I have a recurring dream that I walk into the kingdom hall wearing my suit and tie and my bookbag. I enter the doors and instead of a meeting going on everbody in the congregation is engaged in a wild orgy. And the circuit overssear is on the stage selling bags of weed. I think to myself man jehovah's witnesses sure have changed in that last couple years. Jonathan
JoinedPosts by rimbaudbunuel
Do You Ever Have Dreams About Being A JW?
by minimus ini had one disconcerting dream last night.
i was in a very large assembly hall and explosions started occuring and rather than wanting to leave everyone stayed and chatted like whatever was happening out there was not going to affect them inside.
they were all very smug.
I swam with Judah Benjamin Schroeder
by joelbear ini went to the beach once with a friend of mine and judah ben schroeder.. i was not attracted to him sexually.. i was not attracted to my friend sexually.. the water was warm.
my friend's mother was there but is dead now.
he married an english girl.
Did you give lots of money to the Watchtower?
by JH ini didn't put much money in the contribution box.
just buying a bigger car was my way of contributing financially.
i also was generous with the ones in need.. as far as the watchtower's contribution boxes were concerned, they didn't recieve much from me.
Mankind's sufferings who's to blame?
by greendawn inthere is and always was a lot of suffering in the world since the beginning of history, so who is to blame?
is it a god that doesn't care or a mankind that refuses to be reconciled with god and through that find salvation?
What do you believe in now?
by janelle ini just stumbled on this site today, and am i ever glad i did!!!
i was raised as a witness, my mom being a witness and my dad a non believer.
growing up i never wanted to follow all the rules, and often broke them behind my mothers back.
I agree with Tetra - I like John Lennon's Quote from his song God - "I just believe in Me". I can defintley understand where you are coming from though. I am also 21 and have been df'd for about the same amount of time and lost my family and friends, exc. For me I have been basically afraid to believe in anything again, I am so shell shocked from the experience to again have a form of spirtuality seems way down the line. But there is a hole that is left from no longer believing in jehovah witness's that I still wish to fill somehow. Like was already mentioned I have seen tons of different beliefs here which I think is nice. Welcome, Jonathan
What would you do?
by startingover inimagine yourself in this situation.
you are in a small group having dinner with one of the gb, preferably one of the younger new ones.
what would you do in this situation?.
What are your most hated JW words and phrases?
by Low-Key Lysmith inmine are, in no particular order:.
"the friends".
It was mentioned before but - "encouraging" is the one I hate. I have heard "that was so encourging" about 1 million times in my life. I can't remember after a meeting my mom every not saying something was encouraging, or somebody after I gave a talk or something tell me how encouraging it was. Oh God, that word fills my nightmares. hahahaha - Jonathan
Time to start living again
by lola28 intime to start living again.
i have come to realize that for the last two years i have put my life on hold, i have not been living i have just been floating just existing but not living, not really living.
it is time for me to change this.
Awesome Lola!!! I'm really happy for you. And I thank you for these words, truly. I am in such a similar situation and they are really inspiring for me and help me a lot. It's so easy to let what happened with jw's tear you down and keep you in this place of just trying to undue damage done and the pain. But being able to get to that point where you let it go and move on with your life I think is really where we all want to get to. I see only positives here. I am very happy for meeting you and all the talks we have had. You have helped me tremendously. Rock On Lola! - Your Friend Jonathan
Knocking--Video on JWs Update
by blondie inknocking newsletter update .
february 2006 .
there is much news to report about the documentary film knocking on .
Sorry my previous post got messed up. I don't understand why this video is being advertised here. It seems to me this is a video that is going to try to put the witnesses in a positive light. Show them as good guys who have expanded the field of medical science so that we can now have bloodless surgery. Yeah okay - one of their crazy practices has caused there to be some positives. But this group also believes there is going to be an armaggedon and everyone is going to die except them. They brainwash their children and isolate them from society and then shun them when their children wake up. What we need to show society is that this group is a cult that ruins peoples lives. Not make people see them as good jolly citizens. These good things witnesses have done for society is an absolutely ridiculous concept. This group that has so-called benefited society is waiting for the time when society is completeley destroyed. To praise them as overcoming nazi opposition as a victory for civil liberties and the right to have freedom of religion is crazy to me. Then why shouldn't we be praising suicide cults, where they kill themselves because an alien ship is coming down to take them away as a true victory for religious freedom. No the media and society ridicules them as crazies. But since JW's aren't going around commiting mass suicide but their real negative affects on people and society is more subtle a documetary like this comes out. It's not right.
Knocking--Video on JWs Update
by blondie inknocking newsletter update .
february 2006 .
there is much news to report about the documentary film knocking on .
I don't understand why this video is being advertised here. It seems to me this is a video that is going to try to put the witnesses in a positive light. Show them as good guys who have expanded the field of medical science so that we can now have bloodless surgery.