like animals - my point is: They have never been much on books,school, those things, other than the "spiritual food" provided by the WTS). To them, I don`t think it really matters what the WTS does or did in the past, or how wacky their Bible-interpretations are, they are just content, even happy? - with just belonging to "the truth". It offers stability, hope, and with the hard work-mentality they just "know" that they`ll be saved when the A comes. Yes, some people will stick around no matter what. Then they die of old age, and another generation picks up where their parents left off, with new doctrines, new postponements on the big A, new light, new doctrines...this religion, once started by some men with way to high thoughts about themselves, has now grown beyond just being the belief system of a small group of people, it has taken on a life of its own, it has become a monster that lives, breathes on its own, and it will never die. I do think it will get weaker, though, at least in the western world. More are (or will be, soon) falling away than joining.
I agree...I can see the WTS limping along, hopefully as a much diminished entity, in the future. There are always going to be people who want to believe that this or that weird cult or marginal religion is the really true truth from their creator...and only they, the chosen, are able to recognize it. Its just how people are.
We can only hope that the battering they are getting on several fronts will cause a large number of JW's to wake up to the fact that the WTS is a severly flawed organization that has to misrepresent facts, twist scriptures, change doctrine, and enforce a sort of spiritual Marshal Law in order to maintain itself...hardly a corporation/religion run by an Almighty God.
I wonder, if in a hundred year's time, they will completely strike all previous history and say that this (early 2000's) is the period of "cleansing" that they used to like to attribute to 1914-1919. The WTS has always been willing to pull any number of about-faces, historical re-writes and flip flops in order to wriggle their way out from under their own stupid, false prophecies. LOL
For an objective dub the change in the 1914 generation concept completely overturns the WTS enticement because the end has been postponed indefinitely paradise and eternal life are no longer certain at all in his lifetime.
I wonder, if in a hundred year's time, they will completely strike all previous history and say that this (early 2000's) is the period of "cleansing" that they used to like to attribute to 1914-1919.
Something like that. Remember, this is the same bunch of guys who a few years ago, according to Ray Franz' book, seriously considered changing the start date for "the end" from 1914 to 1957. They didn't, merely because the proponents didn't have enough votes on the Gov Body to force the change, but the research was done and it was discussed.
Coming up with "new light" is their M.O. And it always comes at just the right time. In that way, they are not unlike the Mormons whose leader had a timely "vision" to cease allowing men their multiple wives -- just as U.S. troops were marching on Utah to enforce laws against polygamy.
Personally, if I had still been a witness when this came out, I would have been so very depressed.
Don't know if I'd have made it much longer as a witness after that. You can only be switched around in your hopes for so long before you just give up. Thing is, about this new light thing, it just does not fly biblically.
Noah didn't say to the people of his time, "God is sending a giant meteor to destroy the world, we'd better build tunnels underground and we've only got ten years."
Nine years later, "Oh, new light. We now are expecting an enormous worldwide draught that will destroy crops. We must prepare food stores, cause it'll hit in 15 years. Oh, and send me your money."
14 years later, he comes back and says, "God is going to send a flood. Help me build an ark and fill it with animals. Oh, and send me your money."
That kind of reasoning makes 'god' look like a bloomin' idiot.
New light is a completely stupid idea, a means of control, and used to make people doubt their own reasoning abilities. Prophesy that does not come true on its own first word is false prophesy and originates with false prophets. False prophets steal peoples time, money, efforts and ultimately their lives.
False prophets should all be taken out behind the back shed and shot.
I think you're right on Spectrum. I think Witnesses are Witnesses in spite of the teachings, not because of them. The reason they're Witnesses, is because they like being Witnesses.
That kind of reasoning makes 'god' look like a bloomin' idiot.
And what about all the people who got the "New Light" before the WTS got it. I guess they must have been closer to the electrical socket.
Most of the JWs I knew never really understood the teachings anyway. They just committed words to short term memory. After the meeting was over, they couldn't remember a single word that was said.
Example: One time we missed a Sunday meeting because of work. We were invited to a sister's place for dinner right after the meeting was over. (Which coincided with when we were finished work). A MS had just given his first public talk. She said, "He gave a wonderful talk." I asked her what the talk was about. She said she couldn't remember the title. I asked her what the subject was. She couldn't remember. But he used some good illustrations. Couldn't remember them either. It turned out that the only thing she could remember was that he had a new tie and had parted his hair differently. This was not a dummy. She was a very successful business-woman.
And the ones who did remember some things had it all garbled. Most of the time "new light" went right over their heads. They never even noticed the difference. And couldn't care less when it was pointed out to them. Like everyone says, it was just a routine.