I have'nt read all the responses here but I'd like to point out that sunspot activity is cyclic as it is known that it effects radio transmissions at certain frequencies ,that is, the length of certain frequencies are influenced by large sunspots and flares so that they won't "skip" the same between the surface of the ground and atmosphere
JoinedPosts by wozadummy
The new Ice Age Cometh!
by Gill inhttp://aolsearch.aol.co.uk/aol/redir?src=websearch&requestid=6b69327903d3d481&clickeditemrank=1&userquery=sunspot+activity+for+2008+iceage&clickeditemurn=http%3a%2f%2fglobalwarminghoax.wordpress.com%2f2008%2f04%2f23%2fsunspots-and-a-possible-new-ice-age-updated%2f&title=%3cb%3esunspots%3c%2fb%3e+and+a+possible+new+%3cb%3eice+age%3c%2fb%3e+%28updated%29+%c2%ab+the+global+warming+%3cb%3e...%3c%2fb%3e&moduleid=matchingsites.jsp.m&clickeditempageranking=1&clickeditempage=1&clickeditemdescription=webresults.
i hope this link works but there has been virtually no sunspot activity since the beginning of this year and the suns magnetic field is down 60%.. if this link does not work, you might like to try googling: sunspot activity 2008 iceage.. the last time this happened we moved into a little ice age which lasted from 1100 to 1800.. global warming lies may well have met their match with reality.. so how will they tax us for the 'ice age?
do we get our tax back that we paid because of 'global warming'.. is this why they have made fuel so expensive....because they know what is coming and they want to make a killing?.
Zimbabwe Branch Is Cutting Back
by Tired of the Hypocrisy ini got this email from my cousin.
i don't know if it is true, but it looks like the society is being run out of africa...... things are really heating up in this wicked system & the end will be here shortly.from a brother in the zimbabwe bethel.
******hi to you all,zimbabwe is going through a very difficult time.
Funny is'nt it ? They pour lots of money into Kingdom Hall builds which may go empty one day due to people moving away and yet all the JW staff and Pioneers are depending on outside "worldly orgs " to supply their personal needs like health care ....Is'nt Satan's system cruel for providing for the brothers while the multi billion dollar printing firm gives them a pitiable sum to live on???!!!
Are there other Christian accounts similar to Ananis and Saphira?
by truthseeker ini'm interested to know if anyone has read anything similar to the account of ananias and saphira in extra-biblical texts?.
it would seem that god's punishment for these two was a once off affair, as there were christians who were involved in much worse (consider man lying with his father's wife, apostates - yet none of these received the same fate).
It's interesting to see how some bible characters name changed after certain events in their lives to indicate something about their lifes choices in regard to god eg Abram....Abraham I looked up the meaning of their names Ananias...one source said "the cloud of the Lord" WT Insight book .."Jehovah has shown Favor" (could be alluding to the cloud over the lost Ark of the temple with it's cloud cover . Then Saphira...."a sparkling gem" as in Sapphire ,and WT Insight book "from Aramaic,and meaning beautiful. So how come they had such beautiful names yet are remembered in such a bad way?
Possible reason for book study change?
by Damocles inin my experience, you can't go too far wrong in ascribing gb actions as responses to three stimuli: precedent, money, law.
if two are involved, like the tax implications of selling literature, the ws move swiftly and decisively irrespective of precedent.
the book study change makes little sense.
I would suggest it has all to do with perceived future legal problems ,and in turn MONEY. Consider this scenario.....young family takes kids to book study home ,bros get ready to be seated 5 year old Johnny rushes for seat ,trips on rug ,falls face first into home owners glass cabinet ,boy cut really badly ,taken to hospital doctors say he will die without blood transfusion ,while parents argue with doctors boy dies ........now who pays the bills since it is an officially GB sanctioned Jehovahs Witness meeting? Is the society willing to pay? Come forward the Society lawyers trying to minimize risk etc etc Interesting to think that we were always told to go to the BS for when the persecution starts we will know where our brothers are secretly and can rely upon each other in our group for protection and support ....and now they just throw that out the window!
Anyone know Hands Hubler the D.O Missionary {a.k.a The Terminator}
by Witness 007 inhands hubler was the rudest most arrogant man "jehovah" ever made.
he was famous for kicking out sisters with crying babies during his talks.
he went to a bible study as a sister asked him to come along, he saw the christmas decorations were up so he excused them and said they would not be coming back, "terminating" the sisters study, no discussion, no nothing.
Oh I remember this guy Pretentious and Arrogant are his middle names are'nt they? Here's some examples (A) When given an assignment with my family to give a family demo at a circuit assembly he hammered us (my kids were only little) to follow his directions to the point of falsifying the truthfullness of our demo ,it was so bad that when we finished it the brothers came up to us after and said it was unrealistic because they knew us as a family ,it made me very uncomfortable trying to explain Hublers behaviour to my kids. (B) A brother in law of mine was counselled publicly on the platform for his shiny suit as he adjusted Hublers microphone ,the hypocrite used to wear shiny suits himself at times in the 80's ,just 3 button style and not one button up jacket style that was popular here with the young bros back then. (c) But my favourite was when I was (as I've related before in another post ages ago) in the Security dept at the Adelaide district assembly having my sub dept. for bomb location and then the subsequent crowd control etc . At lunchtime part of my duties was to inspect under the stage and surrounds for bombs with a few bros under my direction. After lunch Hubler was to give an address and we were called on to give extra attention to the stage area(probably because he may have been hated that much),I was short handed and took a small team to inspect and found a brief case at the rear of the stage that no-one could account for .Well my instructions were use no radios and send a runner back to our command post and notify of a possible bomb situation ,clear the area shut down the sound system, and in this case stop the assembly from proceeding until the suspicious brief case could be accounted for. Just then the lunch time session was finishing and Hubler barges his way thru my assistants and demands what's going on. He is promptly told and also told he broke the protocol by forcing his way up the back of the platform. He in no uncertain terms told me the assembly was not going to be held up, BUT THEN I HAD MY 15 MINUTES OF FAME AND SHUT HIM DOWN IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS . We eventually found the owner of the brief case and the assembly went ahead.Now bear in mind that this was not that long after a bomb went off at a Sydney Kingdom Hall so we were to be vigilant ,but perhaps Hubler thought he was indestructable....I still look back fondly on this experience and it always stuck in the back of my mind that cronies like him were in charge of the JW's -no humility and where was the holy spirit in him? As for that middle eastern CO OZZIE can tell you about him because we've had a discussion about him some time ago ,his wife was indeed a lovely person.
UFO's, can so many sightings be all wrong, or lies?
by free2beme ini was out hiking in the woods of northern california in the late 80's with a good friend.
at that time, i thought it was cool to just sleep under the stars and enjoy the outdoor experience to the full.
one night, while camping at a lake that was far up in the mountains and had no one else there, but the two of us (was not a broke back mountain moment, sorry to those who might have wondered .
Sorry watson It's hard to rubber glove all here to check on their anal status
What if the spirits of the dead JW's are bringing down the organization
by free2beme inyour eyes close, you internal light goes out and now you are among the dead.
opening your spiritual eye and seeing what life was really all about, and knowing all the more the mistakes you made the the misinformation you may have left behind for those who you loved to deal with.
if you believe in life after death, and i know many on this board are passionate in their thoughts on this on both side.
Well I'm not so sure doomie ,they seem to have the peace of mind and time to observe other things so what if they had pictures of loved ones or things that might catch their eye while floating around. They often recall conversations of the attending doctors etc and looking around the treatment theater.
UFO's, can so many sightings be all wrong, or lies?
by free2beme ini was out hiking in the woods of northern california in the late 80's with a good friend.
at that time, i thought it was cool to just sleep under the stars and enjoy the outdoor experience to the full.
one night, while camping at a lake that was far up in the mountains and had no one else there, but the two of us (was not a broke back mountain moment, sorry to those who might have wondered .
It's also good to see the anally challenged speaking from their rectums here again!
by badboy inone `health and wealth' church provies career advice etc.. should a kh provide such useful services?.
I thought they did provide useful employment advice........become window cleaners ,do not get an education and torment your soul with money, (but if you do educate yourself keep it between us and you and we will use you up at Bethel and piss you off when finished with you ..EXCEPT if you become a lawyer ...oh Yes (salivating ) we can always use you!)
What if the spirits of the dead JW's are bringing down the organization
by free2beme inyour eyes close, you internal light goes out and now you are among the dead.
opening your spiritual eye and seeing what life was really all about, and knowing all the more the mistakes you made the the misinformation you may have left behind for those who you loved to deal with.
if you believe in life after death, and i know many on this board are passionate in their thoughts on this on both side.
Maybe pigs will fly when evolution grants them big enough ears? I found a newspaper article recently that said scientists will soon be testing heart patients that have the classic near death experiences ,you know ,the tunnel of light ,paradise at the end of the tunnel etc. They are going to put pictures high up on top of shelves in emergency that can only be seen if one "dies" and "leaves " the body and then returns. When they are ressusitated they should be able to recall the pictures high up on the shelves if indeed they left their body ...I love the simplicity of this to show if there really is a spirit leaving the body as so many of these heart patients claim to have floated over their bodies . I guess it's one step closer to proving whether there really is an "other" side.