I read a book, many years ago, investigating what ?defence? really was, which came to the obvious conclusion that no such thing exists or has ever existed
Oh yes, books telling us what life is like. Sorry, I live in a real world not one some idealistic professor or author thinks should be. You may live anyway you choose. Your freedom to do that and read those books has been bought for you many times over by the blood of many.
A Prime Minister of the UK, Lloyd George once said that ? men will only stop warring when they have outlawed war in their own hearts?
Great thought. Now, when do you convince the Hitlers, Mussolinis, Khdafis, Khomenis, Husseins Stalins and Bin Ladens of the world this is good? Convince all of them and watch how we are able to disarm.
This comment infers and perhaps asserts that the violent retaliatory (probably nationalistic and politically loaded) behaviour you advocate, contains a satisfactory solution to the horrendous realities you mention, which, of course it doesn?t and never ever has done ? beginning with Cain
Your solution is what, give in to them and allow them to have tyrranical rule of everything? Are you prepared to live under a radical Islamic state? Idealism is great in the classroom, but in real life, it costs more lives than even battle does. You wish to make everything safer, force them to follow your thoughts. But, when you try, don't call on those violent probably nationalistic and politically loaded people to save your butt. Just give in and allow them free will over you. See how long you last.
Incidentally, you are converting war (or the threat of war, tyranny, oppression and/or despotism etc) into a personal attack on yourself, which it never ever is, although the real threat of damage and/or death is as real
Why not try to explain this to the survivors of the over 2600 people killed on Sept 11, 2001. After you've convinced all of them, go find survivors of the Shiites and Kurds in Iraq that are buried throughout the country in mass unmarked graves and convince them. You're preaching to the wrong people, convince all of them first. As for personal attack on me, yes it is. That you won't understand that is saddest of all. Whether I knew any of those people or not is immaterial. They didn't deserve to die like that. Incidentally, my son-in-law lost 18 college mates that day. Makes it a little closer to home for my family.
Don?t miss the point here please ? You can make this neutral choice ONLY for yourself, not for any group, and clearly in the knowledge that it is NOT going to solve any military, political and/or nationalistic problems (or any for yourself personally either)
Yes, you can make that choice for yourself, it's easy to do when others willfully go off and put their lives on the line and face death so you have the right to make the choice. They also have a choice and choose to fight for freedom. If so many hadn't over the years, my friend, you wouldn't be free today. The pacifism you seem to embrace sound fantastic, but it really doesn't work. Some estimated 6 million Jews tried that approach in the 1940s and it didn't serve them very well.
If you know someone extremely well, I feel that it is very reasonable to be able to freely ?speak for them?
Funny, radical Muslims also claim to know God extremely well. So well, they can convince children to strap on explosives and detonate themselves in crowded areas. Many white supremacists groups over the years also made claims of just doing as God oredered them to do and lynched others for no other reason than to be born different. Should they all be allowed to freely perform these heinous acts because they also know God "extremely well?"
The nature of your wondering about God?s views infers that you feel your concept of justice is superior to His
Superior? No, just following his example since he seems to allow both sides to exist.
There is not the slightest indication that God is on ANYBODY?S side at this time
Sorry, I don't claim God on my side, just cite the example he left me. Seems to me, it's you claiming to have him on your side, along with the radical Muslims that are slaughtering innocent victims worldwide.
Surely this is something different ? this is being ready to kill for a friend isn?t it?
Different? I see it no different then helping defend a young lady being brutaliuzed by a lowlife scumbag rapist. What is your solution, to walk by and allow an innocent person harm when you can do something to prevent or stop it? What kind of God wishes innocent people harmed and no one to come to their aid? Not any God I wish to have anything to do with.
You really surely aren?t now going to attempt to convince me that the latest supposedly significant piece of horrendous violence (to the recipient, all violence is significant, whenever and wherever it is committed) in the history of the world - 9 / 11 - justifies your seeing Jesus in a retaliatory role and advocating this approach to anyone who cares to listen ? are you ?
What Jesus did or didn't do or may have or may not have done is immaterial. Nor is what you believe, that is your privilege. To me, to stand by and allow others to suffer needlessly and be maimed and slaughtered by the thousands is equal to doing it to them yourself. He is but one man, purportedly perfect, but a man nonetheless. Supposedly, he is the grand priest, but even military chaplains do not take up arms. However, they do realize that at times, others have to so even he may be free to practice what he believes. It is also stated, "live by the sword and die by the sword." Does that only apply to our side and leave the others free to slaughter and maim at will?
Are you really trying to advance the ludicrously facile argument that all or any of the retaliation which has ever happened in the entire pitiful history of mankind has actually ?stopped? oppression, tyranny, murderous exploitation etc ?
You're not marching down mainstreet USA goose-stepping and saying Seig Heil, are you? Where was your God during all that?
What then will you be singing in yours and historically so many others, already failed attempt to wrestle the world into peaceful co-existence ? onwards christian?????? soldiers ?
Not hardly. I was thinking more along the lines of the Ballad of the Green Beret.
You may have difficulty in grasping this, but we do believe in and practice peaceful co-existence here. However, when others don't and are hell bent on harming innocents, there can be no peace. You are preaching to the chorus. May I suggest, again, that you take your message to the Middle East and deliver it to those radicals that are looking forward to receiving their 72 virgins as their reward from God for killing innocent people. They need it much more than the rest of us. Convince them first, then come back and see whether we need to hear it.