it's just a label who cares
Pioneer hours change
by JWFreak 99 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
I head this was going to happen a while back but I didn't expect them to reduce the hour requirements so much! Such low expectations of the r&f!
Back in the 1950s publishers were expected to do 10 hours a week. That's near enough 50 hours a month.
2000s pioneer = 1950s publisher
Jehovah 'will speed it up in his own time'?
Why change the hours & why such severe cuts (consensus at the DC was 60 / 40)? No doubt the WTS will say that it is due to "the increasing pressures from the world" , "difficulty of making a living in these troubled times" & "increases in gas , energy & food costs" but I just don't see the point. The number of aux & reg pios ( at least in the UK ) is increasing sharply on the current hour requirement.
My assumption is that there is almost a new "benchmark" being set - maybe they are trying to set a level where they feel that virtually all JWs should be in some time of "full time service" , with almost an assumption that all elders & ms should share at least once a year. If you aren't at least aux pio a few times a year , then you will be regarded as "spiritually weak". "With this new loving provision from Jhs org , many more bros will be able to enjoy the privilege of sharing in full-time service."
Moreover, it will allow for a combination of full-time secular work and full-time service.
It's the economy.
Shit......I have to save my ass before the big A...I was spending 90 hours and really I kiled my self to make those f@ck*ng hours
My assumption is that there is almost a new "benchmark" being set - maybe they are trying to set a level where they feel that virtually all JWs should be in some time of "full time service" , with almost an assumption that all elders & ms should share at least once a year.
I think you may be correct. As you say the numbers of pioneers are already increasing healthily, and on the whole they are making the current targets according to KM figures.
Although the hour requirements have gone down over the decades, if you ignore the pioneer number and divide total hours by total publishers then the hours per publisher per year have been going up overall over the decades:
1960 - 131,662,684 / 851,378 = 155
1970 - 267,581,120 / 1,384,782 = 193
1980 - 339,427,608 / 2,175,403 = 156
1990 - 895,229,424 / 3,846,311 = 232
2000 - 1,171,270,425 / 5,783,003 = 202
2006 - 1,333,966,199 / 6,491,775 = 205
That's not a bad record given the change in the generation in the mid 1990s and a general malaise in endtimes expectation that many have noted more recently.
I guess with each adjustment they have to decide whether more hours will be gained by the extra people attracted to pioneer by the lower requirement than hours will be lost due to existing pioneers slacking off. In the past they have probably got it right with each adjustment downward, but I wonder if this is not perhaps letting the requirement slip just a bit too far.
Hey dozy you should be on the ministry - caught you again!
Edited: oh my bad I forgot not everyone is on holiday. I thought it was a Saturday or something - still asleep.
There is an obvious correlation with the hourly requirement for reg pios now being the same for aux pios that the WTS hopes that many "regular" auxiliarys will just step up to becoming regulars.
There is a lot of research into models of pricing - companies spend millions in research trying to place their prices at the optimum level. The concern that the WTS will have is that existing pios will just slacken off without enough new ones coming forward. My gut reaction is that most of those who are already pioneering are already on the list , though the new levels may tempt a few. The other problem is that this process is a one way street for the WTS - they can reduce hourly requirements but not increase them.
What I would have suggested is retaining the existing "bands" and introducing a new "baby pioneer" level designed as a "step-up" for potential pioneers and a realistic occasional attainment for full time workers. I wouldn't have included this as a "pioneer status" though & would have stressed the transitional element in the title.
when does it start