Well, there is a lot of info from you all. Thanks so much.
Maybe I should give a little background on my situation.
My wife and i have been married 6 years and we have no children. (I would like to though) She did not even tell me she was a jw untill our third or fourth date. I have asked her several times why she went against her religion and parents in dating and marrying me and all I get is "I could see you were a good man" But when I press her she will finally admit that she still sees me as an unbeliever. Enough to make your head explode.
She was active when we met and has been active since. In the beginning I went to the hall with her every now and then to show her that I was not threatened by her being a jw, and that I was open to learning. I had had previous experiances with jws growing up as my father loved to engage them in conversation when they visited our house. He would often include me in the conversations. These people were a bit more orthodox than my wife.
She and I agree on most things, and I would marry her again if given the chance. I have just been going with the flow I guess till lately. Her unwillingness to discuss issues for long and seemingly blind following is beginning to disturb me more. Recently, my mother whom I have lived far from for the last 15 years moved back to the state. Her birthday came about and I told my wife that I would like her to go with me to take my mother out to dinner. No party, no singing"Happy Birthday" just dinner.
Fat chance. She made it sound like she would be committing a cardinal sin.
Another thing that struck me as strange is that her parents told me before we were married that they would not be able to attend or participate in any wedding or reception. Fine with me. We went to Jamaica and had a wonderful time. My wife smiling in our wedding photos in a garden in Jamaica is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We came back and a couple of months later my wife graduated from college. Her family had a graduation party. A couple of days prior my mother in law pulls me aside and says the party is also a celebration of our wedding. Nothing in the party said anything about our wedding, but I just smiled to myself and said nothing.
A year later my sister in law marries another UBM. In my in-laws living room. Married by a BAPTIST pastor. They went on their honeymoon, and when they came back there was a reception. ATTENDED BY 10-15 OTHER JWS FROM THE HALL. Imagine my suprise.
Now belive it or not I have no hard feelings for my in-laws for this reversal. But what about my wife???? I asked her how she felt about it and she said she was fine with it because she is a private person anyway. But that had to hurt. She does not talk about it at all.
So does this sound screwed up to you too? My wife can marry an UBM, but can't go to dinner for my mothers birthday.
My in laws stay as far away from publicly celebrating our marriage as possible, and have a regular shin-dig for the other daughter.
Folks I have been so quiet about everything for so long. I speak my mind about everything else,and everyone knows that about me. I don't want to be quiet anymore, but I pray to be led in the right direction.