Should start out with the history of jw and ask about CTR. CTR was involved with several other religions before he found this one. Ask how that is connected to Adam and Eve since they claim to be originated from way back. Compare CTR's beginning with other religions' beginning.
JoinedPosts by Jeepthing
I'm meeting with the elders this Saturday
by Honesty inthat's right, guys and girls, i'm going to meet with at least two elders this saturday.. before you get ya britches in a big 'ol wad i can explain everything.. it's like this... well, a good friend asked me yesterday if i would be willing to meet with some jw's who have been having a 'bible study' with him for 5 or 6 weeks.
it appears that these jw's are elders and they have informed him that he is not a christian.
he asked them if they would be willing to discuss their beliefs with anyone and everyone so that he could be sure what they are telling him about not being a christian is true.
Who is your Best Friend?And why?
by megsmomma ini ask this because i have a hard time making and keeping friends since i have left.
my husband is my best friend now....but he is my only friend.
i do have some wemon friends, but i don't like to get too close.
No, you are not alone. I had same problem. Infact, my best friend(since we were in 7th grade and before we became jw) told me she was never true friend and hates my guts now just because me and my whole family decided to stopped going to meetings. We told her we are no longer want to get involve with jw because we don't agree with the teachings of jw. Funny thing was while I was still jw we talked about how jw teachings are not all right and we often disagreed with things that were going on in her kh and other khs. She even told me she couldn't bring anyone to this mess because of all those hyprocricy and abuse. But soon as I told her about our decision she dropped me like a hot pancake. She even accused us for being apostates and won't let her kids talk to our kids( they are cousins by marriage). She is going around accusing us as apostates but no one da or df us here in our kh even the elders knew about us and most of kh people know about us. In fact most of jws are agree with some teachings are wrong and don't make sense and we used to talked about(seriously) but soon as we stopped they stopped associating with us. Funny. When we see them they are polite and friendly but avoid coming around here except one friend of mine(still loyal jw).
Were you accused of starting your own RELIGION?
by Amazing inmouthy said that she was accused of this ... and i remembered that i too was accused of starting my own church.
supposedly, i went up and down the west coast, gathering up followers, and then secured a church building in the seattle area.
the book, crisis of conscience, mentioned that allegations were made against some bethelites who supposedly secured a meeting location, and started a religion known as 'sons of freedom' or 'sons of liberty.
When two elders came to talk to us they asked us if we belong to any group or forming one. I have a friend(still active jw) asked me if I am forming a religion. It seems like these questions are typical ones from jw. I guess many are leaving for similar reasons. My husband told them, it might not be a bad idea and said that is how CTR started jw thing. He pointed out that CTR was involved in other religious group before jw. They didn't respond to that statement.
Are you good at noticing details? Try this.
by bebu inok, my dad sent me this, and it was very clever:.
check this out.
if you can, you're a genius like me.
Not funny. You made me panoid now.
Holiday Viewpoints and Former Jehovah's Witnesses
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style3 {color: #ffbe2f} --> holiday viewpoints and former jehovah's witnesses being in the organization the viewpoint was that holidays were.
of pagan origin.
whether it was halloween, christmas, easter.
Personally, I don't like any holidays nowdays due to all the commercial propagandas. I just realized that society have their own pagon holiday(sort of one), memorial day which they set a certain day, a once a year like any other holidays. And it is man made one, even though it is mentioned in the Bible(did not say once a year but as often as You dirink it, in remembrance of me 1 Cori 11:25,26). Basically the Thanksgiving Day is like that. So do I feel guilty if I celebrate a holiday? No. I would feel guily if I am celebrating to promote the commercial propagandas and set an example to my children that it is okay to do everything the world do. That is like a peer pressure. When we were jws, I hated it when people made sound like we were depriving our kids from all the holidays stuff. Just like if you don't were a brand name clothe, you are not cool. You don't have to do everything that world expect you to do. Holidays don't mean anything anymore, unless you use that time to get together with family and enjoy each others company.
Being Saved
by choosing life inwho all on here think they have been saved and have received god's spirit?
the reason i ask is i want to know what it feels like and how you know this is legitimate?
i did have an "experience" when i was baptized 30 years ago as a witness.
I agree with Undecided, but while I am live, being saved mean I am living my life as follower of Christ. And live a meaningful life as I try(strive) to learn more about our God, His Son, and understand his words(try to understand what he is saying to us through his words in the Bible). I don't think we could ever stop to certain point and say now I understand. I believe that's what religions do to us by saying "this is what it means" and expect us to stop learning until they decided what is what. We stop learning like we are done with textbook. I don't think the Bible is like that, I think the Bible is like our survival guide in this life. When we have a relationship of anykind we nurture, we grow in that relationship, we learn all the time about that person we are involve with if we value that person, and we will do everything in our power to save and treasure that relationship. So for being saved mean to me is that I am constantly learning to save the relationship I have with God, His Son, and what He has done for us. The word of God is alive so it is constantly talking to me if I am listening. I am listening and learning everyday. So I feel like I am being saved as long as I am listening and learning. So I don't feel like it has to be one time deal experiece but I feel as I live according to His way. I will still feel the pain of living in this messed up world but I have certain amount of peace and assurance from this relationship with God and His Son. All the feelings of being saved by being jw was only the man made religious accomplishment not a real thing. The real thing is my own that I am accomplishing as I learn.
The Freedom of Christ: The Role of the Spirit
Those who acknowledge Jesus as having gained this victory on their behalf and who receive his Spirit into their lives are liberated from those things by which they were inexorably gripped beforehand. They are free from the compulsion to sin and from the tendency to rely on their own moral and religious achievements. They are free from the obligation to regulate their lives by reference to an instinctive or external moral code. They are free from the bonds that death irrevocably puts around them(Rom 8:38-39; Gal 4:8-11). Experience of the Spirit has the reverse effect. Instead of blinding and tyrannizing them, it has, since its gift is truth and its power love, released them and for the first time granted them freedom to choose a way of life for themselves(Rom 5:5; 1 Cor 2:10-11). This does not mean that they are altogether released from the pull of the old way of life. Far from it. In a frankly autobiographical passage Paul acknowledges:
I am a divided being. In my innermost self, the thinking and reasoning part of me, I wholeheartedly endorse God's principles. but I am also awaare of a fifferent principle within me. This is in continual conflict with both my conscious mind and conscience, and makes me an wnwilling proisoner to the power of sin which has such a grip on my personality. It is an agonizing situation to in -to be torn by a conflict from which there is (as yet) no solution. (Rom 7:21ff.)
According to Paul it is only in the resurrection at the Last Day that the final resolution of the conflict between the mind and the conscience will take place. In the meantime one must live in the tension between them, conscious of the fact that in Christ the issue has already been decided and that throught the Spirit this can now in part be experienced (Rom 7:25b-9:11)
Inside the minds of N. Koreans -- AND JW's
by Rabbit inhere is a sad, scary story about a whole country of isolated people whose news and knowledge of the real world around them is strictly controlled -- and the effect upon their minds.. this story reminded me of what happened to me during my 35 years 'in' the wt.
does it remind you of the same mind-set ?
it sure helped me understand the danger of extreme politics & religious dogma.. .
I see a big difference in North Korea and WT. North Koreans were shut off from rest of the world where else WTs were surround with outside of world. Witnesses see the world all around them but refuse to see and open their eyes by choice due to belief. North Koreans don't have a choice. They do not have all the luxury of making choice like we did. They get killed or tortured for not listening and are totally shut off from rest of the world. Witnesses aren't shut off from rest of the world except may be the children even than they have choice to leave. We(ex-jw or inactive) wanted to believe that witness teaching was the truth and because of that we made the choices. North Koreans don't have that choice. Take it or die. Little kids(as young as infant ages) were taken away from their parents and raised as state properties and brain washed at very early age. They are trained to disowned them before they get to know them(parent). Come on people, you can not possibly compare jw religion with North Korea.
look for video on north korea
by Jeepthing inwhile back someone here post a website that has a video of north korea, anyone here know which one?
Yes!!!! Thank you so much!!!!
look for video on north korea
by Jeepthing inwhile back someone here post a website that has a video of north korea, anyone here know which one?
Can't remember but I know it was about half hour long. Wasn't shor one. It has an interview with former female sec. of state(M. Albright ?)