In my days as a JW Elder, I gave a talk a bunch of times that had some great Bible references to sinners that you might benefit from.
King Manasseh, killed his firstborn, killed prophets of Jehovah such as Isaiah, (had him stuffed in a hollow log and then had the log sawed in two.
King David, responsible for the death of 70,000 on one occasion of disobedience. Another time killed a man and took his wife.
King Solomon, made political alliances with the nations around him by marrying hundreds of women.
Lot, got drunk a few times and had his way with his daughters.
Peter, denied Christ.
Paul and Barnabas had a good fight.
On and On.
If you continue to feel so bad about your sins, which appear to be very minor, you need to do one of two things, 1. Develop faith in God and his loving Son, Christ Jesus and understand that he died for you, or 2. Go see a shrink.
Welcome to the board.