<<Me?...not really.>>
I find this absolutely unbelievable! I always picture you as the life of the party....I'll bet you're popular now.
never fit in.
never cared to.
most witnesses bored me to absolute tears.
<<Me?...not really.>>
I find this absolutely unbelievable! I always picture you as the life of the party....I'll bet you're popular now.
one at a time.
guess the qoute above you and give one for the next person.
"nobody makes me bleed my own blood, nobody!
Jack Twist: God, I wish I knew how to quit you!
Brokeback mountain. What I say to myself everytime I log onto JWD
well the c.o was visiting the congregation a few weeks ago and he made an interesting comment.. he said that years ago when the society said "jump" the brothers would respond "how high?.
now when the society says "jump" the brothers ask "why"?.
this tells me that the walls of this spiritual paradise are cracking and that many are not willing to put up with all the crap that jw's of the past did.. what do you think?
Hey, that's what I said, Blondie!
Exactly! We were taught as JWs to tell people that their very lives depended upon them questioning and thinking critically about their religions. Why would that stop dead when one became a witness? In fact, it was this method of thinking critically that they taught me that caused me to exit the org.
i don't post alot but i read alot and because of my situation i can't really devulge much about myself (i could tell some really good stories to).
but i just wanted to say thanks to those who do share because it really helps and i would hate to forget anyone so i won't list all those who i feel like i have come to know thru your post and who have been a real encourgement to me.
is crumpet still out there?
That's really so sweet--not corney at all! I hope someday you are free enough to share more about yourself.
I'm glad you're here.
Hope your week shapes up better (we still have a couple more days--and you never know what or who tomorrow will wash ashore).
sort of in conjuction with the thread about "feeling" something different in the atmosphere of the kh as of late a few things have been on my mind.
i make maybe one meeting a week.
every time i go i get smiles from the brothers and a nice, "how are you doing xxxx?
<,But I suppose the journey itself ends up being the destination, no?>>
So true, Daystar. I almost dread the day I find my "home" because then what? I used to ache for my twin flame, called out to him from my soul, wrote him prose and poetry in my journal from the time I was pretty young, then I realized that this realm is not for such encounters--far too harsh and mundane (if that makes sense).
I love my journey--it's inborn in me. I love everyone (even some of the JWs) that I've met on my journey. Without my wandering heart, I never would've encountered the beautiful and terrifying souls that I have.
IMBA, of course you will find your "level". We all shall. Look around you at the souls you're encountering right now on your journies by just opening your heart and eyes--you may find more kindred than you thought.
leaving the watchtower does not mean leaving god.
many here have been able to maintain a relationship with god without the need for a set of beliefs or a creed or any organised system of worship at all.
no churches, meeting halls or study groups are necessary just a deeply held conviction in the goodness of god and the value of a personal relationship with him.. such believers often stress 'spirituality' over religion.. now i don't mean to denigrate anyone's beliefs and no offence is intended but really, is a 'spiritual' approach to life any better for our mental and emotional well-being than being part of an organised religion?
I think I kind of agree with you, Narkissos. It's like in my intellectual box, I think that perhaps we're all hairless apes with only enough consciousness to grope about for some meaning to our drab lives. But in my spiritual box, I just "know" that there is more---for me.
Don't know if it's supernatural. I've certainly had experiences that reach beyond what science as I know it can explain. I feel a very real feminine side of the Universe in my ritual/religious/spiritual experience. I have felt Her in me and around me.
so i put it on here... i was waiting for the right time and i just got the urge, lol :) what do ya think?
Very beautiful. Very courageous. Good for you!
never fit in.
never cared to.
most witnesses bored me to absolute tears.
"popularity" is very fluid and very dependent on who you are with and their perceptions of you."
True. True. I was in many congregations throughout the south and southwestern US. I was never really popular. At one time my now New Age father was an elder. My crazy mother a FT pioneer. Perhaps we were popular though I was too young to remember. I pioneered a few times myself. But I was never popular. I still think that there are people who were never supposed to be witnesses. Having said that, I ask myself, are then people who are absolutely meant to be witnesses? I'd like to think most of humanity is evolved past the need for such a restrictive religio-corporation to run their life but perhaps not.
I really do not think I was ever going to fit in because I was never meant to be there other than to grow past it in my own personal evolution. But to the people there, they would never recognize me as their one of their kind because I was most certainly not. No judgement. I was as alien as a martian to them. And they to me.
leaving the watchtower does not mean leaving god.
many here have been able to maintain a relationship with god without the need for a set of beliefs or a creed or any organised system of worship at all.
no churches, meeting halls or study groups are necessary just a deeply held conviction in the goodness of god and the value of a personal relationship with him.. such believers often stress 'spirituality' over religion.. now i don't mean to denigrate anyone's beliefs and no offence is intended but really, is a 'spiritual' approach to life any better for our mental and emotional well-being than being part of an organised religion?
And the lion atheist and lamb believer will lay down together [on a webboard]...
Little Toe,
Add two goddess worshippers to the mix! That's true spiritual paradise, my friend. That we can all come here, express vastly different worldviews and still chuckle and honor each one's individual path.
I love it.
sort of in conjuction with the thread about "feeling" something different in the atmosphere of the kh as of late a few things have been on my mind.
i make maybe one meeting a week.
every time i go i get smiles from the brothers and a nice, "how are you doing xxxx?
Well, as I postulated in my topic about being a popular witness, I truly believe there are those of us who were never meant to be witnesses. This is not mine alone. This was presented from the platform by a CO when I was 11.
I wouldn't sweat it. I was personally very happy that they never bothered me.
Everyone has a home and a spiritual family. Very seldom are we born in them.
Good luck on your journies.