@Twitch - yep.
JoinedPosts by jah1914
Proof of God or Christ without a holy book
by Awen inin some previous posts i have asked certain questions that still haven't been answered.
so without going back to those threads and possibly de-railing them i thought it best to make a new topic.
please bear with me.. i have asked certain ones to prove the existence of god or christ without referencing any biblical writings or characters.
Proof of God or Christ without a holy book
by Awen inin some previous posts i have asked certain questions that still haven't been answered.
so without going back to those threads and possibly de-railing them i thought it best to make a new topic.
please bear with me.. i have asked certain ones to prove the existence of god or christ without referencing any biblical writings or characters.
I always find threads like this amusing. The bottom line is none of us know anything, nothing is verifable. As soon as you step in to the realm of spirituality, you can throw out verifiable proof. Only things that are independently verifable are physical things. So I vote that all just wait until the 'end' and then we will indeed find out one way or another who was right and who was wrong about spirtual matters. Until then all of our speculations are guesses at best. Causes for division and all that leads to at worse.
2011 Annual meeting information needed!
by Atlantis inbarbara anderson has already mentioned that she is swamped with emails.
she also needs date information on the 2011 annual meeting.. many thanks!.
@Doubting Bro - No they did not mention anything about what will happen to existing missionaries. I am speculating, but perhaps they will give them the opportunity to relocate or go it on their own. I suspect that many of the Gilead people that stay in their assignment do it because they really have grown to love the people there, even if all of us may doubt the importance or relevance of what they preach. They would probably try to find a way to stay, even if it meant caring for themselves monentarily.
2011 Annual meeting information needed!
by Atlantis inbarbara anderson has already mentioned that she is swamped with emails.
she also needs date information on the 2011 annual meeting.. many thanks!.
The rumors....if you can call them that are true......just talked with a couple that came back from the annual meeting. The move with the schools make perfect sense. Terribly inefficient to run Gilead....a missionary spirit is a very rare one in any religion, so even though people went to Gilead the rate of people that left their assignment was probably high. Think about how long it really takes a Gileadite to become effective, 5 months of training, probably 1-2 yrs to become proficient in a language. It makes much more sense economically to bring the 'school' to the people where they live and already know the language. You can churn out much more 'educated people' that way. For what I understand the curriculm for Bible School(MTS(single brothers) and now also Couples) were exactly the same as the old Gilead training minus the afternoon time in the field and with work assignments. Except for now the people coming out of those schools will be largely responsible for themselves, and they are used to the living conditions. They are actually getting more for less, fairly savvy if we are being honest.
Now Gilead will become a school for only the most loyal JWs, where they are sure the time and effort in trainging them will be recouped., because they will basically be sending them to cushy metropolian areas where lifestyle adjustments will not be that difficult for them. It could be that this could be the end of the COs(speculation) that has been rumored. Set these guys up like Moses, where all the minor issues are handled by local elders and COs, but all the really sticky stuff is refered to these 'super' gilead brothers. Otherwise I don't really know the purpose of having them.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
Man I had to post to this thread just so I would have a way to come back and reference it. Good stuff, and I particularly like your reasoning wontleave, although I am of the opionon that we are all guessing and when we die we will ultimately find out what is true or not.
One question about this thread though. Seems like most of the arguments have centered the equality or not of God and Jesus. So what scriptures support HS being the same as God? @godrulz if all of your reasoning was accurate at best you would have a TwinNITY not a TriNITY
Facebook: Local Ruling By Elders in Nearby Congregation
by mentallyfree31 injust heard from a friend that a nearby body of elders in their congregation have decided that anybody who is on facebook will not be able to have privleges in their congregation.. hilarious!.
This is strictly a set of power-happy, maybe misguided(if you are feeling generous) local body of elders. I was in the recent KM school, when a brother from the Service Dept specifically said, "we are NOT saying don't have social networking accounts, etc....we are just saying be careful."
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
I follow you on a lot of points confused. Never quite understood any religion that claims to be the 'only' way to God though. Religion is merely a tool that provides some guideposts on our journey toward whatever is ultimately really the 'truth'. No one really knows....it is all guess work. There is not one religious group/organization/personal belief system/etc....that has one shred of evidence they can point to outside of themselves and their 'experience' to prove anything as factual. If so someone please share it with me, because I am truly searching, but I suspect I will be sadly disappointed.....
Point is all of us are just guessing IMHO. So we won't know the truth until it slaps us in the face after we die, whatever that truth is. If I wake up in heaven or hell when I die, oh well guess all this stuff was true then. If I wake up as a bug or as a cosmic oneness, then I guess that was true. It is just so foriegn to me that we would even debate about religious beliefs, but that is just me. So until someone from heaven\hell\afterlife whatever comes back and reports to me that everything in the sum of human experience about religion is true then all anyone can do is try to abide by believe systems that will equip them to lead productive lives. If that includes being a JW fine, if not that is fine too. If it includes bashing JWs that is fine too...it just really doesn't matter.......sorry........now let me go pop my anti-depression pills
Let the flames begin.......
Yknot is accurate. Test run only for Aux.Pioneers in April they will have the option of going for 30 hours or 50 hours. Cut and paste from the letter to BOE......(it is a real letter and no I'm not going to scan it )
Re: Increased activity during April 2011
Dear Brothers:
Serving Jehovah is the greatest privilege that we could possibly have. With good reason, the faithful and discreet slave has long encouraged Christians to involve themselves in the minis-try, even serving “more fully” whenever possible. (1 Thess. 4:1) We wish to commend you for the loyal support and diligent efforts you put forth in sharing the “good news of the Kingdom.” (Matt. 24:14) The 2010 service year report is evidence that Jehovah’s people are ‘offering them-selves willingly’ in his service.—Ps. 110:3.It is encouraging and comforting to remember that Jehovah accepts our whole-souled service prompted by a cheerful heart. [Read 2 Corinthians 9:7.] Even so, our circumstances may prevent us from doing all that our hearts yearn to do in serving him. How we appreciate Je-hovah’s assurance that he values the unselfish service of each of his faithful servants. More than anyone else, he understands our limitations. What does Jehovah expect? He expects something that all of us, regardless of our situation in life, can offer: “Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men.” (Col. 3:23) To better understand the principle, con-sider the example of Mary, the sister of Lazarus, and that of the poor widow who contributed two small coins. Mary demonstrated her deep love for Jesus by pouring “very expensive” perfumed oil on his head and feet. (Mark 14:3; John 12:3) On the other hand, the poor widow dropped “two small coins, which have very little value” into the treasury chest. (Mark 12:41, 42) Was one woman more devoted than the other? No. Both women did what they could, and both are por-trayed favorably in the Bible record. In God’s eyes their gifts, though of differing value from a human perspective, represented whole-souled service.
In an effort to increase the praise and honor to Jehovah and Jesus Christ at the time of the Memorial, the Governing Body has arranged for a special period of increased activity during April 2011. (km 2/11 p. 1) Perhaps you have taken the opportunity to auxiliary pioneer in the past during the Memorial season. Or maybe you have long had the desire to share as an auxiliary pioneer, but your situation prevented you from fulfilling this goal. You will be pleased to learn that during April 2011, publishers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers may indicate on the application whether they will be working toward a 30-hour or 50-hour requirement for the month. This is a special arrangement for the month of April 2011 only. Additionally, if the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation in April, all who are serving as auxiliary pioneers, whether with a 30-hour or a 50-hour requirement, are invited to attend the entire meeting the cir-cuit overseer has with the regular pioneers.
Re: Increased activity during April 2011
December 26, 2010
Page 2
What will you do with this special opportunity? We urge each one to prayerfully contem-plate whether he can expand his ministry during April by serving as an auxiliary pioneer. No doubt you will agree that exerting ourselves vigorously in the ministry during the Memorial sea-son is an excellent way for us to honor Jehovah and Jesus Christ. (Luke 13:24; Heb. 13:15) We believe this will be an especially good time to auxiliary pioneer, since the month of April has five Saturdays. It is our hope that with good organization and planning, many more—both older and younger ones—will be able to “taste” the privilege of serving as auxiliary pioneers during this special period. (Ps. 34:8) May our resolve be that of the psalmist who stated at Psalm 145:21: “The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak; and let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever.”
Your brothers,
cc: Traveling overseers -
info on new schools!
by seenitall ininformation about four theocratic schools.
starting september 1, 2011, each year at patterson there will be 2 classes of the school for branch committee members and 2 classes of the school for traveling overseers.
branch committee members who have previously attended the branch committee school will be invited to attend a second time.
Yeah my wife is salivating over the thought of going to the 'new' school. All she talks about......I too think they will be doing away with Gilead eventually. MTS was basically the same training without field service, but who really needs training for field service? Plus if they do it this way each family would be responsible for caring for themselves, just like MTS grads. Plus I think it will give them more control over the next generation of COs, etc. COs, will be recommened for training after being observed for a whole 2 months and now doubt by multiple teaching the school. No rogue recommendations by rogue COs and to some degree those who get accepted would have show some acceptance of the borg by giving up everything to attend the school for 2 months anyway.
I WAS CAUGHT emailing a pdf copy of the New Elders Book
by Smoky ini sent a .pdf to a few friends and one of them betrayed me and forward it to a elder i know, along with the emails of the recipients.
i cant believe i was so naive to think that i can trust someone..stupid.
i have not talked to the "benedict arnold" yet, but hopefully soon.
@Smoky - Where you an elder? Assuming so if you had the book. Well obviously you won't be that anymore. The rest depends on your body of elders and your attitude and what the e-mail said. If you want to stay in and you didn't send a whistle-blower type e-mail, you could probably simply say, something like you were trying to prove to a few opposers that there was nothing 'secret' about the book and that it has information that can generally be had found in various publications.(Something simliar happened to me when I showed a publisher the flock book, to show them it was nothing special)
Any other attitude and you will probably be labeled an apostate and DF'd. Probably won't sue, not worth it unless you are still sending it out, probably will just get a scary legal sounding letter saying to stop all distribution of the material.