Now that hurt my feelings!!
JoinedPosts by uninformed
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by Honesty in.
that is, if you are able to without the prospect of facing a three-man kangaroo court appointed by jerhover to keep the congregation clean from apostate influences.. i'll go first: .
Show us your picture
by Honesty in.
that is, if you are able to without the prospect of facing a three-man kangaroo court appointed by jerhover to keep the congregation clean from apostate influences.. i'll go first: .
Do you recall (Blondie or others)
by Poztate ini had a "discussion" with my wife today.
i stated that in the past you should never be alone with those of the opposite sex even if they were relatives because of the dangers of fornication etc.
(don't visit them alone) i don't think i am making this up.
You are not losing it. WT has been paranoid about men being alone with women, while in service, bible studies, return visits, etc.
Fred Franz seemed to be the main originator of it. He used to say, and it is in the WT somewhere, that "I made a vow never to be alone with a sister in a room without the door open." (ought to be easy to find)
The society even condemned older sisters (like 70 or so) from going on calls with young brothers.
Relatives would be the same.
When you think about it, most pedophelia takes place in the family, or step-family.
So, move your 19 year old sister in law that is an exotic dancer out of your house, cause if you don't---you might become a POZTATE.
Overheard at the June 4 2006 Watchtower Study
by under_believer inso, even back when i was a true believer i noticed this... .
this watchtower study today, i just got back from, was all about how great the elders are.
what always wigs me out about these things (because they trot this stuff out in a wt study every year or two) is how the elder conducting the study is up there talking about and praising the elders in the third person, saying how great they are, when he is an elder.
There are still many "good" elders in the Org., men who love God and brother, just as there are many "good" brothers and sisters in the congregations. I think it's important to remember that.
I'm sure you mean well, and you could be somewhat correct, but I don't think that the word "many" would necessarily be the correct descriptive term.
4 weeks ago, I was disfellowshipped without a written or scriptural charge, because of my stand against the org regarding the NGO Partnership thing.
the whole body of elders was aware of the situation. Didn't matter.
I have dozens of friends that were elders, and not ONE has contacted me ONE time to either find out what happened or to offer condolences.
A couple of them that I actually brought the truth to included.
IW, what has happened is that the Golden Calf has been put in place. The elders have been taught to worship the Society.
Therefore, I condemn them as a group. However, I do give you that there are probably a comparative FEW that are still probably trying to do the right thing.
Just don't happen to know any of them.
Brant Jones
Should I make a stink about this or not?
by merfi ini've been working at the same hospital since 1991. a jw chick is hired this past january.
the hospital friends have been and are my support system as well as my 'team'.. a nurse friend played stupid last week and talked to the jw girl.
the jw asked her what religion she was.
listen to scully!
Well, they finally came to my door
by Wolfgirl inwe've lived here for nearly 2 years now, and this is the first i've seen them, and i'm home most of the time.
they caught me as i was taking the rubbish out; i didn't even realise they were in my front garden.
anyway, it was the first warm saturday we've had since last year, and here comes a mother with her young son.
Hi nice to meet you all, this is my first post.
I left the Org 3 months ago (was going to back, but the days went by...) and last week I did some proper at length research online (and other factors in my local K Hall pushed me) and I decided last week this IS a mind-controlling, judgemental, critical, brainwashing, oppressive, dangerous, self-esteem and dignity sucking cult. I can't believe I was duped and fooled by it all for TWENTY TWO years of my life.
MidwichCuckoo, I agree with that, I'm from the UK and I had little idea the Org was involved with the UN and about the molesting cases etc going on in other countries. That's why the internet is so good isn't it, it educates us with all sorts of interesting information that the Society doesn't want JW's looking at.
I'd still be in the Org if it wasn't for the internet and sites like these, but now i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. lol.
But please, tell us how you really feel.
(welcome!--My wife and I only wasted 45 years (for me) and her whole life (60 years). Some people, (like you) have all the luck.)
Threw away educational opportunities
by Cabin in the woods ini actually wrote this late last night and when i tried to submit it i was rejected.
the reason for that is still a mystery to me and i vowed not to rewrite it as it would mean visiting myself and that is never easy.
sometimes as i look through the site and read to many posts i marvel at the beauty of the words and the complexity of the reasoning.
Thank you for sharing despite the tangible pain of revisiting. Never mind the so-called eloquence of others in writing; you spoke well, straight from the heart.
Yes, the 70s were not the best of times for a jdub to graduate. Age and the passage of years can easily make for melancholy when at this point in time looking back at those years. But please remember this is not uncommon for people in general.
Looking at, or comparing ourselves to, others all the time can cause a lot of unhappiness and discontentment. Yes, there are many brilliant posters here. There will always be those that are or appear to be better than others. They tend to stand out; perhaps tend to post more often. But is it realistic to focus on them? In reality you are not alone by far. We are with you.
Also, many of the “kids” on this board are in a much more favorable position: In this day and age it is much more common to attend college, if not an outright necessity. Times and circumstances have changed; young people are more independent and mature at an earlier age, the org is becoming less appealing as the years go by, there is much more information from books and the internet exposing the WTS, enabling them to get out earlier and make up for a few lost years. They are/were often luckier.
Do not allow your spark to be killed or your spirit to be crippled. Your spirit determines your true value for it is all you have in the end. Its value is not primarily determined by a college education. But if you feel its true potential has not yet been realized, and needs to be nurtured, fed and further developed by any kind of learning, then replace bitterness with immediate action and shine bright in the many remaining years of life. If you do, it will be that much more valuable and defining of who you are, because of sheer inner strength and fortitude instead of mere fortune and circumstance.
Fill the void with renewed aspirations and ideals. It is a precondition for spontaneity, joy, and being in touch with touch with yourself.
VGVG--That was one home run of a post. Thank you!
I am going away for awhile.........
by anewme ini am going away for awhile to try to heal my heart.
since my dfing i have tried so hard to make sense of what has happened to me.
to see it from the society's view and from freedom's view.
anewme, I have benefitted from you being here. Your posts have ofter been appreciated and thought provoking. Thanks for being here when I needed the help. Come back if and when you can. Brant
Anyone From the Lakeside/El Cajon Area of San Diego?
by Lainiejane inthats where i grew up.havent talked to anyone i grew up with aside from one of my fleshly sisters and one friend in about 3 mother hasnt spoken to me since dec 8th 2003 when i told her i was tired of the hypocracy and wasnt doing it anymore.
we talked for a few hours and she said shed call me in a couple days after she processed everything, i never heard back.ive just moved to nebraska this year.but it would be interesting to see if anyone i grew up with or know was around this forum.
Threw away educational opportunities
by Cabin in the woods ini actually wrote this late last night and when i tried to submit it i was rejected.
the reason for that is still a mystery to me and i vowed not to rewrite it as it would mean visiting myself and that is never easy.
sometimes as i look through the site and read to many posts i marvel at the beauty of the words and the complexity of the reasoning.
We are in the same shoes.
I was an honor student in the early 60's. I had scholarships (NROTC) to any one of 50 colleges in the US. I had a senatorial appointment to the Coast Guard Academy, and another political appointment to the Merchant Marine Academy. I was supposed to report for classes in September 1964.
In October, 1966, I was in prison for neutrality issues during the Vietnam war.
In 1969 I learned to lay bricks, which I still do, 36 years later.
The WT is evil when it dictates to people how to live their lives. When they destroy educational hopes of young ones, decade after decade.
One of the GB died a couple of years ago, and I had a fit when I read in the WT announcement, "Brother (so and so) loved education".
Maybe next time around, we'll do better.