I'm so sorry your mother kicked you when you were down. Mine gets meaner all the time too. Examples: I don't know what's wrong with you, maybe I dropped you on your head when you were a baby, you need to get right with Jehovah, that's why he doesn't listen to your prayers. My husband has an episodic mental disorder and she doesn't acknowledge it as a bona fide chemical imbalance in the brain. She told me, if you stay with him, you deserve everything you get!
Other than that, it's garden variety b.s. like she's going out in service today, she's leaving for the meeting now, this month's video was so, so encouraging. Soon now, we won't be living under these conditions. Bla bla, so irritating and just a way really to nag about what we should be doing (in their opinion.) They have no normal compassion for others, even family, if we don't go to the meetings. Jesus never said that was a requirement for loving our fellow man.